Latest instalment in sega's fighting game series. Once again, realtime visuals and character animation are promised, Virtua Fighter 5 will feature an all-star cast of 17 fighters. Out on Ps3 in Japan on December 31st with US release in March 2007 no date confirmed for Europe (typical)
wallpaper from top to bottom:
Akira YukiSarah BryantAoi Umenokouji
Trailer from Eurogamer TV
Screenshots from Eurogamer
Wallpaper (18) from Japanese Site

Well done Elderly! Anything Tekken is welcome around these parts...
And BTW dear friend have I been a bit arsey over the last couple of days? If I have I truly apologise... I blame excessive consumption of seasonal beverages, plus the fact that my beloved Manchester City lost 3-1 to the satanic Manchester United. That shits gonna make me difficult to live with every time...
Me like Virtua guys and gals in wallpaper format. Nice stuff Elderly. Intimidating even....
3-1. Pah. We've had worse days...
Gnome! You even noticed my frustration all the way from Greece! All I'll say is Samaras...
He represents your football nation at City and frankly I'm disappointed... (LOL!)
Greetings and salicitations brothers, I'm a tad perplexed as to the possible seasonal nature of some beverages..... but it may explain why my hangovers are worse in the Summer......
...me I lucked out when as a kid, I worshipped Gordon Banks, and as a result supported Stoke City to the nth degree.. and now look, all the devotion and self sacrifice... soccer soon lost it's lustre and appeal...
....on such a grey, dank night a cup of hot chocolate is in order...
I've posted a link!!! I'l be setting up my own blog any time now!!!
Samaras... Yes... well, not a top pick really... No wonder he couldn't get a team here. Still, he could evolve into a decent if not very talented striker. Anyway. You go on with your new blog Father. You know we'll be more than excited!
Gordon Banks! Right... Awise choice from the wise Elderly...
Frkrishna tis glad i am to hear this fortuitous news, You could say the setting up of your blog was pre-ordained... yar yar...
pre-ordained... father krishna..
???... no?
oh well, it sounded funny at the time, guess you'd have to be here....
either way no doubt a most scintillating and illustrius time is ahead of us... looking forward to the blog... and the regular pron posts of course
thank you Gnome, luckily my taste in clothing has been updated since the time of Mr.Banks.... though i hanker after those bellbottoms and platform shoes....
ahhh mammaries.....
memories.. sorry...ahem!!!
(you seem to be in a fine mood Elderly Sire)
why thank you, i beleive i have shaken of some of those winter shackles.... pray it won't be shortlived..... (checks tablets....) no indeed the humour should last till my next presciption...
ah medication, you either love it.... or loveeeeeeeee it....
Especially alcohol dillutable medication is soooooo cute and loveable. Ok. How much?
....(whispers....) free... state funded medical card.... specially for old people...... yummy....
Why thanks!
:) hic!
Gentleman...we are not worthy to see these pictures. We must bow our heads...
(bows his head...... an hour later in violent pain.. elderly attempts to look up.... can't....)
timerunner?... hello? is it okay to look up now? hello?
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