I kid you not!! as reported by freelance games activist Deitrix, spotted on IGN, finally a cure for the sweaty palmed (Palmar Hyperhidrosis)
amongst us. Featured sweaty person Monica Belluci
Full story from IGN
Clickable inkies
Sweaty controller ps3 controller antiperspirant
I never realized that this was a recurring problem.
No kidding! The funny thing is that this controller is also going to be around $10 cheaper than the 6 axis default PS3 controller...
- and once more I will add the fact that the 6 axis (or whaterever its called) is not coming with any sort of vibration...! C'mon I like the vibration myself, its a must for 1st person shooters and of course for attracting women into gaming... PS3 could be one big sausage fest..? (wink,wink)
Good point here by Karaso@xbox.com forums.
"Im not too sure about a motion controller, just yet. I remember being 10years old laughing, at friends or cousins, because while they were playing on the Nintendo they would move around in their seat like they were under attack or in a seizure, and wow, to think that will be normal soon. Another thing is sometimes people lay down while there playing or just to be comfortable they tilt there hands while holding the controller, in a way that is most comfortable to them. The fact that I would have to play a game with the controller perfectly straight, would annoy me and tire me out.
As for the vibration controller, I like it. It can be very useful for example: vibrations in the controller warns me that Im being shot, or there was an explosion near by.... if Im playing a racing game, vibrations could mean someone is bumping me from behind or side... basicly the vibration function helps gamers out a lot, whether they realize it or not."
Some more good discussions about it here:
Anyway I'm happy with the 360 controller myself- built good, comfort, and vibration! I believe it will remain the best outta' all 3 systems..
Deitrix, if you posted that while working (with drawing tablet, Gameboy and everything), I want your job...
And for a moment ther, I thought Miss Monica was the antiperspirant... SOunded strange...
Sorry I dont have the Gameboy.... would be nice tho'
strangely timerunner a prolonged session with the 360 controller can turn into a sweat fest...
.please dont' tell me you can bring a gameboy into work...... either the boss is your dad, or has suffered some sort of retinal failure..... excellent info Deitrix, I will attest to "moving" quit a bit with PGR and doom...
miss monica is definitely a properspirant....
(lost in reverie)
The sweaty palm syndrome sounds like something one gets when they start playing games in their infancy. I remember with the first NES how I kept getting "nub thumb".
But eventually I overcame such along with the sweaty palms along with what Deitrix was talking about. I still get a laugh when I think back on how I kept moving and tilting when I was gaming.
It will be interesting to see how the new generation of gaming controls will come together. I have to admit though, I fell in love with the Xbox controller (controller S version), time will tell if I will come to enjoy controlling something else.
Just can't cope with you verbose people...
The Large xbox controller left me with a coupl of welts, i was glad to convert to the smaller controller. I would have liked to have tried the ps3 prototype, but I fear the wii controller is going to get some gettin used to.
(shaves the edges off Gnomes keyboard buttons) there that should make it easier for you, now you can be just as verbose.....
(nope, didn't help really)
(..removes Gnomes boxing gloves....)
there try it now.....
(seems like you removed gnome's hands with those gloves. All he's doind is bleeding on the keyboard)
....guck... shit... christ... think elderly think... blood loss.... keyboards...... gnome..... amputee..... stem..stem cell... no stem.. stem the blood flow....
erm...... guillotine.. .no non.... erm.... geez... tournique..yes
(wraps long bandage tightly round Gnomes arms...)
hold on their good buddy, I'll save you.......
Glad im not the only insane one around here.
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