Playing the surgeon and attempting to cure patients of everything from routine medical maladies to life-threatening designer viruses, is not the easiest task in the World, in which case the following walkthrough links are exactly what the doctor ordered. Nurse!!!!
Full guides from windykun and rmz on Gamefaq
S/XS Rank/Special Bonus Guide from Creemynougat
Trauma Center Second Opinion hints on wikipedia
Trauma Center Official Website
Trauma Center Official Webiste (Japan)

Elderly... Tell me you got my email last night?
Haven't heard back yet so I'll send it again just in case...
This is something I have considered for my DS...
Will have to wait for May though when *whisper* I might have a Wii!!!!!
got email, have a confession! email me a working email address revsimon aint working bounced me twice already....
Strange!? Have sent new email will check in the a.m.
Walkthrough? I haven't even checked reviews on the game?
I honestly didn't think a game such as this would even need a walkthrough. Shows how much I know. Gamers are getting lazy when there's a need for walkthrough's for games like Trauma centre are being put out.
I seriously want this game for my Wii! I plan on killing a whole lot of patients lol
I've seen how hard the games is for the DS, so I can understand a walkthrough. Too bad I'd treat this game like real life. If I kill someone on the table, I walk straight to the police station to turn myself in.
but they keep turing me away and laugh when I tell them I am a doctor and I just killed someone on the table.
They 're plain weird timerunner, ignore 'em...
Oh, and Elderly dear, never call a nurse again. I'd have thought you had learned by now...
(enters carrying a big tray of jam tarts, chocolate kimberlies, custard creams and a huge pot of tea.....)
Well J as they say, strike when the iron is hot, I admit posting a link to a walkthrough when i haven't even covered a review is a bit premature.... but I hope you agree given Gamer C and Timerunners propensity to mass murder, it was for the good of humanity that i jumped the gun.....
timerunner you are to be admired for your civic and professional responsibility.... such courage!! and to be ignored in such a fashion by the police is a supreme injustice, I suggest bringing in the evidence the next time...
Gamer C you should know better, you have a duty of care to protect those under your care....
...Gnome, can't imagine to what is it is that you are referring to... .cough!!.... (kicks gnome on the shin.....)
(pours tea for his assembled guests......)
But, you do rember, don't you. She was hte one we bu....umphhh!
....(sounds of a scuffle....the pair emerge with Gnome wearing a sofa cushed strapped to his face with masking tape)
......erm Gnome just wished to let people know that he would prefer to sit out this comment session with a sofa cushion over his face....
isn't that right Gnome?
(Sips tea)
Fine tea we have here. Espiecally with much to discuss in the medial field and of surgical procedure. Did I tell you all that I learned my medical expertice from one of the most renouned doctors of this age: Dr. Hannibal Lector.
Why is Gnome eating a sofa cushion?
(hands timerunner a plate of custard creams.....)
indeed lecter has merit, particularily like his use of farm yard animals to dispose of bio waste.... Gnome isn't eating the cushion he's am.. .wearing it... it's a Gnome thing, does it alot...
Hmmmmmmmphpt! Gnnnn!
(send morse-coded signals to timerunner by blinking)
....(places large sunglasses over gnomes eyes...)
sorry for that timerunner hope it hasn't put you off your tea... unfortunate Gnomish thing, from having spent years in a pollinated enviroment, uncontrollable eye twitching... (looks at the bespecacled gnome....)
sad really....
HMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMmmMmmmmMMm ohohophhhhhhhhmm!
(nibbles custard cream)
Really? Perhaps it is a sign of a far worse medical condition. For all we know that cushion is a tumor. This is an excellent time to brush up on my skills by the good doctor himself! Let me go get my satchel.
..Gnome that is quite a lovely song.... and how brave of you to be singing at a time like this.... though given timerunners death/cure ration, you may wish to know that couch is fitted with a ejector seat..... just may come in handy....
(gets ejected all the way to the Lair)
(calls Elderly)
...(looking at hole in ceiling....shaking his head.)
Gnomes can't help pressing buttons, should have thought of that....
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