Testing not only your gaming skills but your endurance, with collosal bosses who have no intention of letting you survive to the next save point, through amazing Worlds and puzzles and the most gruesome kills ever seen, staying alive long enough to deliver that finishing move, is going to take some doing and the occasional peek at the link list below. If you find a unique walkthrough or hint site not included, please park the link in comments and I'll add it on.
Walkthrough from Gamefaq
Game details (spoilers) on wikipedia
Unlockable Costume on gamerhelp
Superguide from mycheats.com
Unlockables from mycheats.com
Gow2 Official Website

Must have been 6 most entertaining days though...
Maybe they got early advance copies?
I really need to play the original. I feel like I'm missing out here...
Wow! Elderly forgive my absence from this hallowed space. My computer has been sorted temporarily! It needed a good hoover! Honestly... I remedied it's recent bout of turning-itself-off-ness with a jolly good hoover of it's insides! Oh! and I've had real work to do! How crap is that? interfering with my free time...
Advance copy makes more sense...(bows to Ross's wisdom...) though the idea of a guy/gal spending 6 days gaming non stop is more magical.... (bows to gnome...)
the original game has merit tom, though I found the necessary patience and save points were in short supply.....
FK (hugs tall bald bloke carrying desert eagles....) me i've been looking for my pentium and my old game of system shock... maybe i only imagined i got one.....great to have you back... though i'd go easy on the hoovering.. don't want to set a precedent in the FK household.....
Ah its good to be back in this home away from blogging home!
Beer anyone?
(bows to everyone)
..FK i love when you bring beer.... opens.......
(bows to Gnome, spills beer...)
no worries... i've got my new beer sucker mechanism.....
(extracts hoover like object, places nozzle over spilt beer.. attaches tube to intravenous drip.... switches on machine....)
.....nifty or what?
can someone give a me a walkthrougfh me and my friend are stuck on a part
guys can you give me a walkthough
(gives walkthrough)
Greetings Anonymous, check the first link on the post, I've made it a little easier
thanks Gnome! your generosity and preparedness are stunning.....
Unlike my dancing skills...
..your being too hard on yourself again... that woman had a pre-existing foot weakness long before you stepped on it....
...ooops... sorry... i forgot
anyway it's okay no one will see this comment list...
(gnome ponders on the fatal mistake of submitting comments page to digg)
...what? you submit...... scuse me...
(heads off to all his lycra/bondage/dead nurse/stick figure mice posts........)
....Gnome .... who took the delete button..... wheres the delete... oh my god.. digg of all places....oh jeez im ruined.....
Oh, come on, they are quite a nice bunch of uneducated americans. Surely they'll understand.
americans....? (heads off to delete muslim inspired comments.....)
this is a nightmare....
Does anyone know how to do the part where you are bout to fall off your pegasus and half to do that thing when you move the joy stick back and forth i do not know how to do it and i am stuck so can someone please help me:)
assuming your on "Flight to the Lair of the Titan" when fighting the Raven, If you don't
perform an immediate speed boost or miss the button tap then you will need to shake the analog to the left and right in order to keep Pegasus from falling out of the air.
hope this helps
(gnome's eyes get really wide)
..sorry Gnome the sexy bit doesn't happen for a while yet.. i've got some reading material in the meantime if you want to wait?
Amazing game. I can't wait for God of War 3!!!
now that will be something really special..... great blog by the way.. love your review of bioshock...
Please Please help me, I am at the part at the fire room and then I get to the ledge and there is a door that can't open, i read in a walkthrough that there is a urn of phenoix feathers or something there but i don't know what they are talking about because of the door that won't open! Please help me!!!
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