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Anyway I digress........
Clive Barker's "Jericho" (PC)
Codemaster "Jericho gameteaser page
coming Q4 2007 initially for PC, (how state of the art can you get?), trailer for Clive Barker's "Jericho" billed as an a supernatural horror action game mingling the darkest elements of Barker's horror fiction and films, ergo NOT! toddler friendly, As "upped" by TheLaLiLuLeLo
"Lair" (Ps3)
Factor Five Website
Original game from Factor 5 for the PlayStation 3, described as as "teeming with dragons." due March 2007. "upped" by luludu24 pssst!!.... knights on dragons...

Those dragons sure have alot of detail to them... looks pretty sweet. To bad its PS3 only tho'..
Speaking of Ps3- did you know that Resistance Fall of Man is a whopping 22 gig in size..? Thats huge! I still think Gears of War is going to kick the shat out of it anyway..
Jerico should be scary... now why would I think that..? Too early to tell how good it will be tho'....
...never liked dragons, avoided em really.... heavy maintenance... but zombie skull showing rotting corpses..... now i can relish that... in fact i know this store .... erm well maybe not... why im more attracted to having the .... scared out of me as opposed to riding a dragon over a battlefield of destruction is beyond me.... most bring in up with my therapist....
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