Pokemon Crater Battle Arena is a Free online game where you can catch your own online Pokemon and battle them against other players.
Well.... Free.... how could you go wrong.....
Pokemon Crater Website Down sorry it's been fun
however you might like to try out the following
If you find a link worthy of mention just leave a comment, Thank you...:)
Thanks to the tremendous support by Igorchete, Weee, and Wolf, this post has grown at an extraordinary rate, making it practically impossible to find various cheats and help without having to read through each commment. To that end, if you use the "find" function in your web Browser, (Edit..Find), you should be able to find what your looking for (if it's here) with little difficulty.

New Pokemon Crater Blog!!!!
A brand new blog dedicated to Pokemon Crater Battle Arena has been set up by Midnight. Midnight is asking for people's Pokemon Crater Dream Teams and if you send in your pokemon crater dream team he'll make you your very own trainers card (like the one above), so if you've got any tips, need trades, or just want to talk about the game head on over to
Where do I find Legendaries?
thanks to Igorchete and pikachu2468 for the following essential aid
In the grasslands maps: Latios, Latias, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Ho-oh, Deoxys, Raquaza, Entei, Raikou, Dratinire, and Dratinilic.
In grasslands maps water: Kyogre and Lugia.
In the cave: Deoxys, Jirachi, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Groudon, Mew, Celebi, Mewtwo, Rayquaza and Dratinice.
In the cave water: Suicune, Kyogre, and Dratinice.
In ice maps: Kyogre, Suicune, Dratinice, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Deoxys and Articuno.
In maps 101 and 102: Jirachi, Mew, Deoxys, Mewtwo
In map 19: Entei, Moltres, Ho-oh and Dratinire.
The following chart courtesy of Igorchete, helps a ton especially at choosing training accounts for your pokemon or while battling in a Live Battle.

1 – 200 of 609 Newer› Newest»ooops
it died
well it's the though that counts.. even it's its dead.... we could try hypnotism.....
nah.. let's just smile and let it be...
okay we'll smile together
Pity no one has a camera
Just one more..... here smile
that hat looks a lot neater, hold that smile
hey r u a boy
my hearing aid is on the fritz again....
Who's a boy?
why do we get logged off and not allowed back on
its the joys of beta blogger anonymous... one minute i've got a 13 letter encrypted code to enter in the word verification, the next second theres no word verification.....
sorry i'll kick mr. blogger's shin for you......
I heard that!!! ,what about i cut your electricity off, besides your behind on this months rent......
but it's free!
we've just failed to send you the bill, i'll have my..... am accounts department look into it.
is there cheat codes for pokemoncrater
sorry anon, an extensive trawl of my favourite search engine reveals denada, try signing onto the forums on the crater website, someone is bound to have had that question before.... sorry!
I know some awesome cheats for pokemoncrater. Who wants them? just e-mail me at lianasarahi@yahoo.com or should i say them now? Whatever i'll just say em'. one is an easy way to train flying, ghost, normal, and ground pokemon. 1.Go to battle any member. 2.In the box enter Zedjaground for ground pokemon. Zedjaflying for flying pokemon, Zedjaghost for ghost pokemon.
And traineevee for normal pokemon.
Cheat #2. while battling and your computer is slow this cheat is for you and good for the 1st cheat. 1.Choose an attack. 2. right when the next page is gonna appear just push the F5 button then the Enter button. Keep on doing it until you think the battle is ove. 3.let go of the buttons and if it says error you have won!!! Cheat 3.Cheat if you have like 10 health. go to items while in battle. 2.choose the item you wanna use then click use item. 3.then go up and click the attack button as fast as you can. Thats all for now!!!
Impressive and thank you
lol cheap and it works thanks dude now I j use that code to train my pokes
it works not on me
wait now im getting confused, thanks anonymous, im sure anonymous would be delighted he/she was of great assistance.
and anonymous why does it not work?
i need help
Well i foundout more. These are almost the samebut not really. go to battle anymember. in the box u type in sandburrows for ground. Suddenfreeze for ice. Steel wingfor flying. and dont forget to battle with some extra potions just in casei know more. Sprouts for grass. i forgot the others but i will say them
oh and thanks for saying thanks to me
diablo2cl what help is needed?, someone reading will be sure to help out.
Thank you once again anonymous, this is the second most popular post on this excuse for a blog, people read the comments section and i've no doubt people benefit from your tips.
(bows to anonymous)
neat cross stitch....
i'm goining to make it fast when going to any battle type zedja(whatever u want to train)it will then hav hi lvls u could beat easily.
short and sweet, thank you jojaki67
hey i know a cool little trick for pokemon crater. if you see a pokemon appears that you have already got, click a direction and then quickly click on the click here to catch it button. the pokemon will change into a different pokemon that you might or might not have. hope this helps :D
just thought of another :D. when ur in a battle and you have not much health, if you have a potion u can click sue item andf then quickly click attack and it will do both. so u get ur health back and also you attack :D. great way of fighting.
Wolf your services to the pokemon brotherhood have been noted... i thank you as im sure do the countless others who visit here.
(bows to wolf......)
no prob, i love pokemon and try to help people that play as much as i can. i have loads and loads of pokemon stuff. go pokemon!!!! and everyone that likes pokemon!!!!!!
well i'll sing to that
Po-pokemon Po-pokemon
(does a little dance...)
phew! im exhausted...
Thanks again wolf for your help..
if u type zedjadragon u can battle lvl 100 shelgon's
i am in top trainers ,now before in pokemoncrater i wasnt really good. I Kept on training and training. And a person told me this cheat CraterBot. He created it. What it can do for you is get you to Top Trainers In a Day.You will boost up to your points. And so many other top trainers use this cheat aswell.
Step 1. Login To You Account
Step 2. Go To View/Edit Your Profile
Step 3. In the place where you type your E-mail put this E-mail ID in.
apologies but the email address was blocked by blog admin....elderly
Step 4. Now Logout and Click on Forgot Your Password and Type your Username in there so the CraterBot is Now on your account and ready to train.
In a Day You will be in Top Trainers.
hi im leaving crater giving away pokemon. forget crater bot guy hes a hacker! if u realy want strong pokemon also i will throw in alot of legendaries just send ur account id and password to
sorry but the email address was blocked by blog admin...elderly
people will say it but i aint a hacker!
Anon im puzzled, if you leaving why would you want our account id... perhaps if you gave us yours then we could just take over your account.. we'd look after it for you.. feed the fish, water the plants.. that sorta thing.... and who would say such terrible things about you.. for shame...
im getting googd at finding stuff out lol. to quickly get legendaries, complete all teh badges and the elite four. after taht, go to the ice map and you will find as many legendaries as you could wish for. i can prove this because i started and now 15 minutes from then i have caught 7 unown and a suicune.
happy gaming :D
5 minutes later and another 4 unown, a dratinice and i found another suicune. i like this coolio place :D
pokemon_crater_cheat_bot@hotmail.co.uk is a hacker dont trust him
Thanks for the tip anon...
Wolf your gaming abilities know no end, that you once again for sharing your expertise, your approaching legendary status.....
Have you ever thought of putting your own blog together? your knowledge of the Pokemon Universe would really benefit Pokemon gamers, plus i'ts really simple to start your own blog...
well thanks elderly :D
im trying as hard as i can to help anyone in need on pokemon crater.
i think i have outdone myself again
on the ice map, go to the bottom floor so go down the 2 ladders. then when you are therego right to the left side and keep walking around the most south west rock only using up down left and right. doinbg that i found 2 deoxys, a suicune, and this is a great place for unown p. i got a dark unown p then right after a shiny unown p and then the next was a normmal unown p. i guarantee this rock will get you a few other pokemon but it will lead you to the path of getting the abc of unown.
now a metallic unown t
and a regirock which i didnt have bfore
and anyway elderly, if i got my own blog that would mean i wouldnt go on here anymore. this webby is wicked cool and i shall not leave my post as helper of the pokemon universe.
I salute you,
(salutes Wolf)
Intrepid guardian, your dedication is a beacon to the less fortunate...
your point is a good one, for truly you would be a loss.
(Salutes Wolf again...)
i am flattered elderly.
thank you for such flattering compliments
bows to elderly
hiz every1 i just found this place today n anonymous the point booster cheat is probably not workin for u cause u have to press f5 enter n then wait for 3 secs n then again press f5 enter :D and i have a cheat which is illegal n u can even get banned for it but wat the heck :P
{ note for this trick u must have 2 accounts :)}
lets take ur first account as account A n the second one as account B. :D
1.first of all roam around the map,in account A, find a legend battle it and catch it.
2.for example if the legend u caught was a lugia then roam again n if u again find another lugia then just dont do anything with it just wait.
3.then open another window of the same account n then go to trade pokes n trade the lugia u already have to account B.
4. then in account A press battle poke n then battle the lugia, but be sure only to lower its health not to kill it :P.
5.then offer the lugia ,that u sent in account B, on account A.
6. this is the most crutial point so listen up carefully. in account A u shud now have 2 windows opened in the 1st one u shud be battling lugia n in the second one open up ur trades and look at ur offer from account B. ok now u have to do this part real quickly. u have to now throw a masterball or any ball ,but u shud be 100% sure that it will catch the lugia, on the lugia n then quickly accept the offer from account B.
7.cheers, if u have done it right then u shud have 2 lugias in ur account but if u havent then dont get sad just try again n again until u master it ;).
n if u want to be in the top trainners then listen to this :)
1.set the pokemon that u wana train in the first slot of ur team.
2.change its first attack to ancient power :D.
3.then open up alot of windows of the same account (i usually open up ten :P) n then go to go battle any member (computer controlled) in all windows.
4. choose the poke in the first slot n then choose the attack ancient power.
5.then the next screen will be attack result. at that screen press f5 and then enter then wait 3 seconds n then press the same buttons, press these buttons 13 to 15 times. the battle shud be finished :)
6.do these steps in all windows.
7.either u will get a screen that says eror or a screen where there is a pic of ur poke that u trained :D.
8.u receive 3000 exp points for each battle if ur poke is 100 lvl. so wen ur done battling in all the 10 windows ur pokemon exp shud be boosted up 30,000 exp more :D.
9.this is the trick that top trainners use. and wen u get alot of points then u get 1 point for each battle u have done :D.
wolf the things ur tellin is just sher luck cause all the pokes have the same chance of appering as the other ones :) for e.g a odish has the same chance of appering as a lugia. all the trades happin are not based on rareiety they r based on how popular a poke is :D.
i hope u liked ma trix peace out,
(oo n yea one more thing never ever change ur email address n never give ur password to anyone if u dont follow these rules ull end up loosing an account)
{ n pokemoncrater does not hold any tournoments so dont be stupid k }
ma id is gary 765
i forgot to writs one thing that the account u have to battle against should be cy91
b.t.n you are absolutely wrong about my tricks. on the ice map around the rock you get tons of legendaries, try it yourself. also what u say about oddish and lugia is completely wrong as well. the creators of pokemon crater made it so you would never get as many legendaries as normal pokemon.
i respect ur advise but i wud not encourage anyone to follow it cause i no everythin on crater if u dont beleive me go to the forums n read the rules :P
i do not believe you because i know what im saying and so do my m8s coz they use my stuff all the time so i would advise everyone to follow it. i also do not think you know everything about p c coz u dont know that my tricks work :P maybe you should try b4 saying they wrong.
BTN while im glad you've taken such enormous effort to share your knowledge with us,
the likely probability of getting banned sort of defeats the purpose though, and why dose your tip only work with one account?
Wolfs been with us here almost since I upped this page, he reports on discoveries he's made through playing the game, tips and secrets he has tried and tested them himself, BTN, I trust Wolf
lolzz im not hear to fight though so chill all :D
lol me neither just helping people out and im trying to stay on track. a new discovery yay. like my earlier post on the ice map, the shoal map at the bottom left is good for pokemon you do not have. thanks to that map i now have a bonsly, a mewtwo, a groudon, an unown l completing my alphabet of unown and a regirock.
this place is not very fast though.
no! it cant be! i found a jirachi! i tried to catch it! and it said the site is down for mantenance! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
in that shoal map, there is loads of special unown like shiny, dark, metallic and ghostly. its a wicked place!
boom shakalaka! metallic groudon for me! i love this place!
BTN nice one, here pull up a chair.....
Wolf congratulations on your new catch, the shoal map tip is great thank you...
Err, wolf, I dont get wat u meant by the legendary pokemons in the ice caves. Am i supposed to go below the giant 3 1/4 square rock, or in front? Or something else? B.T.W, my ID is destruction_pass. i have 10 lvl 100 and 1 legenddary (moltres). :) Thanks for ur help! :D
booooya i joust caught a lotios and i caught a registeel and i took one more step and shiny registeel it was so cool =) =) =) =) =) =O
yo thanx elderly wolf im gonea try ur trick ur welcome anonymous.
want a lugia heres a trick the three rocks n the water of map 3 go around them 2 times n u will find a lugia well i found a D.lugia 20 normal lugias which r now down to 4 :P and more then 20 kyogres.
well my accs r, main ones :D:
!ash !
gary 765
!!gary rox
chk em
!!gary rox was made on 1 may n i used the f5 trick to train the pokes there n i didnt transfere any pokes i wud like to give a big appersiation slap on ma back :D.
anonymous never ever write B.T.W :X
i hate to ask this but i don't really know what the shoal map is could someone plz tell me
HI BTN, Jojaki67
great job BTN, valuable tip and thats quite a capture spree! you had :)
JoJoki67 We're waiting for Wolf to come back, he had the tip on the shoal map... sorry im no use to you..
anyone spot Wolf or have an idea where to find the shoal map.... or help anonymous above out with the tip on the legendary pokemon in the ice maps?
hey, I just can't seem to find any legendaries. I've beaten the elite four but they just won't come to me. My friend gets a legendary almost every day! please help.
Wow B.T.N. you rock, thx a lot for your training account!!
Keep the cheats coming, this site is SuperB!!!
Hi all :D
(Sorry for double post)
Here are many training accounts i managed to take hold of:
Training Accounts
shark8535 (for low level ghost types)
The Fighting Trainer
trainabra (for psychic types)
Dusana (for ghost types)
MachineUpgrade (for steel types)
ShiftingShadow (for dark types)
SuddenFreeze (for ice types)
Sprouts (for low level grass types)
poisontrainer1549 (for low level psychic)
- For Dark Pokemon -
Rare_Swampert (for grass types)
Play With Fire
FistsOfFury (for fighting types)
SandBurrows (for ground types)
- For Water Pokemon -
fireflyingtrainer (also trains Poison types)
SoneriC (for low level fire, flying, poison, bug, and ice types)
jhoelroma (for ground and fighting types)
nitrodown (for rock, water types)
trainkabuto (for rock, water types)
TornadoOfSouls (for rock, water types)
BadSeed (for grass, water types)
ttkai (for low level grass, electric types)
magcargoinhere (for ground, water types)
SolidWing (for low level water, ice)
They all work perfectly and will satisfy everyone's needs!
Enjoy :D
Legendary Pokemon will appear randomly on the maps once you have beaten every gym leader and both sets of elite 4.
IgorChete, thats an impressive list you've gotten there.. ace.. thank you for your kind comments
hey everyone
is a hacker he just hacked my account
thanks anon for the warning... hopefully the spam bots will get his his email address.
by the way if anyone wants to get in touch with me my email address is darkness1328@hotmail.co.uk
Yo can someone help me train meh pokes? plz
please though, I need a good tip on training, my pokemon suck >.>
my stupid message wont come up!!!!
i havent been computer 4 a while coz i was in sunny little spain :D.
anonymous, the ice map thingy is that you go to the top ice map and go down to the bottom left corner. the closest rock to you just make donuts around.
jojaki, the shaol map is the four maps with water in the middle and the beach kinda part on the outside.
hope this helped
happy gaming :D
p.s its good to be back.
Welcome back Wolf, you were missed thanks for responding to the earlier questions, helps a lot.
...Anyone out their want to give Norai a hand? or got some good tips for pokemon training? in the meantime Norai you might want to take a look at the official Training guide see:
NOTE: I write this for the second time!!! (i'll copy it just in case)
Open up several browsers (i open 5-6 only coz my internet sucks) and go to battle any memeber.
Use the training accounts i posted (you have account's for every type of pokemon)
But if your poke's are too weak to beat them battle in gym's (i go to the bug gym's coz their weakest)
Also use several browsers in gym.
For catching poke's:
It's the same thing. Just open up several browsers according to your int. speed and go to different maps
I mostly use the 10-th ground map (in the low left corner) and the cave's coz i get most of my unique poke's there (But it's all a matter of luck)
Level up mostly unique poke's (Ghostly, Shiny, Metallic etc.)
Get badges whenever you can caz legendaries are excellent to have.
Good luck and have fun :D
Pure Genius..... Thank you Igorchete...
(attempts to give a big hug of gratitude to Igorchete, tooo late Igorchete has gone.....)
for the f5 cheat thing, it is recommened to use it when your opponent uses a weak attack. thus you do not lose alot of hp
Thank your Igochete, your Play With Fire account helps me train my Blaziken.
but their all lvl 100, so i can't train my cyndaquil on them because splash does 20 dmg and my cyndi is weak :( so if it is to train fires, give them a fire attack. thus less damage
Thanks Elderly :D
Try the SoneriC account for your Cyndaquil, the poke's there are low lvl's and you'll easily beat 'em.And don't be afraid to use potions sometimes because the exp. you get is enormous. Train there until you're like 50-60 lvl, evolve the poke if you can and try the Play With Fire account ;)
And i can't change the attack's of the account's because the account's aren't mine, i've been collecting them from many websites :P
I'm glad i can help a bit :)
Can anyone help me in defeating the Elite Four(Johto,Kanto & Hoenn)
Currently I have 3 level 100 pokemon which are Charizard, Blastoise & Venasaur =P
I have 3 other pokemon which are level 60-70 which are Raichu, Areodactyl & Kangaskan.
Please help
Kaneticks(My Pokemon Crater name =P)
Oh yeah feel free to add me on Pokemon Crater =P
Beware from Hackers and Scammers!
There are too many guys that try to hack accounts using cheap tricks (personally i can't believe how much idiots there are in these world falling on their tricks)
So, NEVER change your e-mail adress at your profile and NEVER give out your password!
Here are some links where you can see some obvious scamming :D
There are some smart-asses that say they are in the Top trainers (they usually say they are Mr_Hobo or Silent Shadow) and they tell you they are retiring from the account and giving away legendaries (or even they say they have these hacking programs with which they can change the poke's into the ones they like)
And then they ask for your password :D
Don't believe them, the only way ur gonna make it to the top 100 is with playing for months and months and using training accounts :)
IgorChete and Norai your help is invaluable...I do hope people get a chance to read these.....
I thank you,
anyone out there free to help Kaneticks out?
Level up your Raichu using the electrictrainer account.
And for your Aerodyctil try flyhighbirds , notrodown or TornadoOfSouls
If they're really lvl 60-70 you should lvl them up very easily.
I almost forgot, use magcargoinhere or Traineevee for your Kangashkan
When you make them all lvl 100 try beating the Elite's
I don't doubt you'll beat 'em :)
oops i made a mistake, it's not "notrodown", it's nitrodown :D
Thanks IgorChete,
I have defeated all of the gym leader and Elite Four now =)
I have 5 legendaries so far =P
Deoxys,Regice,Uxie(First d/p) & Regigiga.
I love searching for them and I really want a Mew badly =P
Quite excellent Igorchete.....
Found some more training accounts:
garyoak99 [for low level grass types]
waterexpertee [for mid-level electric types]
Train Fire Pokemon Here
Extraordinary work Igorchete.. extraordinary....
Nice work Kaneticks :)
I remember my first legendary was Dioxys, now i have 6 of them :)
(lol I found a Latios just while i'm writing this message)
Unfortunately i don't have any d/p leg. yet :(
Thanks Elderly, but i do believe that the same things i post here could be easily found with a little searching on the pokemon crater forums :D
i agree Igorchete they most likely could, but people dont' always have the time to search forums. experience in using the tips and advising and supporting others strikes gold with me every time....
so... thank you once again...
hey thanks wold u are alot of help and a good place to catch regies(not ice)is the bottem left rock map.peece out !)
sorry wolf i wasn't looking
lol no worries jojaki
wow u guys have got tons of good tips here my level 30 magmortar got to lvl 50 with 1 battle thnx so much ILU
The Elderly?.. i was wondering?.... do you play?.. if you do... whatz your account?...
hiya weeeee, nope no account on battlearena, started off with pokemon online haven't drifted yet... finding the time to play is next to impossible....
oh... thatz too bad... i would love to challenge your account....
these scammerz on PC keep making stuff up for me to change my email... man.. desperate people....
pity indeed weeeeee, though knowing my less than average ability with games, you'd probably annihilate me... pity bout the scammers, all online games have them... Wow has banned thousands of accounts for just that reason....
so you play WOW?...
hey thnx i had a lev 16 gostly ponyta and i used ur stuff nd in 1 battel iit got to lev 53
Sorry wee, been missing in action for the last two days, no im afraid i don't play wow either, just noticed from the forums that online play is becoming a lot more of a chore as you pointed out earlier....
goo to see things are going your way anon.
igorchete and wolf your help has been the best thanks to u i have a lvl 100 alakazam a lvl 70 rainchu and a lvl 55 ninetails
hey guys have a look at my team it alright but it pritty good compared to my friends but all my pokemon are the way the are because tnks oh by the way the user to look 4 is emperour thnx again
than do you play any online gamez the elderly?...
and i'll V.S. you sometime Emperour.... you to Spud....
lol yes weee my fear is that indeed that would be the outcome, though seriously finding to the time to even play offline is difficult of late,
im salivating waiting for Forza 2, which when mastered, I intend to burn up every inch of online track......
that seemz interesting the elderly.... i'm waiting on SC2... seemz to be a fun game....
Thanks very much, got a lot better thanks to you guys!!! Got 2 Unowns in 2 minutes of playing on the Shoal-map...
Pokémon Crater is the best R.P.G. ever!!!
Starcraft 2 im assuming Weeeee? certainly has a major buzz and the graphics look amazing.... though it looks like i'll need a major computer upgrade before i even get close to handling it.....
polarbear and anon thanks for the comments..
Does anyone have a Dark Ralts and a Shiny Snorunt to trade?
Wolf ill trade u all ur legends for my whole team of lvl 100's
yah starcraft 2... i'd have to get a upgrade b4 i can play it too...
sorry anony can't help you... don't have those....
I know a cheat for pokemoncrater it is if you see a pokemon that you have and cant have more than 1 go to chat room and spread that your going 2 trade a lets say kyogre and someone wants it open up a new aol...etc and login and put your kyogre up for trade let them offer and if it's a good offer then accept it and on your other aol.....etc page hit capture and catch it and you will have a kyogre again it's like you didn't even trade it and you get another pokemon from the trade.
thanks Anon, does the guy you trade with get the Kyogre as well?
YAY!!!! Just caught regigigas,dialaga, palkia, rceus, giratina, heatran, darkrai, shaymin, all lvl.100 now.
BTW I know a guy who knows a cheet to make ur pokemn lvl.200 and up=P
excellent..... makes it sound so easy
soryyz... i was gone for a few dayz.... o__<
howz everyone today?....
so wats that cheat???huuhhh
Hiya weeeee, well here, waiting for the weather to change.... good to see you back
thankz the elderly.... whatz the weather there?....
I dont know da cheet somting to do with beeting all elite 4 3-6 times ina row rest i don t know
overcast and warm, normally it dosen't get much better but this year the weathermen predict a real blue sky summer.. a rarity for Ireland
oh... thatz pretty good weather.... Ireland eh... seemz like a cozy place to live...
Hi all!
It's been a long time since i posted a message here.
Well it has also been awhile since i logged into pokemon crater! (the addiction called WOW got into me)
I tried your cheat Anonymous, but it's not working (at least for me)
I'm looking for more training accounts at the moment, but no luck so far....
cosy it is Weeee, though the cities are like most European cities.. the countryside is largely carefree.... just wish the weather would pick up....
Welcome back Igorchete, you was missed.....
hello Igorchete...
the cheat doesn't work for me either... o__<
the countryside does seem like a fun place to be.... although it may be pretty windy.... i'm bored of the city.... too much lightz... and not enough starz... and so i can't wait to go camping.... 8)
Scammerz.... o__<
I can't catch a single legendary pokemon on pokemoncrater.i been looking on the maps for hours and i still can't catch a legendary pokemon and ibeaten the elite fours and all the gym leader. i've been searching for 10 days.do any one of you now where the tiny rock to get inside the secret cave.
I used to love my camping trips, the older i get though the more I miss my creature comforts, hot shower, someone else cooking breakfast...
... scammer deleted Weeee.. thats for spotting that one..... it seemed so plausible to start with...
Anon sorry your having such a bad start... anyone got a tip for the secret cave?
hey um yea im new at p/c and im usin these trainin accounts to get better... just cant seem to time that f5 trick rite. but im sittin here also enjoyin gears of war on xbox 360. excellant game
also im glad that i finally found an excellent gaming blog
so do i
so do i
gears is magic, though i've got distracted with tomb raider anniversary on ye old ps2, thank you anonymous and anons for such kind comments, blushing I am now.....
well someone cooking you breakfast seemz to be found anywhere you go... i'd rather do it myself... someone feeding you... now thatz good... hahaha... 8) hot showerz is alwayz a plus....
i've never heard of a secret cave?...
also Anonymous just keep looking... you should try the grassy area... it seemez easier to catch a rare pokemon... i looked for 2 dayz before i found a rare...
so.. just keep at it... you'll see one soon enough...
Hey everyone :D
Anon: Since you've been looking for 10 days without catching a legendary pokemon (according to you), you'd better doublecheck if you really beat all the gym leaders (maybe you just missed one).
Ten days without catching a legendary is too much.
Or you can just use my cheat with opening several browsers in the same account to search for pokemons.
And Elderly please delete gurjeet's message, i'm getting sick of these scammers :(
Sorry for double-posting i forgot to explain something.
Anon, there's another thing.
There is no such thing as a secret cave.The entrance in the lowest-right map is actually an entrance to the rock maps.You can enter them more easily in the maps window.I've found tons of legendaries there so Good Luck!
another scammer.... why can't they just play fairly....
I also agree with IgorChete check to see if you really have all badgez... if that don't work... i'll give you a few...
Apologies for the scam messages, which i've now deleted... in future im going to post their email addresses in the main post, that way the spam bots won't be long sorting them out....
hiya Weeeee, yep fraid i've gotten to that stage when the body aces a bit more than it should... being presented with breakfast, having the bed made and not having to wash up the utensils in the local stream after dinner... has it's strong points... lol....
Igorchete and Weeee, thank you so much for helping the anons out...and double post all you want Igorchete, both of you maintain this comment string with prime content... thank you both
no problem at all The Elderly....
now that you put it that way... home is best after all...
these few dayz i've been too busy to get on Pokemon Crater...
when you reach a certain age (puts on elderly hat), home is comforting, It will be some time i bet before that happens you...
...totally distracted myself, since i picked up forza2... if only i could keep the cars on the track....
First time on this blog...
I remember seeing on the crater forums bout how the points are calculated. (EXP vs no.of.pokes vs no.of battles)
Do u know???
i guess that age is comming sooner than i hoped.... what i'd give to be a kid again...
so you play system gamez mostly?...
whatz your account estranger?...
I dont understand how wolf has 2 deoxys and i cant have 2 regigigas just because they wont let me catch another 1
hi estranger experience points calculation copied and pasted from a google search, hope it's current
[Total Level of Opponent's Pokemon'] / [Total Level of Pokemon You have Used] * 500
The formula for the Level is similar
[Total Level of Opponent's Pokemon'] / [Total Level of Pokemon You have Used]
I will Demonstrate with My Lvl 8 Pidgey training on the Account Zedjaflying..
Total Level of opponent's Pokemon: 600
Total Level of Pokemon Used in Battle: 8
600 / 8 * 500 = 37 500
600 / 8 = 75
Therefore; the Pidgey will gain 75 Levels if it successfully beats this account (i hope it doesn't get hit ^^)
Anon? your not the only one.. hopefully wolf will be passing through here real soon...
Weeeeee if it wasn't for parents being a kid would have been great fun.... though i'd probably be dead now from a cake crisps and sweets overdose...
sorry for double post, after I confirm that I have the pokemon for you, just put something weak you dont want up for trade, and Ill offer it to you.
i dont get it, is unown rare becuz i find so much i have 2 swat them away with a bat
L337Misfortune... thank you for the helping us out.. appreciated...
Anonymous ..with a bat? surely the society of prevention of cruelty to pokemon would object.....
hello elderly and others. i just woulndered if you could have a mew as well as a mew two? please answer back.
Hi every 1 .... can u plz tell me accounts to train fire,rock and phychic pokemons???
woah... sorryz... i got distracted yet again....
cake crisps seemz to be good about now The Elderly...
Anonymous You can have Both Mew and Mewtwo... and s/d/m/g... 1 of each...
Kashif If you look up... i think they posted some acountz up there...
Also Unownz are not that rare... you see alot of them around...
i agree with The Elderly...
How do you use a BAT in the game?...
L337Misfortune you have alot of pokemon... and some good onez... congratz....
its a figure of speech
where do u find mews because i have found a mew2 aaron.
Thanx I appreciate the comment, if you need any help on pokemoncrater, just let me no. I no a lot about that website.
If you want real cheats i know of a Money cheat well, It's not cheat it's more like Php hacking. I'm not going to be a total idiot and post it on the web do too the fact of leechers plus this webpage is extremely easy to access (i found it on google search pokemon crater cheats) just add me on msn callum_keo@hotmail.com (Don't send me e-mails i never read them) note you need mozila firefox other wise theres no point in adding me i don't no how to do it on I.e.. www.firefox.com is the url to downloadi think if not try google.
can anyone help me find a latios and latias
cheat: battle cy91 and he has all lv 100 that only know splash so its a piece a cake.
please tell some tips,cheats
...........i am new dude
hi all (waves to anons....)
once again Weeee and L337 thank you for your your expertise and your support of this comment section ...
ahhhhh cake crisps.. the magic words... (gets hungry.....)
anon thanks for the cy91 battle tip and anonymous re tips cheats.. read down the comments list above...and pay a visit to the forums.. theres a wealth of tips available, the crater community are very friendly and helpful...
dare4devil... you've been eating crisps again haven't you?
sorry, I haven't been on much lately, Ive been playing Halo 2 a lot. =]
not a problem L337, Im obsessed with Forza2 at the moment, to the detriment of my blogging.... though i end up in the tyre barriers a bit too often for my liking....
I'm not trying to be mean, but please slow down on the pokemon, I'm having trouble keeping up with all of them. So I ask that you dont ask for more than 2 at a time. I will post on here when I'm free for helping. 2 people just asked for like 10 a piece!
..sorry to hear that L337, you couldn't continue like that...If you like i'll delete the earlier comment, add another one with the same details but warning people to take it easy on request?...
sorry for the lateness...
i have been busy and was caught up with SC...
1-10, The Elderly... how would you rate Forza 2... i'll think about getting it...
please, people stop asking for pokemon for a while, Ill post again when I have time to continue. sorry if I sound mean, Its hard to keep up.
HI Wee... L337...
Forza 2 I love, so im biased... the online is really competive apart from the odd bloke who thinks he's at a bumper park...(which was me at the start)
the game lacks soul. career mode leaves you with a plethora of cars in your garage... earned with very little effort, limited tracks, most the same as last outing... cars and replays are to die for though.. car handling is ace.... and theres a lifetimes worth of customisations... even altering the tyre pressure slightly can have a dramatic impact on lap times.... Online auctions, competitions, TV adds more colour than offline
L337 will i remove the earlier comment, it should help? sorry your going through this....
dıd pokemon dıe???
...man you frightened me.... nope link up and working... occassionally they close for maintenance and tidy out the pokemon that have wandered off....
hey igorchete can i add u on pokemoncrater as a friend?ma id on pc is livin445 jus don try to hack me anyone who reads this message plus igorchete how long have ya been playin on pokemoncrater.com? plus one more thing i would really like to say thx to L337Misfortune for trading me his entei and articouno for my ghostly heatran
no prob livin, I really wish the people would start reading where I said I need a break, they are still asking me for stuff! *sigh* this is tiring. =[ Im still trying my best to help everyone tho.
nice one livin445, so few returned to thank L337
L337misfortune let me delete the earlier comment... they won't have any details to keep annoying you...
which places should i go to find legendary pokemon?i defeated the gymleaders and elite4s
to anonymous, look in the caves.
will do l337, sorry your generosity was abused... on behalf of those that did know their limits I thank you!!
I've been on Pokemon Crater for 15 days and I've already beaten all the gym leaders and elite 4.
I read earlier about the rock on the ice map. Where exactly is that?
thanks to L337Misfortune, i found some legendary in the cave.but where can i find lugia,articuno,suicine?pls tell the places they r likely to appears.thanks.
I'm looking for shiny Mew, if anyone wants to trade please message me on Pikachu2468.
nidikai, you can find Suicune in the cave water and ice maps, Lugia in the grassland water, and Articuno in the grassland and ice maps.
i guess Forza 2 seemz like a fun game than...
sorry Anonymous i don't have a shiny mew...
also if anyone has some unwanted dark pokemon (EX. Dark Riolu) they don't need...
i'd trade something for them...
Of course you can add me as a friend, my ID is Igorcete.
I've been playing since mid April, so no more than 3 months. (900 points and 400+ pokemons is a solid result, i think :P)
And, L33T, if you need help with giving out poke's, i'll be delighted to help!
And Elderly, it wasn't me, I didn't post that message.
Another thing.....
I uploaded an extremely handy pokemon crater chart from the forums: http://img291.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pokemonvw2.gif
It helps a ton especially at choosing training accounts for your pokemon or while battling in a Live Battle :D
looks like i can head away for a cup of tea, you guys are to be commended for helping each other out.
hi Weeee!! fickle as I am i've moved onto the Darkness... so far i love it...
Igorchete sorry for the misidentification... your chart is excellent, and indeed extremely useful, thank you.
Zedjawater= train water
Zedjagrass= train grass
Zedjaghost= train ghost
Zedjaelectric= train electric
Zedjafire= train fire
Zedjarock= train rock
Zedjaground= train ground
well u get the point, add the type of pokemon u want 2 train after
'Zedja' and u can train tht type of pokemon
Hurray! I've FINALLY learned how to use the F5 trick! Getting my Unowns to level 100 takes literally 5 minutes!
If anyone has a shiny legendary that they are willing to trade for my pokemon mentioned in my profile, I would be glad to trade.
weeeee, message me on Pikachu2468, I think I have some darks that I don't need.
please let me be u'r friends i'm a new guy.......u all r awesome people
Of course you can add me as friend!
My ID is IgorCete (NOTE: no h after the C)
Elderly please delete anon's message where he wants our password's!
how to get to the darkness The Elderly...
and thankz Pikachu2468... i messaged you already...
thanks to earlier anonymous's eeses for taking the time to comment,
welcome Nak to what is becoming the longest comment on blogspot,
thanks Igorchete got the password weasel, is pressing F5 a cheat? and whats with the zedja tip mentioned earlier?
hi weee now im stuck in a trench during first world war... didn't expect that when i woke this morning... love it so far...
Pressing F5 and Enter while fighting isn't a cheat, but a very useful trick that speeds up the training a lot!
The Zedja tip mentioned by Anon was explained here many many times before, but still thx Anon.
You're welcome weeeee, do you want the pokemon on their base level or should I train them?
For people who don't know where to find legendary Pokemon, look here (this does not include the fourth generation pokemon.)
In the grasslands maps: Latios, Latias, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Ho-oh, Deoxys, Raquaza, Entei, Raikou, Dratinire, and Dratinilic.
In grasslands maps water: Kyogre and Lugia.
In the cave: Deoxys, Jirachi, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Groudon, Mew, Celebi, Mewtwo, Rayquaza and Dratinice.
In the cave water: Suicune, Kyogre, and Dratinice.
In ice maps: Kyogre, Suicune, Dratinice, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Deoxys and Articuno.
In maps 101 and 102: Jirachi, Mew, Deoxys, Mewtwo
In map 19: Entei, Moltres, Ho-oh and Dratinire.
Hope I helped! ~Pikachu2468
thanks Igorchete clever trick indeed
thank you Pikachu2468, quite excellent, you have helped a tremendous amount, (bows to pikachu2468)
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