Hi folks Seamus here, leprechaun and guest blogger on the Flaccid Gamer. Well it appears that Team Ninja have done the business, not that there was much to do given that Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a a remake of Ninja Gaiden Black, a game which in itself had the critics standing on their seats.
The remake brings with it new moves, actions, and weapons for Hayabusa. Also added is a new playable character Rachel, one of the series' heroines, and when using her, you'll get to experience the storyline from her perspective. But there is a darkside to Rachel the demon hunter:
She is playable in only 3 of her own chapters and 11 missions in Mission Mode
For weapons, she can only use her warhammer.
For projectiles, she can only use her whip, the Peluda Tail.
And Whereas Ryu unlocks costumes, she can obtain 7 hairstyles (besides her default hairstyle).
Bummer I'm sure you'll agree, unless of course your into hair. Contrary to the "more complete" version promotion, they in fact took some stuff out, yup kid you not, take a wander over to Wikipedia for the full list of things that are missing.
Scoring 89% from 18 reviews on Metacritic.com
Reviews Summary
A strong case can be made for Ninja Gaiden being the greatest action game ever made.
The same meal you've eaten before -- albeit with lots of garnish
The best version released so far one of the most intense experiences on a console.
An immersive action romp full of original challenges, incredible environments and interesting characters.
Punishingly, mercilessly, remorselessly ferocious. You will never, ever finish it. Until you learn to block. Genuinely new content doesn't exactly abound

So, uh, I gather this is somewhat better than the Atari Lynx version, eh?
E3 2007 ..!!! Has started!
I want full coverage right here... Matter of fact you should of been on the plane 2 days ago!
The full demo will be aired tonight...! Can't wait!
as the most sought after game for Atari Lynx system, I do not want to commit blogger suicide by even suggesting that this is better than the Atari lynx version. You know the way I feel about 3d..... (shows Gnome some Olga photos)
Indeed Oblivion GOTY is outstanding news Deitrix, now I must get my calculator ready, cheaper to download or to buy the disc... Assasins creed looks absolutely outstanding...... finally something to test my 360 to its max...
..I shoulda been on the plane, Leprechauns not allowed it appears...
..nor elderly people either... (slumps back into his armchair)
I love Ninja Gaiden on the Game Gear!
I'd love a go of this game... I'll have to stand round in the Virgin store till they put this one on their demo machine...
So let me get this straight all. This game is a remake, of a ramake of a remake of the original that was also remade for the 16 bit generation.
talk about milking it.
Yes, yes, I see how you feel Seamus. That was a relief...
Oh, and Father, the Lynx was better! Heh, beat this amazing argument!
Erm... The Game Gear has a TV peripheral for when you've played Ninja Gaiden to death...
Then you can watch Jerry Springer and Big Brother on it... Can the Lynx do that?!
This is still not enough to make me want to purchase a PS3...
If I ever have one I will pick this up in the bargain bin.
(mentally divided as to the pro and cons of Game Gear vs Lynx....and fearful that hostilities will break out, Seamus speaks up...)
I'm sure both versions are equally fantastic
(moves FK and Gnome to opposite sides of the room)
yes Timerunner my sentiments exactly... and still full price releases mind you!!!
Nope Deitrix haven't seen the killer app for Ps3 yet...
Come on Gnome! Do you want it? Do yer?
I spit on your Lynx!
I'll take the lot of you on!
*FK raises fists (and Game Gear) and promptly falls down in a corner...*
I love you Gnome your my best mate... Etc, etc... Hic!
*Soils himself and then attempts to get naked...*
Every1 sez so
(opens window, sprays air freshner)....okay we're going to have to settle this once in a mature and and fair manner...
Rock Paper Scissors.... (looks at FK....) in your own time gentelmen please......
...what's that smell..... oh dear jeez what's been going on here then....... oh brilliant like the way you spell ninja, Seamus.....
what? oh feck!!!
..well Seamus? ... are you going to change it?
eek!.... yikes!....
oh sorry yes of course... (grabs ladder climbs up to fix post sign....)
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