Console Gaming for the Elderly
lol and alphabetical....
I am deeply impressed dear Sir!
i was just here a minute ago! (looks around him for a camera, looks under the computer......)
I'm like ninja fast ( - have a look)
Lol thank you, I like laughing links.....Gnome........Gnome? Gnome.......! wow a real ninja gnome, on my blog..well he was here.....but thats ninja gnomes for ya, here one split second gone the next........there!nah trick of the lightsigh!
A ganinja actually.
wow! that is so cool, a ganinja commenting on my!(elderly looks suitably dumbstruck)
I also have some minja friends and a caninja dog...
(elderly looking more suitably dumbstrucker) I can't take own a original caninja? thats like so wow !
It's like owning a whale in an .. er.. urban area full of chips...
surely not a caninja mastiff...incredible probably as rare as a yetininja
Never heard of the yetininja... must be a really rare bredd... Himmalayan?
im not sure of the gender, may be hermalayan.....but they're rare.........unless of course you cook them really slowly over a high heat........
LOL and ROFLBut a Ninja is definitely uncokable, no matter the breed... I've asked a ninja you know...
i admittedly bow in the face of such extensive research......... ninjas are uncokable (nods in agreement)look i've agreed again.......affable species humans.....for the most part.
so they tell me... Actually, so they seem
unless they have to deal with their own kind of course.......then they're left for another time.
No really, humans have quite a bit of potential....
thank you gnome! i have become too cynical methinks....
Goodmorning....Welcome Mr. Elderly... I'm actually quite a cynical bastard, can't understand my previous optimistic outburst... Hmm
indeed it was quite touching and it has taken the edge of my cynicism, as a result the day dosen't look as grey, which is good as it's been raining here all morning.....
Looks as if its going to rain here too... A strange July... Never had such low temperatures in July. Somethng is definitely wrong with the weather.
i know, it may be time to sacrifice a virgin again..........
What a shame... Still, a man's got to do, what a man's got to do...
lets give it a few days, maybe things will improve...and as luck would have it, i'm fresh out of virgins.....
Shit... me too. Patience on the other hand is a virtue. Honoring it a wise choice.
wise beyond your ears.....sorry years
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and alphabetical....
I am deeply impressed dear Sir!
i was just here a minute ago!
(looks around him for a camera, looks under the computer......)
I'm like ninja fast ( - have a look)
Lol thank you, I like laughing links.....Gnome........Gnome?
wow a real ninja gnome, on my blog..well he was here.....but thats ninja gnomes for ya, here one split second gone the next........there!
nah trick of the light
A ganinja actually.
wow! that is so cool, a ganinja commenting on my!
(elderly looks suitably dumbstruck)
I also have some minja friends and a caninja dog...
(elderly looking more suitably dumbstrucker) I can't take own a original caninja? thats like so wow !
It's like owning a whale in an .. er.. urban area full of chips...
surely not a caninja mastiff...incredible probably as rare as a yetininja
Never heard of the yetininja... must be a really rare bredd... Himmalayan?
im not sure of the gender, may be hermalayan.....
but they're rare.........unless of course you cook them really slowly over a high heat........
But a Ninja is definitely uncokable, no matter the breed... I've asked a ninja you know...
i admittedly bow in the face of such extensive research.........
ninjas are uncokable (nods in agreement)
look i've agreed again.......affable species humans.....for the most part.
so they tell me... Actually, so they seem
unless they have to deal with their own kind of course.......then they're left for another time.
No really, humans have quite a bit of potential....
thank you gnome! i have become too cynical methinks....
Welcome Mr. Elderly... I'm actually quite a cynical bastard, can't understand my previous optimistic outburst... Hmm
indeed it was quite touching and it has taken the edge of my cynicism, as a result the day dosen't look as grey, which is good as it's been raining here all morning.....
Looks as if its going to rain here too... A strange July... Never had such low temperatures in July. Somethng is definitely wrong with the weather.
i know, it may be time to sacrifice a virgin again..........
What a shame... Still, a man's got to do, what a man's got to do...
lets give it a few days, maybe things will improve...and as luck would have it, i'm fresh out of virgins.....
Shit... me too. Patience on the other hand is a virtue. Honoring it a wise choice.
wise beyond your ears.....sorry years
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