Max Payne: Payne & Redemption is the third Chapter of a series of collective short films surrounding a foreboding tale set in the life and times of Max Payne. The film is in reality part three of six short films, which will eventually come together to form one feature length piece. Initially, it was written as a stand alone affair, but according to the producers, the potential story lines either side were too promising to pass up.
Official Website

Right! For some reason, I can't get this video to load!
However, I did procure the original Max Payne game for PS2, played it a bit and did like it...
It's a bit dark but plays remarkably well...
any developments on this award winning title will/would be well received by my good self!
If only I could get the damn video to load...
BTW Elderly, don't you visit the DCJY any more?
(kicks video... ) try it now!...
DCYJ it's been a while.. (shifts uncomfortably) well (face blushs..) it's like...
...well it's much further away than the Saturn Junkyard and well the nearest bus stop is like.. well ages away... and stuff...
Why are the bad guys always British (assuming that guy in the white was the bad guy, of course)?
Nice, I will have to watch these!
I also saw the Trailer for the Hitman movie... :/ not sure about it yet...
it has to be the accent... is it more menacing i wonder... wheres FK we could test it out....
saw it too Deitrix, wasn't moved either i must admit....
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