Recently released for the European market, sequel to the original Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, Silmeria is a 30 hour 2D feast for the senses with plenty of replay value, collecting a score of 84% from 39 reviews on Metacritic.com, another classic hits the Ps2.
Reviews Summary
Short by epic RPG standards, but it also makes the game that much more replayable
A difficult and lengthy game built for loyal and determined role-playing adventurers.
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria is a breath of fresh air in a world of play-alike RPGs
Some one of the most technically and aesthetically pleasing visuals we've seen thus far
Not everyone's going to love the transplanted platform puzzler elements, and RPG purists might be turned off by the wafer-thin town exploration
One of the best games in the PS2 library
If you can get past the stiff difficulty, it has all the elements of a great RPG with its intriguing storyline, compelling combat and deep game mechanics
To put it simply, it's gorgeous in every respect, even though it's only in 2D.
Official European Site
Official US Site
Sample Review from Eurogamer
Screenshots from Gamespot

Aha! A Wagner inspired game with swords! How, epic (if short)!
What a coincidence, I just started playing it 2 days ago...and I have to say it's f.....g hard!!! I understand there's a lot of strategy in there but still...it seems like all the enemies have more turns than me...and so far I have no spells and only a couple of skills...I just got out of Dipan castle and reached some ruins after visiting a village. For now I have enough Arcanums to keep me alive...but the future looks grim. THE GRAPHICS KICK ASS!!!
(makes tea for Gnome and Spooky) the apparent shortness, I am reliably told (eurogamer), gives free reign to replay.. though 30 hours at such difficulty may tax my two brain cells.
Hi spooky i'd only seen this in stores today, so i was anxious to get home and see what the reviews had said... the 2d deters me somewhat, and I do like my rpg's to have a slow learning curve.. but it's earmarked for inclusion in the elderly library... i've done a complete reversal on my views of Two Worlds (360)... theres a great rpg in there waiting to come out...
I'm still trying to get thru the PSP remake before I even touch this version of the series. Given it's complexities I might just leave this as a collector game. Perhaps if I'm man enough to I'll give it a ride...
Short with beautifully aesthetic graphics? Sign me up!
Speaking of classical music have a look at this:
Nice tea by the way!
hi Timerunner the psp version of valkyrie lenneth is still over priced here, so i'll hold out a little longer... though i've got so much to go through now... i'll need to take at least 3 months off work....
FK why did short with aesthetic graphics suddently remind me of Vicki Leandros.... your using thought transference again aren't you?
Gnome never... surely that can't be... no I don't beleive it... wonder what the music is like....
Surely appropriaely silly...
..bet the tuba makes an appearance.... (mimics tuba playing....)
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