Prior to working with digital art, Susan McKinvergan completed 2 years of her BA in Fine Arts at St. Petersburg College in Florida. Her preffered tools of the trade are Photoshop CS, Poser 6, & Vue 5, alongside with my Wacom Int3 Graphics Tablet. An Everquest fanatic, she discontinued her 5 year love affair with online adventures and currently keeps herself busy growin her extraordinary portfolio
at Deviant Art , setting up shop at Cafepress and being a mum. Her work has recently featured in the July issue of the magazine ImagineFX. Visit her website
Cosmosue.net for more illustrations and print order details.
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susan mckinvergan fantasy art artist cosmosue website
Love the "Broken" piece.... sort of reminiscent of Slaughtered Vomit Dolls.
yep caught by fancy too... hadn't a clue was Slaughter vomit dolls was, watched the trailer.... that's one disturbing looking film........ no wonder you have problems sleeping..... so I reckon your mature enough to watch my tom and jerry collection...... some really sick stuff going on there.....
I actually didn't manage to watch it... rather sick... Oh, and according to extensive searches 99% of the female population fecking hates this kind of movie.
Off to sleep... (Nah. Not really)
it's a pity sometimes their wiring system is completely at odds with ours, but only sometimes...
Guess that Slaughtered Vomit Dolls just helps us discover what's common between the sexes... Poetic in a way...
Vomiting is common too!!
Strange though when they get "you don't understand women" on us. I don't remember seeing any statutory legislation which makes it a requirement for men to understand women. And if that is the case, surely it should work both ways.
Unfair contractual arrangement that!!
They are just being bitter for thousands of years of phallocratic dominance. Then again if women were allowed to mess things up, Athenians would have developed there marvelous thinking... Strangely, Epicure sort of ..er.. taught women too (!).
Oh if only women had remembered the teachings... nothings ever simple, even the most innocuous of tasks can lead to a major mental trauma.
It's almost like they want to gauge all the pitfalls in buying a can of beans.... rather than just buying the bloody thing.
still ya gotta love em, the danger would be of course that women might lose that allurinlg maddening aura were we to understand them.
and then where would we be?
We would blogging, I am sure, whch does sound a bit sad... Still, no hope (or fear according to your master-prose) of nderstanding them oh Elderly mentor...
... yeah i'm sorta relieved in a way... though blogging has it's high points....
(produces magnum sized Tequila bottle with anaconda in the bottom.....)
like right now......
I've just noticed an enormous ammount of letters is obviously missing from my previous post. Must have been slightly drunk...
you were probably slightly drunk, but I did have to borrow some U's for the rogue post..... stll vry ndrstndble wtht th vwls
Amazingly understandable. I believe muslims dont use vowels at all...
...well they are very suggestive
take the letter
for example....
(gnome takes the letter "a")
no i didn't mean literally take the letter "a", i meant lets consider the letter "a"
(gnome looks at the letter "a")
.......this is going to be a long evening isn't it?
But why? I'm doing as you instruct me to? Really, try to be more precise please...
okay i'm sorry....... we'll try again
when we look at the various letters, it's apparent that vowels... like the one your holding are.... suggestive...... as I said take the letter "a"
(Gnome takes another letter "a")
what i mean is if we take the letter "a" as an example....
(Gnome takes another letter "a")
........(elderly works out a solution)
if we were to take the letter "a"... (Gnome ponders but dosen't move), then one could imagine a certain voluptousness inherent in it's design......
take another vowel let's say the letter "o"...
(gnome take the letter "o" and says...)
(elderly on the point of breaking)
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