Recently updated portal to the Devil May Cry Universe and a excellent introduction to the Devil May Cry series. The DMC4 portal has some new aim and buddy icons, wallpapers and screensaver.
Devil May Cry Portal Website
Devil May Cry 4 is the second sequel (Devil May Cry 3 being a prequel) to the Capcom action game Devil May Cry. It was announced in March 2007 that the game would be released simultaneously for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and later PC. It is being developed by Capcom Production Studio 4, the producers of Resident Evil 4 and the original Devil May Cry.
Devil May Cry 4 has been delayed till Early 2008

Devil May Cry 4 looks amazing. I think I'll get the PS 3 version instead of the 360 version.
Ps3.... sigh! i'll write to Santa
Portal is pretty nicely designed , the wallpapers unfortunately are just captures from the LGC trailers :(
Oh well, Capcom never was too generous to their fans when it comes to downloads :(
Another gem to behold. I really need to get into the series.
I have a special PlayStation Turbo controller that I plan on utilizing for Devil May Cry 4. I suppose you can call it my secret weapon. The controller was the reason I was able to beat Devil May Cry 1 and 3. It made firing bullets with Dante in mid air very easy.
Man, that looks insane. With MGS, Gran Turismo, and Ratchet and Clank coming out too, looks like my 360 is gonna have a buddy.
I have to admit Devil May Cry 3 and Ninja Gaiden were two of the most difficult games I have ever played in my entire life.
Right. What if the Devil simply doesnt cry though?
(booo, hisss)
(steps down)
hi Roys, you'd think they'd invest some higher artistic effort in the wallpapers, damn i was thinking the "4" looking pretty awkward...
no time like the present Timerunner.. erm. like the future.. am... oh you know what i Mean.... (cause im lost now...)
hi tees.. indeed my credit card has been heard to giggle uncontrollably....
Funnyman i preservered with ninja Gaiden and got frustratingly close to and ending but never finished it, but DMC was way outside my ability and patience...
Gnome as always you indeed are correct, we are assuming he may cry.. however i believe the devlepors have organised regional onion slicing events to ensure all will go to plan.... mind your step ... (helps gnome down...) wouldn't want you falling and making a claim for compensa... erm hurting yourself....
I always thought that Capcom did a poor job of the music with the Devil May Cry franchise. The Rock n Roll theme never worked with Devil May Cry games. Capcom should have a live orchestral musical score (ala God of War) in Devil May Cry 4.
it might have worked... but if memory serves me it sounded tacked on, the rock track was rough, with electric guitar beats... i didn't like it... orchestral though would certainly have worked.....
Can't wait to use the new gunblade weapon in Devil May Cry 4. Capcom did a somewhat creative job coming up with the guitar, but it was useless against bosses.
(plummets to his doom)
I'd sue but I'm dead. Feck.
I wonder if the protagonist in Devil May Cry 4 is related to Dante.
(throws blanket over Gnomes twisted body....) dante it appears will be a a playable character as part of the storyline, Nero is remarkably similar to Dante and his brother... clone?
(lifts blanket.. measures Gnome....scratches head....)
non standard width here tom, we'll need the Super Size oak casket...
A clone is possible. I remember flooding Capcom's inbox with hate mail after Devil May Cry 2. It looks like spamming Capcom was a success because Devil May Cry 3 was fantastic.
Well im glad you did, makes me wonder whether I should bother doing the same with Two Worlds.
I've never delved into the Devil May Cry world... It's on my 'to do list'... *Steps over strange bloody lumpen blanket* Eldrely, have you seen Gnome?
I don't think I was the sole reason that Devil May Cry 3 was a success, but I do believe that I made a contribution.
(tries to lift dead hand and touch Father. Fails)
Gnome? gnome.. let me see FK (scratches chin), little fella with a crinkly hat? bout so high? thats him there lying dead.. poor fella never stood a chance... gravity it was that took him away from us in the end... who'd have thought huh!... i have a sneaking suspicion though he'll be back...
No indeed Funnyman, but very few take the time and effort to leave valuable feedback, glad they listened, DMC3 special edition is in my top 20 of all time.
..poor Gnome.. hope they find a coffin for him... cremation is so final.... sigh!
I don't mind that Devil May Cry 4 was delayed because it is best to get things right the first time than have another Devil May Cry 2.
*Blows out Elderly's matches* Couldn't we have him stuffed and mounted? I'd miss him if he were gone for good...
I just realized that Capcom has not decided to make a true sequel to Devil May Cry 2. It is almost as if they are trying to erase the existence of DMC 2. This makes perfect sense, considering the fact that it was a disaster. Even Capcom knows that.
Indeed Funnyman delayed can be seen as a good thing... I agree Capcom do listen, which is encouraging and augurs very well for DMC 4
mounted FK? i'd never thought of that... seems a shame to waste a good fire though are you sure... i mean for a start where would we keep a fully stuffed Gnome?
(notices slight smell...lifts blanket, sprays Gnome with airfreshner....) whatever we're going to do, we better do fast.. he's going off rather quickly.....
Will there be a demo coming to PSN?
no word yet, but they had a playable demo ready for Tokyo Games Show.. so it's a good bet....
What about Xbox Live?
not a smidgen of news yet, but then i'm here in Europe we get everything last... apart from rain..
Capcom needs to make a demo available on Xbox Live or PSN as soon as possible.
Japan will probably have it first....is the PSN regionalised like xboxlive?
Looks like I am going to have to start spamming Capcom again.
lol ..hardly spamming though, merely making them aware of our needs....
More games need to have their demos available online.
..From what i've read even peparing a trailer is a time consuming task for developers, theres always the chance the demo will stink.. put people off buying.. I didn't buy Lost Planet because the demo wasn't up to sratch...
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