Born Sweden in 1977, Linda Bergkvist (aka Enayla) has captivated people worldwide with her stunning art. Linda is as much a storyteller as an artist with an evocative illustration style featuring mystical settings and stunning characters. Receiving her first Wacom tablet on her 20th birthday, she moved quickly from standard painting to the new digital medium. Her most recent publicly shown work being featured on the cover of the magazine "ImagineFx" in August 2006, her work also features in a set of 12 prints in the
Ballistic masters series.
Official Website Furiae
Clickable inkies Linda Bergkvist fantasy Art Website posters
quite.. the middle image is ...erm!.....
Yes. Quite.
Meybe we shoud meet the artists? I know a painter who might b interested in her. She's a she too ;)
Damn! I know two painters of that sort!
She's one of my favs..! Even have a book... It's quite amazing how she does these... lots of time!
Hi Deitrix welcome back, Hi Gnome.... elderly here (prone to stating the obvious.......)
I have a friend like that too, beautiful, mysterious, aloof, such a loss......
As soon as i spotted the site i recognised the link from Deitrix's page, she is exceptional..... indeed quite tempted with the prints set....
seem to remember another artist not so far away from here...... with the same budding talent.....
Oh,guess your friend isn't bi then, right elderly (just asking the obvious so you can state it, and so on and so forth)
Hiya Deitrix!
quite observant of you, such a wonderous female lost to the seductive guiles of the male population... proof if proof were needed that purgatory exists on Earth
Just gimme some time- After the holiday's I will be returning at full throttle...
Already Idea's are cooking in my head... Better than rock soup I must say also....
Yes. Purgatory does exist. Fucking Pinochet escaped it though...
Deitrix. Do hurry. We're all more than eager y' know.
Anyway. (again)
Here's a little silly thing:
a most apt and appropriate video, giving finally a frank and honest account of the "star" over bethlehem.... ah i so glad it's finally been said, i've carried the burden for so long..... (adjust tinfoil hat....) and they called me mad......
Slightly concerned to hear about all this brain cookng Deitrix, but a return to form will be greatly appreciated and of course pave the way for their return.......
tis only a matter of time.... here I've prepared these for you both ....
(hands gnome and Deitrix two tinfoil hats.....)
(gnome eats hat. burps. wathes cthulhu extreme fetish kinky bizare snuff porn, offering Elderly interesting google possibilities)
...(checks watch... applies reason..... logic and the fundamentals of maoism......)
a surfing we will go, a surfing we will go, hey hi lal di oh a surfing we will go...
thanks gnome the night was becoming a drag....???? another word for google....
Happily, anyone searching for "kinky drag mythical deities" will end up here. I'll go wash meself now....
..? ...feck..... (slaps hand against forehead... opens phone book.... )
"hello mickey murphy estate agent? i wonder what sort of blog property you have on offer..... no a quick sale..."
Don't do anything for less than 12k euros...
(fending off deviant porn fetishists, who have gathered as a result of a google search for "kinky drag mythical deities")
i'm afraid i've got no bargaining position..... shame though..... maybe theres a way to get the search phrase unlisted....
You could bribe the google people...
??? give blogger money? what a novel idea......
(picks up phone......hello bribery section please... yes i'd like to make a bribe... well a small one... to have search term deleted from google search.... words? oh sorry "kinky drag mythical deities" ..yes... soon as you can.....how much? ...for four words? nah no deal that's extortion.... right same to you..... hangs up phone...)
bloody cheek, asking for 1 euro, what do they think im made of money?
Americans... Pah!
Tsk, tsk
(gnome gets highly irritated)
(circles the american embassy in ballsbridge.......) right im off to lodge a official protest....
(writes out protest, wraps protest around brick... heads out the door.....)
back in a little while....
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