Rich you would think coming from a console manufacturer that charges 20 cent for a picture on xboxlive and allows the retail of 360 games at 74.99 euro a pop. But three points in his elite 8 restructuring guide got my thumbs up. That's if he really meant what he said and if the conference audience weren't too hungover to listen, or too anxious about that afternoons golfing event.
- Mr.Moore suggested that Games should appeal to a wider audience beyond "the boys in the bedroom"
- Given we're "living in a Youtube world" (?) the industry should embrace community content, when it comes to how games are delivered to consumers
- Don't pass on the cost of rising development costs
Full story from Gamerscore blog (the Microsoft xbox and games employees blog)

A very interesting find wise and noble Elder(ly). You've been apparently quite the busy guy during those last (pretty happy) days...
(kicks an empty tequila bottle under the sofa....) ammmm no just your average getting by activities
Happy to hear your happy sojurn was erm... a happy time.......
If your happy then im happy.......
We're all happy! Even granma is celebrating and filling her place with go-go boys.
By the way, what's that under your bed?
thats am a....... Granma huh, she had a good time then? I presume the go-go boys are fee paying residents and not mere interlopers who will break her heart?
(pulls down bed covers..... hiding the empty tequila bottle that had avoided being damaged in the marathon tequila polishing session)
Sure, they all care for her... And has an unbreakable heart...
What's a polished tequilla doing in your place Mr. Elderly?
what tequila bottle..... polished? in my house? never....... well how did that get there? must have followed me home...... you know how lonely they get!!!
back to grandma.... surely they dont' all "care for her" at the am... same time
Oh, the disgrace.... yes they do... Now, let's forget the whole thing.
It's a nesting tequilla bottle then? weird... Didn't know they nest..
(quickly skipping over grandma......) oh yes i've a nest of polished teq......
no i reckon this stray, must have got entangled in my....... shoelaces... yes that's it...... certainly no tequila nests around here.......
lets move into the kitchen, its much cooler in there....... and i've some new kitchen utensils i'd like you to see.....
Ah yes? Are they retro or high tech... Anything a tequilla drinking granma would appreciate?
i've a stainless steel nutmeg grinder.... what you forgot to bring a pressi back for your grandma did you?
Unfrtunately I did... Damn. Stupid, bad, evil gnome...
here take the nutmeg grinder, it'll help her keep that basketball team in order...... poor woman she must be exhauste.... i'll get some wrapping paper...
(think blog is dying)
come again ther big buddy your breaking up..... blog dying is what i heard....
It lived!
what happened?
when? where? why?
must have been a cat......
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