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1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»how do you get to the mehrunes razor, and actavate the rock wall. It will not let me shift.
not sure where you are, but
activate the two Enchanted Pedestals (with the collected Bezoars) on either side of the wall to unseal it.
Having gotten the Drothan key from Frathen Drothan in Final room either way your going to have to fight Msirac Faythung (the carbonised soldier), when he dies the gate/wall opens
Hope i'm on track here?
i am at the part where i have just collected the 4 book for the sacred dawn deadric cult and i am look through them and i need to figuire out the location of thier temple or some place i need help locating it i just cant figuire it out.
head back to the Arcane University in the Imperial City
(set your current quest to the mission and you'll get a directional arrow in red or green on your compass)
head in and talk to the lizard wizard...
i was expelled from the mages guild were can i find redwart flowers.
To find Redwort flowers visit: south of Fieldhouse Cave in County Leyawiin, the Ayleid ruins of Morahame or Wendelbelk, or scour the West Weald for them. The space between Bravil and Skingrad has many types of flora.
how often do plants regenerate
is there any really usefull advice you can give me
I've searched and can't find a definitive answer, anything it appears from a week to a month, the seasons even affect how sucessful your harvest will be.
If your having difficulty getting the ingredients, try alchemy shops and Mage Guild NPC's if you want to buy the Dragon Heart and Redwort Flowers.
The following link is a mages faq (loads of spoilers, so be careful what you read) it gives a bit more details on where you might find the elusive ingredients, but not enough to pin point them.
you are a big help on this site also, is ther any good tip for a fighter/theif/mage
wow a tough question!, trying to improve your attributes across the three disciplines is difficult, frankly i don't know how your surviving the thieving bit.
Check your main attibutes (principal skill levels) and seek to alternate your training/experience to boost these skills.
The difficulty i've found that as I increase in levels things get a lot harder.... so I used fighter/mage/scout as they have complementary and crossover skills which makes things alot easier.
light armour will help your thieving skills (even the material your boots are made of), so get skilled up in your light armour department, thereby making less noise when moving about. Check out what spells might best assist your fighter and thief characteristics.
I suppose the best advice i can give is visit the forums, find others that are playing the same three roles and share notes, they're bound to have picked tips you and i haven't managed to find yet.
not much use to your question but the following link, is a good reference point for character classes and skills
i remove the sigil stones at the top of the tower but the gates don't close? how do i close them?
i'm afraid it looks like you've got a glitch, curable if your playing on PC, spent a while looking for a cure for the 360, no luck!.
heres a wiki glitch link for the PC, you'll need to copy the link line per line.
Oblivion forums might have someone with a solution for the 360 glitch
is there such a spell as a damage rfelction spell? if so where do you get it.
sourced from oblivion wiki
"Reflect Damage is a difficult spell to acquire. Normally, you won't be able to find it anywhere in the game. Only those born under The Sign of The Tower are able to cast Reflect Damage and use this spell effect to create custom spells at the Spellmaking Altar. Currently, it is the only way to gain access to the Reflect Damage spell effect"
which cave do you find the ebony armor in or where do you find it
The higher your level, the better chance of picking the ebony armour up from a fallen marauder.
Otherwise the Umbra ebony armour and sword are to be gotten from a female warrior in Vindasel Dungeon.
Umbra is to the Southwest of the Imperial City in a Daedric shine called Vindasel.
The character has nothing to say and won't attack unless attacked. Which is a tad. However she's part of a quest available from level 20 on. You wouldn't kill a defenceless woman now would you?
where can i find glass and elven armor
The higher your level say level 20, the better your chances of picking up the glass or the elven armour from bandits or marauders. If you've a low level your chances are slim. Not aware of any specific locations.
i am looking in roland jenersics house on the "virtuios blood" quest but can't find any clues in his house. where can i find them
search on the first floor for a love letter. It may be either on the first floor on top of a drawer or on top of a book on a table on the ground floor. The letter mentions Roland Jenseric's cabin east of the Imperial City in the Great Forest where the two lovers would meet. (While in Roland's house, you may want to visit the basement, too, for some insights into Roland's lifestyle!)
i am on the canvas the castle mission and found the paint supplies in chanels room. i've looked all over and can't find anything else. can you point me in the right direction?
Ahhh!! this one had me stumped as well!
your missing the paint footprints on the carpet in the dining room (least that was my problem)
A suspicious painting - at the bottom of the West Tower, look for a trapdoor
with the three clues (the tools in channels room, the suspicious painting, the footprints) you can then confront.......... the guilty party.
is there any way to kill some one who goes unconscious
You can continue attacking characters or creatures when they're unconscious, and this does lower their health, theoretically if they're health is low enough when they become unconscious, you can kill them, but i've not tried it.
Sleeping characters go through their wakeup animation, which gives you an good opportunity to kill them before they fight back. Some quest characters will always bounce back (can't be killed).
It's probably not the answer your looking for, hope it's of some help!
what is the most powerful weapon in the game and how do you go about getting it?
if your between levels 1-20 the Arguable one of the most powerful weapons in the game is in the hands of Umbra, a soldier located in an Ayleid ruin to the southwest of the Imperial City. If you explore the countryside, you should be able to find Vindasel on the shore directly to the southwest of the Waterfront district, near where the road forks. Heading into this single-level dungeon will let you meet up with Umbra face to face. The catch? Umbra (the sword and the warrior have the same name) can be monstrously tough to defeat.
Greater than level 20 try fully upgraded Daedric longsword or take a peek at the following (major spoilers)
im on the quest amelions debt and i found every peice of armor exept the helmet any ideas where it is in the cave and where or how do you get imperial watch and imperial palace armor.
Okay the Sword and Cuirass are in plain view, on a bier in between two coffins. Open the wooden door at the end of this area, once you have retrieved the grieves, sword and cuirass. Before jumping down this hole, look to the left past the Wisp Stalks and you will find the helmet.
Far as i can tell the imperial watch/palace armour is unwearable unless you've a pc and download one of the countless mods, apparently Bethesda opted to lock the armour for reasons best known to themselves... so if like me your on 360 we must wait and see if Bethesda release a plugin.
Imperial Dragon Armour is available as a reward for completing the main quest.....
say if i kill a person with an important key or something and the body disapears after a while when the key or object is still in them is that object out of the game forever
important Characters can't be killed, they just get knocked unconscious.
Loot is randomly generated and can be lost if left lying on a dead body. to the best of my knowledge.. key items left in a vanishing body remain in place where the body lay. But theres always the exception so i wouldn't test it too much..... Some bodies never disintegrate..like the monk at Weynon Priory,
when you get infected with vampirism and you have to go see the witch, she says that she will only give the cure if you get her five empty grand soul gems. where can i find the ones she wants?
lifted from oblivion vampir cure guide.
"Inside each Mages guild, there is a shop. Each shop should have one empty Grand Soul Gem for sell. Buy it, or if your good at thievery, pickpocket it. If for some reason these shops do not have Gems, here are a few more places they can be found, though they will be a bit trickier to get.
You can find one for sale in the Mystique shop in Imperial City. Three more can be found in the Arcane University. It requires picking a level 5 lock, so I hope your skilled at this. It is best to go at night where you won’t be seen. Go inside, and on the first floor there is a chest with three Gems inside. All are Grand gems, but I believe two of them are not empty. Take them all anyways, the full ones will fetch you a good amount of gold. For another gem, head to the Chorral Mage's Guild. Inside, there is a staircase, and display cases to the left and right. The one to the right looks tempting, three gems inside. None are grand though, save your picks. The one the left has one. It's another level 5 lock, so good luck to you."
what is the best light armor in the game and how can i get it?
For beginners the best light armor is Brusefs Amelion Armor. Complete Amelions quest or head to Leyawiin (the city to the south). Just outside the city you can find a tomb called Amelion Tomb.
The ulimate base light armor is Glass armor available randomly from fallen characters or chests when you've reached level 20. see:
glass armor can be enchanted with a sigil stone, dont' rush to augment your favourite light armor too soon, as later sigil stones will have higher enchantments
unique light armor items on
all of these are for nought of course unless you constantly strive to increase your light armor skill, to that end get clobbered a few times wearing light armour before finishing off your foe.
in the lobby of the arcane university how do you get into the three doors that are locked?
you may need to copy and paste each line of the following into your browser window, sorry blogger limitations
If you've got the Orrery key quest plugin the following will be of use:
okay i keep hearing people in towns talking about summer set isle and im wondering wheres is it located also where would i go about finding daedric armor or weapons?
Summerset Isle is a large island to the south-west of Tamriel's mainland. Home of the Altmer (called High Elves by Imperials), of whom magic is said to flow through their very veins.
During the game of Oblivion you may overhear NPCs talking about trouble in Summerset Isle, in particular that Daedra worship is becoming increasingly popular there.
more info from
Daedric weapons and armor you won't see the armor until you are level 20, but once you hit level 20, it's all over the place. Of course, you can snag it earlier in the PC version using a mod.
im on the quest to speak with azura im wondering where do i find the essence of the willow th wisp?
ummm once u become a vampire is there anyway to cure it or say reverse it and if how does the vamprism thing ability work?
will o the wisp is a glowing greeny/yellow light from my memory i think there was one near azura's statue, the drop glow dust when you kill them. check
vampire cure see
theres a link to a vampire faq on the post..
I just got Umbra(the soul capturing sword) at level nine. If anyone is a low level but wants what is possiby the best weapon in the game email me at zsoccerdude@hotmail.com
i heard you can get horse armor how do you get it
if your playing on the 360, it's available for purchase as a plugin, on the pc a series of mods exist any decent oblivion mod site will have a full list. see
is there a quest to get umbra? i want the sword but i want to see if i can get it via a quest instead. cheers
Indeed there is see the following for the Umbra Quest (owing to shortcomings in blogger comments you may have to copy and past the link in two parts....sorry)
what is the highest level you can get your character to? this site has been very useful so thanks
Theoretically its 100 but the actual number (what you can reach) depends on your starting skills, class of character, birthsign etc.
which gives an indication how high you can level a given character (results show max Level when all major skills are maxed at 100, which then prevents any further leveling)
Thank you for you kind comment, it is much appreciated...
if your major skills are maxed out and you want to raise your level still to increase your attributes there is a way: go commit a crime and go to jail, this will lower your skills but not your level so then you can level up...note:the more severe the crime, the higher the bounty and the higher your skills will go down..
Excellent never knew that, thanks anonymous
to raise your level faster when your a mage go to a place where you can sleep and cast your chosen spell repeatedly. when you run out of magicka just use the bed and cast it again. this will raise your level alot quicker.
Ace tip, thank you anonymous......!
where are bear pelts? I was expeled from the fighters.
happened me too and so bloody annoyed was i, (having done nothing to earn the expulsion) I started the game again, only to discover that accidentally hitting your horse could lead to be expelled...
anyway the bear pelts can either be purchased in shops or you have to find the great big looming beast and kill em!.... I couldn't beleive it either... you've literally got to go and kill yourself the pelts required.....
most people who sell miscellaneous goods will sell bear pelts, however once you get to level 12-15, bears are everywhere
The best place to find them is Blackwood, east of Leyawiin. While fairly tough, they always drop a single pelt when killed.
Is there, or is there not a way to become a Werewolf in The Elder Scrolss IV...the Xbox 360 version?
No werewolves at present for the 360, and during interview in November the oblivion team had "no plans to do anything like that"
werewolves were added to the Morrowind expansion pack "Bloodmoon", so the ability could be added in a future plugin
in the leyawiin mages guild there is a locked display case that says l need a key. it looks like there are big gems of some kind. what do you have to do to get the key?/is it worth it?
I am stuck - in the quest where you have to go on to a shipwrecked boat and find two people in the bottom, where is the key to open the door. Everytime I try it i get to the door and then get killed as I have no key? Also any idea where you can find the 2 plants needed to get back into the mages guild (I stole fromt hem and then got expelled!) ManY Thanks
re locked display case
Several of the Guild Houses have locked display cabinets which can be lockpicked safely for the purposes of raising your security skill. As an added bonus, if your a member of the guild usually it's not stealing to take what's in the cases and the contents are often valuable.
Unfortunately I haven't attempted opening the leyawin case, if your going to try it make sure you have at least two save files to undo any ill effects.
re Shipwrecked boat
I'm assuming we're on the Emma May?
head to the mid-level of the hull, fighting past the ghosts of the crew, and eventually to the lower level, where you will be attacked by the ghost of the leader of the mutiny himself. He has very potent spells available, which will drain your willpower and encumber you.
After defeating the traitor, take a small key from his remains and unlock the final room of the wrecked ship.
if your still having problems defeating him, wait until your a higher level or have acquired more skills or spells and then go back
expelled from mages guild
you are assigned to collect alchemical supplies either 20 Vampire Dusts or 20 Daedra Hearts and 20 Dragon's Tongue and 20 Redwort Flowers depending on your level.
Try alchemy shops and Mage Guild NPC's if you want to buy the Dragon's Tongues and Redwort Flowers, although you'll probably have to wait for enough quantity to respawn.
There's a large concentration of Dragon's Tongue flowers to be found around the entrance to Fort Redwater near the Black Marsh border, northeast of Leyawiin at the last fork of the Panther River, and a few found in the West Weald region between Skingrad and Bravil.
Redwort flowers are southeast of Fieldhouse Cave in Leyawiin County near Black Marsh border, and around the Aeylid ruins of Wendelbek and Morahame along the Panther river on the east side of Nibena Bay. There are also small amounts found in the West Weald region between Skingrad and Bravil.
ok in the leyawiin mages guild on the X360 there is a display case that CAN NOT be picked and it says l need a key. Where can the key be found. The display case is by the tears you collect for cat mage.
In Anvill, there is a mansion that you can buy. In the basement there is a sealed portal, but it doesn't tell you how to open in or give a quest. How can you open the portal?
Shawn take a look at the following, the guy who sold you the house is the clue to getting the portal opened
re leyawiin display case key,
not a sausage of an idea, though the following forum suggests you pickpocket it from the guild leader or the alchemist lady, it appears no one knows for sure..
For "Repairing the Orrery", Oblivion XBOX 360, I have gotten the parts from the camps and now the game is telling me to take them back to the chick at the Arcane University. She won't come out of the Orrery and I can't get in there. No matter how long I wait she won't come out!
I can't figure it, the following post the guy has the same problem, but he was also completing the "necromancers Moon"
have you got all four cogs? Bothiel should be waiting in the Arch-Mage's Lobby
UPDATE!!!!!! Known PC glitch
"It is possible during this quest for Bothiel to disappear indefinitely into inaccessible areas. This seems to occur particularly if you are doing this quest and Necromancer's Moon at the same time. One known solution is to uninstall this plugin; within 24 hours Bothiel should reappear in the Arch-Mage's Lobby. Complete Necromancer's Moon, then reinstall the plugin."
I have no idea how your going to unistall an xbox360 plugin
In the Arena pit on the 360 version I talk to Owyn to try and get a match started but all he says is I know your ready blah blah blah but the green marker stays on him and wont let me start a fight when I go into the Arena and its between 9am and 9pm....is this a flaw on the 360 version or is there another reason for this?
Im assuming you have the arena armour on, you won't be allowed fight until you've changed. If this isn't the problem then it seems like you've got your very own glitch, i can find no mention of it on the forums....
I can't find the ring in the well for falcars mages guild recommendation in the 360 version. In the walkthroughs I've since looked at they say it is on a dead body, however the green dot is in a wall and the body is nowhere in sight
There has to be a body in the well,
(assuming you got the key to open the well from Deetsan and found the well and climbed down into water filled well)
Vidkun's floating corpse is initially off to your right when your enter the well.
without the body you can't get the ring..... it's either the most unusual bug i've heard of or you haven't spotted the body yet.
hi, somehow i lost my horse shadowmere and i can't find him... any ideas how i can get him back?
if he survived, he's wandered back to the stable you purchased him in, if not he's been killed and you'll have to buy a new horse....
and yes it happened me too.... keep thinking i'll come across his poor lifeless body someday.....
whats the best bow that you can get in the game? and where can you get it? cheers this site never lets me down
at the end of the following page theres a table listing the base attributes of bows
the special items list 3 unique bows and their location, see
consensus on the forums suggests that the most powerful bow in Oblivion is a hidden one.... called Hatred's sould..
"Hatred's Soul", and arrows called "Hatred's Soul Arrows", and a mace called "Hatred's Heart" are each hidden in an unmarked cave inside the Oblivion Gate outside Chorrol, and can be discovered after activating the Aid for Bruma quest.
hatred's soul walkthrough here....
thank you for your kind comment, (pours a cup of tea for anonymous..)
Whats an easy way to get full ebony?
I've been reliably informed (though i haven't tested it) that the easiest place to get almost the full set of Ebony armor is the Dark brotherhood mission where you have to "purify" the guild. However the down side is that If you want to join the DB you have to murder an innocent citizen. So i avoided that option.
Generally Ebony armour dosen't start appearing (randomly) until you reach level 15, one marauder may have parts of the armour, then the next one the greaves and the helmet for example, and so on....
I seem to be stuck on the Dagon Shrine Quest in the main story. I cant seem to get the book out of there i get killed to easy. What level do u recommend me to do it at?
greetings Jack! no matter what level your on this is a toughie,
One way to keep all of your equipment is to dump all of your stuff just before speaking to Harrow. You can then pick it up the moment after you agree to hand everything over. This allows you to enter the next section fully equipped without blowing your cover. It's also possible to pickpocket Harrow to recover your goods.
Once you have stolen the book go up the stairs turn right and go through the door on the left. can't precisely remember the directions but eventually you should come across a passage blocked by a rock, pull the lever near it to activate it and the exit is just beyond that.
if you can kill one of the mythic Dawn with ease then your strong enough to take on the lot..
building on your fighting skills and strength (or magic powers) for your current level, prior to entering will make the fights easier, leveling merely ramps up their ability to fight back. once you've got the book, you don't have to kill them all, just run like the clappers.....
Casting frenzy spells on the the mythic dawn will allow you to pass through most of the caverns without being attacked
Thanks for that last bit of help, I have another question now. I left some of my stuff I had in a cupboard in the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary in cheydinhal after i completed all of the tasks and had seen the Night Mother. I came back later and they were gone. Unfortunately the stuff i left in the cupboard were some of the bonus rewards from the contracts. Is there anyway to get these back?
If you put you stuff into "third party" barrels, crates or cupboards, you will lose them after a while, the containers "regenerate",every 7 game days or so....
Containers in a house you buy are safe to store in and do not regenerate.
Unfortunately i know no way of getting the loot back.... and beleive me i've looked, take heart in the fact the same thing has happened to nearly all of us....
in cheydinhal some of the people there mention that they think something strange is going on at the oak and crosier inn. I check all around the inn and when i get to the cellar the music usually reserved for caves comes on. Where do i go from here? cheers mate
Thieves Guild members Glistel and Fathis Ules hang out at The Oak and Crosier, but from what little i can find, it's a normal basement and nothing strange or shady happens.
the music change is listed as an easter egg on uesp wiki.
there is talk of a scripting error with the character Fathis Ules, Perhaps the original character artificial intelligence script had him up to no good....
sorry thats all i can get,
i know this isnt related to the game but do you know if you can buy the new oblivion expansion (silver something or another) in shops? ta
hi anon, Shivering Ssles is the expansion.
Bethesda are promising around 30 hours of gameplay in the expansion, which will be available in a retail box for the PC version and as a download on Xbox Live starting in March. Nothing i can see on the expansion for the 360 being sold as a separate disc, looks like it'll only be available for download....
well knowing that the palace and watch captain armour is un-useable would have saved me many hours of searching,killing and side questing though what makes no sense to me is that you can get the "imperial watch sheild" oh and by the wayif you get all the brusef amelions armour peices NEVER put them in a chest as some peices will vanish instantly this may only happen if you repair them to 125 percent though as you will get 2 sets of the armour and sword
nice site "elderly gamer" i have never seen it before and because of you you saved me many hours of searching for the palace and watch armour so thanks...
Thank you most sincerely for you kind comments, glad this comment roll offered some help.
Thanks for the tip with amelions armour pieces, indeed i've made a number of unfortunate errors with Oblivion.
Methinks the Palace armour was originally planned for inclusion, for example the PC version has a number of mods to include the armour.
yes well i just hope that they do intend to create a downloadable plugin for it cause for some reason it still annoys me that i can't get it from killing that smug amadus phillida...
i am hyped about that new oblivion exspansion though i just wish they didn't enjoy taking their sweet time releasing there games and such.That expsansion has the look's of morrowind though instead of tree's they have giant mushrooms look's friggen sweeeeeet.
the palace armour needs inclusion, the official forums were awash with request for inclusion, hopefully they read their own forums.
the expansion is looking very tasty indeed, morrowind without fog.... the scenery never ceases to make me stop now and again and take in the scenic view... the game has eaten large chunks of my life away.... but boy was it worth it...
indeed i know what you mean there man it's hard not to just stand there and look at the landscape and i really know about the time thing time flies with that game
never was a truer word spoken...
those damned amulets of axes and the amulet of swords is next to impossible to find, and i wish that the elder scrolls site was more informative about the shivering isles exspansion for the 360 i wan't to know it's release date,oh and another question for you "elderly gamer" how is it that you obtain the light version of the imperial dragon armour i have only gotten the heavy version ugh i love that armour...
level 20 on for amulets, but your right, i've never gotten em.. and i've never gotten the light version of dragons armour...
...i think... though the oblivion wiki says dragon armour (boots gauntlest greaves helmet cuirass)
are bothe given for completing main mission...(sratches head....)
i've been cheated....
Someone lost the horse Shadowmere and wanted to know where to find her again. Zap yourself back to Fort Farragut and Shadowmere should be wandering around outside.
Ace! thanks for the addition....
I was wondering if there was any way to enchant an item with more that 1600 magic points. Since there are so many magical weapons in the game that have the ability to hold more charge than that, it would seem logical that they would have implemented this into the item enchantmens.
I have just joined the arcane university, i have completed the first mission and have been awarded the rank of evoker but im stuck on the mission where you have to open the Ayleid ruin Vahtacen, to open the ruin you need to cast fire, ice and a damage magika spell, i found the damage magika spell in the chest and used it, but i missed the ruin, where can i find another damage magika spell?
First Anonymous:
1600 is the limit for the 360, the pc version may has a mod (but i couldn't find one).
Your quite right though, it would have been logical, but i have my doubts whether the game was play tested to the point of perfection. I would expect though (without any programming knowledge0 assume it would be a fairly simple matter to fix... in the form of a little plugin..... we can only hope the developers read the forums
(makes tea......)
Second Anonymous:
a chest next to Denel has scrolls of everything you need. The scrolls regenerate in the chest after three days if you used them prematurely.
Sever Magicka (damage magicka 30)
can be purchased from Sulinus Vassinus in Skingrad's Mage Guild
I am doing the main quest, and i've figured out the code for the books. I cant find the right grave, however, to find the shrine. I saw someone else's comment saying that you go back to talk to the lizard lady, but when i go back to talk to her, she isnt there. What do I do???
If you've cracked the code it may be you no longer need tar-meena
finding the grave: SPOILERS
Green Emperor Way is in the Palace District. The game's quest marker will lead you to the Tomb of Prince Camarril. Otherwise you'll have to walk around the graveyard until you find it.
Wait around until near noon (after 11:00am). You'll see red runes glow on the Tomb that show the location of the Mythic Dawn's shrine (activate the tomb).
interesting trick i learned, dont know if it was intentional but after you have the ability to enchant spells use it to enchant at least 5 items that you wear doesnt matter what they are. enchant them with chameleon,(if you use grand soul gems with grand souls you will get chameleon 20 for each enchantment. this effect is stacked for each item you are wearing with the enchantment once you get it up to or past 100 npc's will not be able to see you at ALL! even gaurds. i figured this out and went on a guard killing spree(my bounty was 80000 gold when i was done) and going to areas that are normally very hard to get into without getting caught. its basically a license to do whatever you want in the game. careful though at higher levels creatures have a chance of spotting you when you attack them as long as the dont face you after you hit them your golden. also if a guard does approach you just choose to resist arrest hell tell you to pay with your blood and then not be able to find you its actually pretty funny. remember, the game is like way way way to easy after you do this but its really not a cheat so i dont feel bad. hope it helps
I am once again in need of your assistance "elderly gamer".I looked up this cheat most people have probably heard of it it's called the unnamed sword on top of the fighting chance store it tells you to be there at 12:00 it dosen't say am or pm but i wen't thee both times using the paint brush glitch and nothing appeared is that cheat a sham?
Glacious that's incredible... I can just imagine the hilarity, haven't played for a while now, but im trying this out when i go back... im sure it'll help, hell it's got me itching to try it... thank you for taking the time to post
i haven't tried it though the original appeared on gamewinners.com and another version on 1up...
the version i've seen dosen't specify a time, merely duplicating the paintbrushs (which should hang in mid air) and using them to "climb" to the roof of the Fighting chance where you'll find a chest supposedly containing the unnamed sword.
seems dubious, and the forums are awash with "friends" of "friends" who found it... as the item was hotly debated for a number of months and nobody has posted definitive proof it exists.. i'd be 80% sure it was a sham
as backup to this beleif, the item isn't even mentioned on the Oblivion wiki... which is a definitive guide to the game
as glacious said, you can do the same thing if you enchant 5 equipted items and use the shield enchant thing. it works the same way exept you can be invinsible.
thanks anon, I could have done with that trick on a number of occasions, running for all i was worth back to the nearest village pursued by a myriad of daedroth and clannfear....
thanks for taking the time to comment....
I've gotten Umbra Sword in the Clavicus Vile, Daedra Shrine quest but when I give the sword to the daedra lord the game freezes 6 seconds later no matter what I do, its annoying because I want that awesome masque
A known glitch corrected on PC by the Oblivion 1.1.511 patch
there are a number of workarounds featured on the oblivion wiki page
I have alot of encahntet items (in lvl 5 lol) where can i recharge them?(and or repair them)
the best guide i've seen to enchanting is found on
Hello, I stumbled on this site because i am in dire need of daedra hearts. I have completed the main quest already, and i accidently killed a battle mage on this one mission. I already have 20 vampire dusts, and 9 daedra hearts, i just need eleven more, and I have no idea where to find them. I am a low level, so maybe that has something to do with not being able to find them?
Glad you stumbled by anon..
Daedra are easist to find before you have completed the Main Quest, so you 've got a particular toughie on your hands
Starting at level 12, alchemy stores may randomly stock them, but you will probably have to wait for enough stock to respawn.
theres a "staff of worms" glitch, though i haven't tried it, but reliably reported on uesp wiki
which allows you to repopulate daedric hearts on any Dremora.. see
Staff of Worms on:
the staff of worms is held by Mannimarco, King of Worms.
See Confront the King for more details.
i'm tyring to find a full set of elvish, mithril, or glass armour, where's can i find this?
sorry im stumped, i've never gotten a full set of any armour in one place.
mithril starts appearing at level 10
elven at lvl 15
glass at lvl 20
if you get lucky, you may find a bandit with a full set, but it hasn't happened me ever.
thank you.
where can i find a chameleon spell?
your most welcome anon....
chameleon spell
i'm afraid it depends on how chameleon you want to be.. see the following definitive article on the oblivion wiki
Hey I was doing the mages guild quests still wanting the daedric set because I can wear heavy armor (I am a master) and I got to the third to last part and got the daedric legs chest boots and claymore and later on finished the quest chain. I am now wanting to get the gauntlets and helmet but can't seem to get them anywhere in the actual oblivion plains and I don't want to kill the person in Roxy Inn. Any idea where I can find the two pieces? I am level 26 almost 27 btw
I posted a comment earlier about the daedric armor and not wanting to kill the person in the inn... I got back to oblivion (360 btw) and saw another person with all but gauntlets and helmet as well that was an npc in anvil. I just want to add that I also don't want to have to kill any npc unless it is one that will attack me first. For example: One in a cave like a necromancer. Oh btw this is my #1 site to go to. Good work! It rocks!
thank you for such kind words, greatly appreciated...
(bows to anonymous..)
i fully understand why you want to keep a clean slate,
from lvl 20 on the armor begins appearing at random..though it'll come as no surprise that consensus on the forums say both Daedric helmets and gauntlets are extremely difficult to find..not impoosible, but frustrating...
the only positive tip offered was based on the respawning of bandits.. the suggestion was to retrace any route wher'd you'd previously encountered a total of a least three bandits, who should respawn every 3 days or so.. in the hope that lady luck will smile on you.
hopefully by the time your read this you'll have found at least one, leaving a exciting? non scripted quest to be resolved..
at least two of the forums i visited suggested that a pandoras box of various artifacts including ...Daedric gauntlets and helmets were to be found once they'd downloaded the plugin Mehrunes' Razor. I can't confirm whether this is true or not, but the cave in the plugin does turn up a vast amount of treasure...
i'd feel a very unhappy bunny having forked out for a plugin only to find neither gauntlets or helmets...
sorry i struck out on this one...
elderly gamer...
Your info about the daedric pieces helped a bit. Luckily I decided to do a quest and walked into the house I needed to and I was instantly attacked by 2 people. One of them was a marauder (Bandit) And luckily he was wearing both the boots and gauntlets. so I atleast got my gauntlets! :) Thanks a ton. btw if you do get any more info about the helmet please do leave a comment!
happy to hear your halfway there, If i hear of anything i'll post it here... aahhhh work the curse of the gaming class....
hello once again elderly gamer i posted some comments some time ago and found your advice very useful. can you tell me where to find a glass helmet? i have the rest of the armor and just can't find the helmet. thanks
well elderly thank you for all your help on the daedric armor even if you couldn't find exact stuff... I got the helmet with an enchant on it... the life detect in swampy cave. And Anon for your glass helmet go there where I got my daedric helmet (swampy cave) it has 105 or 150 ft life detect on it. Bring a few lockpicks if you don't have the skeleton key because the chests are hard difficulty. it will be in the first cave and not through the door. Just go to like the cave farthest to the right of the door when you first walk in and it is still behind you. there are a few chests in it and you have to find the right one. good luck. as you may get another one but I highly doubt it!
just search the entire cave's area withought going through the door in the cave* lol
hello anon the first, hope anon the later has helped you out ...
hanks to Anon the later, and congratulations, glad you got the full set of Daedric, and thank you for helping out Anon the earlier.. a comprehensive answer...
i'll have to start giving out name tags, though this is getting confusing...
k I am the one who asked about the daedric armor elderly... thought it would be less confusing if I had a name tag lol. btw, has anyone else noticed the glitch with the storm atronach and getting them near a boulder? Every time that happens to me they freez and won't attack me. lol
the glitch with the storm atronach helped me on more than one occasion lol thanks for the help with the glass helmet earlier btw
decided to get myself a name tag also lol hope it helps in the future. I'm the one who asked about the glass helmet earlier.
you're welcome dale. hope it comes in handy for all character that you want to get any light or heavy armor :)
lol I was looking for something to buy for a quest and it was funny because I am there and all of a sudden I see a person that lives in the town start what looks like talking but it sounds like ticking then I noticed that there is a cupbard that needs a key and she is trying to open it lol!
ok I am really getting mad here. I was playing Oblivion earlier and I died. Well when I went to load the game and it finished loading I was still where I died and I could still see my sword floating and etc. like I had just been in the middle of attacking and dieing. Well I can look around but can't move. so I loaded the game again and it was the same thing only it was where the saved game was. all of my things were going up except my health. I went and drank potions still... nothing. so I restarted the 360 and go back in and it like froze right as it finished loading but it wasn't really frozen. it was like the screen wasn't showing up for the save. I went into the memory and had corrupted data which I then deleted. it still continued to happen and there is maybe one game that I know of that won't have that happen and I can play the game but it is so far away from what I was at with the latest save. has anyone else had this problem? If so please tell me how to fix it except restarting the game...
can't say thats ever happened 2 me borley444 sorry. y dont you ask the elderly? and to the elderly, jus wondering if the rumor about there being a unicorn in oblivion and if so where is it? cheers
dale the unicorn is near the inn of ill omen. go east when there to harcane grove and you will find it. it is just as fast as the white horse. btw it will attack you as you get there so I went to the inn and went in and it stopped. that is when you get on it. as well as don't take your weapon out near it when not in combat or it attacks you again and won't stop until killed and it is the only one in the game
sorry guys i was missing in action for a few days, nice to meet you both (nods ot borley44 and daleyboi
Borley44 That is one serious snarl up on the 360, corrupted data is rare, though reports from people who had downloaded the latest plugin "shivering Isles" also mention corrupted data, see start of
Whatever is going on it isn't normal and I know of no fix.. are other 360 games affected?
I've restarted Oblivion a total of three times now all because the game auto-saved when i didn't want it to, and have learned to keep at least 3 save game files, there is nothing more frustrating than having to play back old ground..
If no other 360 games are affected, and you haven't downloaded shivering isles, then it's down to the autosave function...
Daleyboi, indeed as borley44 pointed out there is a unicorn.. see wiki page: Spoiler Alert:
Yeah hey anyone ever got stuck in the oblivion tester...world, or version of cyrodiil no people no real water...yeah im stuck their and it saced there...oh and if anyone can help what's the best way to get your infamy up the damn game pretty much makes you some heroic guy no matter what you do so someone please help me cause i can'y activate the ichor of sithis in deepscorn because im to good even though i steal and murder as much as possible.
not sure these are going to help any, but here goes
hmmm....thanks for trying to help elder but it didn't solve my problem no offense.Oh and about unicorns if you ever wan't t free horse you run up to the unicorn get on it and transport(travel) to a location then it will be there everytime you tele btu know this it will automaticcaly attack you if something else does to solve this without killing it go inside a different area (prefferably one with loading time)and then go back outside then it will be neutral again(also for those who do not know horse armour pack dosen't work on the unicorn)so no you do not have to slay the unicorn as borley said.
no offence taken at all anon, and thank you for the tips on unicorn, but i don't understand why your infamy dosen't increase, beats me anon im sorry..
elderly, can you give me some hints on how to use the paintbrush technique? i've tried many times and just cant get it right. thanks
dubious as it seems and I stress I haven't managed to get this to work, the forums are full of friends of friends who got this trick to work..... hmmmm
But apparently you place a paintbrush (using the “move” button Z or the left bumper) about waist-high and release…it will remain there. the story goes that can then jump upon it and place another brush higher, thus building a paintbrush ladder to the heavens.
funny though how it works for some??? and not for others. An interesting distraction if you have a paintbrush in hand, but I wouldn't spend much time on it.... the PC version is more plausible...
does anyone know where i can find an elven helmet im at level 20 and every bandit i find always has the upper body part but notheing else! help
sorry anon, the best i can find is a reference to an ancient elven helmet, which is the reward for negotiatingVahtacen's Secret. Note I haven't located it and it isn't clear whether you can wear it or not
For the unnamed sword I am on top of the building above "A Fighting Chance" but I don't see the chest. Please get a picture of where it is or explain what could of gone wrong.
sorry anon, im rather dubious it exists... did some searching for a pic.. but unsurprisingly no-one has posted one......
Thanks Anyway :)
I cnat figure out how to cross across to the other platform to obtain the Crusader's Mace in the Knights of the Nine missions (ps3 version) I keep hearing something about Kynareth but I have no idea who or where that is. Can you help?
No problem Anon, thanks for coming back..
Anon 2 Crusaders mace?
Obtained from Leyawiin's Chapel of Zenithar during the quest "The Path of the Righteous".
Path of the Rightheous walkthrough here:
were are the best places to find the ring of iron fist, Amulet of Axes, and Necklace of Swords. I've searched for hours and cant find them
Im sorry anon but the items you mention are all randomized magic items that are auto-generated by Oblivion's leveled list system, they can pop up anywhere but normally only from level 20 on....
i finished the dark brotherhood quest and the lucien said he gave me shadowmere but ive looked everywhere around the fort and havent found it. Ive gotten on my old account easily, is this a glitch?
The downside to Shadowmere is that she sometimes decides to wander off, and you either have to go find her or wait for her to wander back to Fort Farragut (near cheyindal) where she Stands outside. nor is shadowmere included in the "Horses Owned" statistic on the stats page in game.
Shadowmere is an essential character, meaning she cant' die only get knocked unconscious.
the only reported glitch for shadowmere i can find is that once unsconsious you can load items onto his/her body for later retrieval.. though it appears knocking shadowmere unconscious could lead to being debarred from fighters and or mages guild....
hopefully it's not a glitch... and shadowmere will turn up now that we've been talking about him/her
(prepares some sugar lumps)
on the final thieves guild quest, as soon as u get seen by any guard u have to escape. is there any easy way of getting the scroll, i keep getting detected. Also once u jump down the chute without the scroll is there anyway back up?
Chamelion is the key to getting past the guards.... I don't know of anyway to get back once you've got down the chute without the scroll, and thats even after an extensive trawl through the forums.....
the notes at the end on the following wiki page are very good... and may be of some assistance....
I dont think anyone has mentioned it yet so i thought id bring it up since i found the skeleton key that you are awarded with from the dedra shrine "nocturnal" located on the far east on the map, to be very useful. u never have to worry about lock picks and it saves you money so u dont have to buy them any more...and one more thing, make sure when u have to give martin septim an deadric artifact that u give him one that u dont really want because i accidentally give him the skeleton key and had to redo that part of the game.
Eric thank you so much, thats a good tip, I hate those locks, you think you can crack em.. then clickk.. and you gotta start all over again... I know to my cost the sheer frustration of not having a recent save file....
..thanks for helping out.. much appreciated...
hey no problem. I hate picking the locks... but I was wondering where is the best place to make the most money at, all ive found so far is nord winds in bruma where the couple buys stuff at 1000 but i have alot of stuff thats worth a lot more but can only cell for their price.
something else i forgot to ask...im now going into the shivering isles since ive completed all the missions that i can for now, do u have ne advice for that part of oblivion...what to bring, with something else i should do first, anything like that?
without throwing in a lot of spoiler the best introduction is the wiki preview of the expansion see
there are a few exploits, see 1.7
1.8 and 1.9 on the following
without exploits investing in a fortify mercantile skill can reap benefits, no hard and fast system im afraid
Once you become grand cahampion of the arena, (pretty tough, but use your spells, I went through at level 25 w/o using a single heal potion ;) ) then go back once a week to fight three minotaur lords, back down into the access chamber, it seems the 'taurs horns stick up a bit too much, they get stuck at the tunnel entrance most of the time and if they get in, then you can run out, they will be trapped inside the tunnel, if there are still free 'taurs there is always the yellow teams tunnel. after each match you get between 3600 and 4020 gp.
Ok now i've a question, anyone know how to get through the molag bal quest? i've found the guy who i'm supposed to let kill me, how do you get the cursed mace to him and how do you get him to attack, i've noticed his wife's grave is a funtional object, but apparently i'm not ready to trigger it since when I activate it nothing happens. A little help anyone?
Has anyone tried using the black soul gem rather than giving to the daedra lord?
ok, I got the molag bal tip elsweyr, and i'm going to try the black soul gem thing asap, since I finally found a tip for making them (you need to use an empty grand soul gem in that altar!)
thands for a great site, sorry nobody else was on today, maybe i'll talk to myself some more tomorrow *<:)
one more comment today, in response to an older post, on the dagon shrine quest. If you refuse to give you stuff to harrow and tell him you aren't here to join then he and the other gaurd attack you, then you just have to kill a couple more in sneak mode b/f you enter the shrine, then everything will go as normal until you instigate something or get spotted trying to steal the book. I just killed them all, however most of them respawn if you come back to visit later for a little cultist- mass-suicide-on-the-end-of-your- sword! HEH!
neat trick with the taurs Vaughan thanks... i heal potion is pretty skilled play
never knew the the dragon shrine squad repopulated... ace... hi ho, hi ho it's back to the dragon shine i go.....
now where were we
TG for the oblvion wiki
molag Bal:
hit him with a weapon, hand-to-hand or cast an aggressive spell). You must attack him while he is at the grave; it is the only place where he will pick up the mace. Attack him elsewhere and he usually will not respond with aggression, and definitely will not use the mace, even if you have dropped it in front of him. If he is at the grave, he will pick up the mace and attack you; let him kill you.
Haven't used it but
Black Soul Gem
now why didn't i read the last posts first.. oh well..
to maket things easy, you can "clone" most items in the game, like lockpicks and items(example: 20 redwort for mage guild expultion). buy or get from body 20 or so arrows. get yuor sword out and attack the air. while the sword is swinging, hit B. select the arrows twice with A and then drop the item to clone. get off jornal and pick up clones items.
sadly fixed by the 1.2 patch, but sheer brilliance for unpatched versions.. thank you anonymous, perhaps one of the most useful oblivion glitches....
since i restarted my game i can't seem to find out how to get my conjuration skills to go up. it is still at 15
:-( do you know any way to get it so i can conjure a scamp or something like tht
To increase any magic skill, all that you need to do is find a cheap spell and cast it over and over again
according to oblvion wiki
"The best standard conjuration spell for practice is Bound Dagger. It is one of the cheaper conjuration spells, and it is the easiest spell to chain cast. In general, bound weapon spells can more easily be chain-cast than bound armor spells: all you have to do is unequip the weapon, and the effect terminates, allowing it to immediately be cast again."
Hope this helps and that you haven't picked up a bug... the following is a list of the creatures you can summon and the skill level required
im on the path of dawn quest and i got the third book, but between then and wen i have to talk to the shop keeper about y he had it, i got arrested and the book was confiscated... i didnt get it from the evidence chest cuz i thought no big deal, but now wen i talk to the book store owner there is no option that leads to him telling me Gwinas was gonna come pick it up, i tried getting the extra copy in the sunken sewers but the door was locked. I dont no wat happened to all my saves right before i got arrested so i would have to reload back before i was arch mage, the gray fox, and fighter guild leader.... wich would just suck becuase i put alot of work into that, so i need to no if there is anyway to mayeb skip the quest, or a glitch to open doors u need a key for, or a way to get the volume three commentaries if the original is gone! Pleaes help!
i've done a quick search of the oblivion forum and i must admit
.... it's beaten me, I can't see a way to get around the dilemna.... and unless anyone reading this can help you out, it does look like you'll have to go back to the earlier save..... which is a major bummer..... I know becausw i've had to restart Oblivion on two separate occassions
Help wanted!!!!
if anyone has an idea to resolve this problem, it would be much appreciated
i know this isnt relatet but its really annoying me. I just downloaded nights of the nine from xbox live and it downloaded fine but when i went on oblivion to play it, it just said it was loading new content but when i go on one of my saves it doesnt give me the nights of the nine quest. ta
no your query is bang on topic daleyboi. No installation issues were reported for the 360.
be mindful that a quest is not immediately added to your list of current quests when you first install the mod, I hoping that this is the problem you are experiencing
Things start after you hear a rumour of an attack on the chapel in Anvil. This rumour can be heard in any town as far as I am aware. The Market District is a good place to hear it.
see the following webpage to check out the additions Knights of the nine brings to original game, that way you can be sure that your download has installed properly...
its working now, i just spoke to a guard outside the anvil chapel and got the quest. very helpful info, as always keep it up;)
thanks for coming back daleyboi, trying to fix an a purchase installation problem with the 360 would be a nightmare.....
Hey I'm having trouble...I turned into a vampire in my game and I've been cast out of the mages guild and every time i go and talk to the guy in the arcane university he asks me if i have the metarial to get back in...I'm playing the xbox 360 version please help..and also I was wondering what level do you have to be to have daedric armour and weapons appear in shops
If you've been cast out of a guild your required to collect a number of items to be allowed back in. see
for oblivion cure see:
and you need to be at level 20 before Daedric armour starts turning up.
ok ty
Awesome site
Your site has helped me more than all the others put 2gether.
if ur ever in need for help theres a wicked walkthrough by a guy called papagamer. Be careful it contains every quest in the game and plenty of spoils!!! also for thouse of u who need more than 1 charocter like me when u get 2 the end of the tutorial savce before u leave that way u don't need to do the totorial again (before u leave u get the oppurtunity 2 chance ur charector) cheers again :-) !!
(blushs..) I really appreciate such kind comments, papapgamers got his walkthrough up on Gamefaq and your quite right it's a pretty significant piece of work...
And thank you for that tip, I reckon i'll be playing Oblivion up to retirement age and beyond, a game for life... or until the next instalment (droools....)
CAREFULL people, atleast one of the downloads on this site contain VIRUS
Thanks anonymous what site are you talking about, there are no downloads on the elderly gamer hence no viruses.....
hey, i've got up on the roof of a fighting chance with the paintbrush glitch and i'm looking for the unnamed sword but i cant find it help please...
Hi anonymous from an earlier comment response re unnamed sword
...seems dubious, and the forums are awash with "friends" of "friends" who found it... as the item was hotly debated for a number of months and nobody has posted definitive proof it exists.. i'd be 80% sure it was a sham
as backup to this belief, the unamed sword isn't mentioned on the Oblivion wiki... which is a definitive guide to the game"
...sorry anon...
i was wondering are there any more glitches kinda like the one where u delete the wizards tower and find the mace of doom i just wanna kno if there are anymore glitches like that one
Hi anon.. take a look at the followingl, about a dozen exploitable glitchs
how do u get ebony armour
wat happens if joffry dies when you are about to go into the big oblivion gate
hi chaos, ebony armour available randomly from level 15 on, enchanted ebony from level 17
hi anon, Jauffre death won't affect gameplay (assuming your on the "defence of Bruma" quest) you will however miss out on his comments for the "light the dragonfires" quest. the game sees him as a quest item, so when he dies his body won't disappear.
I am currently @ level 23 and have aquired a fair stash of valuable items ( weapons / armour etc) that I have been storing in my mages tower for the time being as I cannot find anyone who can trade more than 1200 at any one time.
Are there any traders / shopkeepers than have a high amount of gold to buy these items ?( along the lines of the mudcrab in Morrowind )
excellent point anon.. the limitations of available merchants gold can be found on the bottom of the following wiki page, along with links to Fathis Ules (1500) and Aurelinwae (2000, wizards tower mod)
Someone please help, I was so dumb I got over-enumbered and put my arena equipment down somewhere and I can't remember where. Now I can't enter the arena.
Any suggestions?
check the armour cupboard next to the old women in the arena prep area... ohter than that i haven't an idea... bummer though!!
Hey, I don't understand how to use lockpicks. It really doesnt make any sense to me.
Your not alone, took me ages to get the hang of it and even still i break the odd lockpick or two... see the following for an in-depth guide
There is this display case in the Leyawiin Mages Guild that has some glowing stones in it. it says it needs a key to be unlocked i was wondering where i can get the key and what the stones inside are!!
re locked display case
Several of the Guild Houses have locked display cabinets which can be lockpicked safely for the purposes of raising your security skill. As an added bonus, if your a member of the guild usually it's not stealing to take what's in the cases and the contents are often valuable.
for the display case in the leyawiin mages Guild, forum suggest you pickpocket it from the guild leader or the alchemist lady, it appears no one knows for sure..
Unfortunately I haven't attempted opening the leyawin case, if your going to try it make sure you have at least two save files to undo any ill effects.
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