So what's the Orange box you say... essentially a next-gen console version (as opposed to the PC Black Box), packed with bonuses in addition to the original Half-Life 2 game. Half-Life 2: Episode One and Episode Two add-on levels are also on the disc, as are the stunningly complex puzzle game Portal and the online phenomenon Team Fortress 2. Due US Fall 2007 and EU September 30th 2007.
Luckily IGN have released some more detail on Portal for your viewing pleasure. Or if your rushing off, it's a 5 hour puzzle game.
Portal Preview from IGN
R perhaps your looking for the Half-Life Orange Box Reviews

How dare they defile my Xbox 360 with that, that, that...DRIBBLE!!!!
Game for Learning traffic signs.
...(attempts to calm Timerunner..... fails miserably...throws sheet over post....)
look it's all gone.....
..magic...!.... (prepares hypodermic syringe....)
thank you linkagames... your test worked, though you'd link far easier if you put in the web address as part of your Signature... you may also need to check your page code.. it isn't displaying properly..
Hmmm.. the Xbox 360 seems even more alluring now. Well, in theory at least. Anyway.. Think of Portal's myriad porn applications. Sky's the limit, really.
I like the look of this...
Look of what? all I see is something covered by a sheet.
(Peers under sheet)
WHAT THE $#$#@!#!%##$!!!
... (readies syringe... ) though I agree with FK it does have potential, I've concentrated really hard Gnome but im not getting the pron angle....
(plunges needle into timerunners arm.....)
beleive me you'll thank me when you wake up and this nightmare is over...
Keep that needle away from me!
I tell you the world needs to know how...how...evil...the game..e.ee.eeeeessss.
...valve, you suck.
...sigh! ..it pains me to see him like this.... but his hearts in the right place....
..least i think it is......
(phones surgical.... yes patient just collapsed... a heart location scan... yes....great i'll wait...)
(moves timerunner to a more comfortable position...)
(demonstrates the amazing porn capabilities of Portal)
..holy sweet heavens.... thats incredible... she was only .. and now... that's earth shattering...
My point exactly. All we have to do is reverse engineer Portal, rob Valve of its IP, bring a truck load of willing girls and we'll be rich. Filthy ones at that too...
...it's a deal... i'll get started on it straight away.... this is going to be brilliant.......
...right then reverse engineering how does that go again?
It's just like engineering but while sitting on your head actually. Pretty easy...
..right we're going to need lots and lots of cushions.....
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