Saturday, September 02, 2006

Red Steel Screenshots

What better way of letting you know the have some new Red Steel Screenshots.... oh yes sorry a link...

IGN Red Steel screenshots

elderly tags


gnome said...

Interesting. Let's hope it does the Wii justice. Looks good too...

Oh, and summer is officially gone. :(

Have a nice Autumn!

Unknown said...

(puts on cardigan) thanks, pretty good summer too..... ah yes! the Summer of 2006....(lost in reverie)

gnome said...

To be fondly remembered... Except of course when the mists of alcohol make remebering impossible...

Unknown said...

ah perhaps some of the best bits, lets drink to the times we can't remember.... hopefully we stayed within the law...

(passes galss of anti-freeze to Gnome)


gnome said...

Yesshhhhh... law... always wins... damn...

Now, that's the weirdest tequila I've ever had... Not bad, either.


Unknown said...

(having run out of tequila, the elderly is too embarassed to tell gnome, secure in the knowledge that anti-freeze can't do much irreparable damage) indeed yes.... special import....

gnome said...

Ah, brilliant... thank you dear friend. I hope it's not overly expensive, right?

Unknown said...

(conscious that one lie follows another...the elderly cannot turn back now)

ah no... a Christmas present from .... a work colleague..... ahem......
.... strong isn't it? strange weather we're having....

gnome said...

Hm.. no .. not really. Wheather is fine here. Very normal too...

You were saying?

Unknown said...

was I? I forget...... (gnome reminds elderly about his account of getting the "special" tequila)

Yeah...... every Christmas we give presents and stuff.... guess he wasn't an alcohol drinker..... hey look it's starting to rain....

(elderly breaks into a cold sweat.)

gnome said...

(gnome gives up. drinks up too)


Unknown said...

