Seamus the Leprechaun here, reduced to wearing this ridiculous elf costume to draw the crowds, luckily I get some time off to browse, found these hope you like em.
top to bottom
Primal (Saints in Japan), PS2
Shinobi (Kunoichi) (Ps2)
Tenchu Wrath of Heaven (Ps2)
The First Myth (Japanese Online) (thanks to Download Munkey)
see all "Wallpaper and Websites" posts
See Game Wallpapers

Nice wallpaper, especially the Primal one. Maybe I'll use it...
(rubs his hands together....) for a magic ritual? can I watch?
I will not expose that information, and this is not a public show for all to watch!
Wait, it's the Elderly? Sure, you can watch...
hi guys, the download wallpaper link for First Myth is here. Couldn't find the one you featured though :(
...I'll get the popcorn Ross...
Mr.Munkey thank you again, indeed I've adjusted the link, I'm behind in my wallpaper posts, and had kept the game website but not the original website (jumpc.. i think) I'd found the walls on. The link you found has a far better selection....
No problem, It's my pleasure :)
Primal was a great game with a great price..!!! So Underrated.
Nice outfit Seamus!
Thanks Gnome.... (goes red-faced, but recovers....)
Primal was a stunner of a game... the graphics were an eye opener, specially for the Ps2....
...smiles at Mr.Munkey...
Gnome please put down the camers.... if the folks at home knew I was dressed like this....
Jesus! If only my real wallpaper looked like this... Mind you I'm sure Mrs. K might have issues...
nah never... not the same mrs k thats come over to the dark side?
I'm not pushing the issue... I'm like a horse/gaming whisperer...
sees Seamus smiling goofily at me ... yikes!
...it works on humans? thats fecking brilliant... I gotta try this out....
Seamus (clatters leprechaun across the head...)... Stop staring.....
Ouch!.... what the...
oops sorry mr.munkey... it's the medication....
OK. Seamus, took me a bit longer, but you're on TV! Say something!
..but.....the tights.....
hello I know you may be thinking this is Seamus the Leprechaun.. .but unfortunately Seamus couldn't be with us today... so I as an incredible Seamus the Leprechaun lookalike it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my... hom.... to Seamus's home...
..how am i doing?
Brilliant, brilliant. Keep going...
6 months ago, this blog was an non entity.. then happily walking near the end of a Raibow, a very old and decripid gentleman found Seamus.. the leprechaun... an exceptional and rather handsome individual....
...Pstt!.. Im not overselling my part her.. erm Seamus's attributes here i hope
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