Card based strategy game, expected Summer release in Japan only.
An Xbox Live enabled game that will be the next instalment in the "Magic-meets-Monopoly" game franchise that had previous outings on the Ps2, PlayStation and Dreamcast. Rulliweb have upped over 80 images of the promised 470 cards. Click image for larger version
Culdcept Official Website
Rulliweb magscans
rulliweb screenshots
elderly tags xbox360 culdcept saga magscans game card cards
Was there indeed such a gem for the Dreamcast? You impress me my friend...
indeed thank you (bows) culdcept second, released only in Japan......tothoutand one which it appears is going to be the same fate for this one too....
which sends my blood simmering, we like card games too....... maybe we could stage a picket......
Yes. A picket. Nice and revolutionary. But where?
Location can be quite important you know... We once tried to picket in front of the parliament, only to notice that people just didn't pass near it. Only a few tourists, a school from some god forsaken rural place and a wondering cop...
bummer...... location location
Japan and America are out....... okay we maybe we should lob a picket attached to an email.......
A novel idea. let's patent it and sell it to revolutionary parties worldwide. Then get all dirty and sell counter-picketmail code to authorities.
gnome hanging out with you is like watching my first fireworks display.....
brilliant idea....... rich i'll go for that.......rich...... beyond our wildest imagination...... or maybe not, or imagination does get the better of us sometimes.
lets take this one slow...... write lets chekc to make sure the word isn't copyrighted.......
it isn't... my army of lawyers has already filed for copyright. tm and patent rights...
say... should I buy a C64, now being rich and all?
why buy one...... you could set up your own c64 sanctuary, for unwanted c64 games and keyboards and tape players.
Ah yes. Another noble cause! I'll see to saving C64 memorabilia right after we economically conquer the world...
A most brilliant idea Mr. elderly. But why stop there? I could also save the Speccy too...
you could and the Amiga....... Gnome the Amiga you could single-handedly save the amiga ....... think of the kudos.... wow money really does buy influence.....
Yes... brilliant... and then revive Atari in its purest Lynx/Jaguar hardware form.
(scratches head.......) aye but be careful with the wild cats... remember what happened bill and ben or was it roy and orb........
don't really know...
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