Carlos Oliveira (Oded Fehr) : Mike L.J. (Mike Epps)
and some noteworthy new ones
Claire (Ali Larter): K-Mart (Spencer Locke) : Nurse Betty.....wait for it.....(Ashanti).
Once again Alice is pursued by a menagerie of zombies, doggies and cgi mutants hungry for her flesh (like their alone!). Those still paying attention will remember, that the last film left us with a hint of Alice's enhanced ability, hopefully this time around we'll see some decent competition unlike the rather tame Nemesis featured in Resy Apocalypse. Interestly theres a change of Director in the shape of Russell Mulcahy .
Rumours: A new Boss monster and the introduction of an important character from the early games.......hmm! more detail from joblo.com
2 measley, why did they even bother movie stills on IGN
anything else.......
oh yes! did I mention the film stars Milla Jovovich.....reasons to be cheerful

And if I may so humbly suggest ... Milla Jovovich is so much more beautiful than Mrs. Jolie... then again, to each his own, all I want is a gnome!
(self impressed, must be the headache)
We remember Yuriy... Really. We do.
Indeed mr.Gnome I would have great difficult throwing either (milla or jolie) of them off the couch for eating onions.
Wanting Gnome is i must admit an acquired taste. And it saddens me that you have been Gnomeless so long. Hopefully it won't be long more. You ol softy you!
I'm trying to overcome my gnomelessness through human company... weird I know, but that's life for you... gnome-ersatz=human.
Oh, and Mr. Elderly, I sincerely hope tht Milla and Angelina do away with their disgusting anti-social eating habits...
indeed i must attest that were i to wake to both ladies on my couch eating onions, admitedly anti-social and disgusting as it is,i'd probably join in........
Gnome i fear abandoning your gnomeliness would somehow change you (duh! elderly), dare I say beyond redemption and moral rectitude. Please Gnome consider well the possible fallout from such a drastic affinity. And if not yourself think of the possible offspring from such a union, doomed perhaps to spend the rest of their life seeking solace in either species and being shunned by both.
on second thoughts theres nothing like a good shagfest.......
Exactly my point of view...
Besides I don't really look forward to replicating my kind. The world has had enough of Europe already.
Oooh... onion eating with the ladies! Us gnomes usually add a bit of garlic in the mix. Hot par(/n)ty action ensues...
(ponders the concept of an army of Gnome replicants........)
garlics not the first love aid I would have thought of....... maybe it only works for Gnomes, like oysters and 24 pints of guiness works for irish males....
Agreed Gnome, Milla Jovovich is hot and to be honest, I don't find Mrs. Jolie very attractive (Must be a problem with my eyesight but I see just well.)
Hopefully this movie will be better than the last two.
We call them onion-beads and never use them on a Jolie!
(chuckles quietly and with a strange look)
(angelina storms out of the room)
and it was all going so well.......
Onion beads? the mind boggles..... (which might explain Gnomes straaaaange expression)
Indeed Gamer C, Take out milla, and i wouldn't have bothered with either one or two...... hope the new Director makes all the difference...
(can't say more on the subject.... kids are reding these comments)
indeed mr.gnome (applause!!!!)
sprays room with kid repellant....
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