Spiritual successor to the classic 3D shooter
Silpheed available september 28th in Japan and Asia, exclusively for the xbox360, with a Western release date to be confirmed. The weapon customization feature that distinguished the previous Silpheed games will be retained, this time offering the player more than 50 different weapons to choose from. The game's genre is listed as "cinematic shooting," and the Web site states that in addition to loads of action, the game will contain "drama worthy of a Square Enix game."
Official Website (Japanese)xboxyde screenshotsXoxyde Streaming trailer (opens on entry)
elderly tags xbox360 project sylpheed trailer screenshots website preview
Ah... Silpheed... Memories huh? Well, not for me dear Elderly. Never played the thing...
I barely remember that game but it seems this sequel may catch my interest (Especially with Square-Enix behind it.)
Welcome back oh well seasoned and sunburnt traveller (hides the tequila bottle.......)
Indeed until 10 minutes before I posted I had no idea the original existed either..... however Gamer C, Square Enix behind it should give it the momentum it requires.... though i see it a tad more an attempt to boost the 360 market in Japan.....
I avoided the sunburns.. that's something. unfortunately I also managed to drink a bit over my quota...
cool. I remember Silpheed from the MegaCD, complete with appalling voice acting.
Drinking over a gnomes quota, would probably kill a mere human. A period of adjustment detoxification is required (produces a clump of seaweed...)
hiya tomleecee, judging from the cut scenes, theres a chance they may repeat the calamity.... why is it so difficult to get decent voice actor? I mean it's not like their using a unfamiliar device..
I don't want no stinking seaweed. Better talk abou this device you mentioned.. The familiar one.
oh the hair of the dog............
(grabs half empty polished tequila bottle , passes it to Gnome)
Thats nice. geee. Thanks.
Familiar bottle...
no no only familiar because of it's familiar contents....... no you've never seen this bottle before........ (rips off label.....) oh darn the labels fallen off.....
(terrifying smile)
(locates a fresh pair of boxers.... and backs into the corner)
opens window
(closes window)
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