Second Walkthrough from the Gum on Gamefaq
Third Survival guide (short) from somethingawful.com
Fourth a Superguide (?) form Mycheats.com
Fifth a guide link list from yahoo.com including clothing guide, survivours guide, xbox360 Achievement guide, infinite mode, Otis transmission guide, Psychopath guide (which will come in handy)
See the film the Game was not based on:
Updated Video Secrets
Dead Rising Wallpaper from Cheatshappen
Dead Rising Wallpaper from Just Walls
Dead Rising Website review
Dead Rising Official Website
If you've got a fansite, list it in the comments and I'll add it up here

Look daddy! Five whole walkthroughs!
yeah gamefaq where getting p** off with me sending them loads of visitors..... ungrateful that's what i'd call it....
You should try farting in their general direction. This should teach them to scoff at generously donated traffic... Andwe're talking thousands here if not hundreds of thousands...
The lifeblood of my blog, walkthroughs, why if It wasn't (weren't....ed) for walkthroughs i'd be lost...the cheek i've a good mind to send my cosplay traffic there as well......
(elderlies cheeks turn red.)
(gnome's cheeks turn white)
Weird people... Undead probably... Does your blog indeed have blood?
ah no! well spotte, what i should have said is that visitors are the lifeblood of my blog and walkthroughs their menu of choice.....
it's late and i haven't slept for 25hrs......... I'm wider awake now than i was the last time I woke up....
no see I even got that wrong, 39 hours since i slept......... but getting nicely doz.......
sleep tight
(gnome lightly walks away, taking the beautiful chinese antique lamp with him)
morning, i slept like a baby, without the disasterous nappy changing thing.
oh well better take my heart pills that i left in the secret compartment of my beautiful priceless chinese lamp, i'll get breakfast first
(gnomes super-ninja reflexes enter turbo mode)
Your pills dear friend...
(hands shiny and washed up lamp over)
what are you doing here this hour of the morning? (opens secret compartment takes heart tablet)..... strange whats the priceless chinese lamp doing in the bathroom? I must have really tied one on last night
anyway how are you?
Uhm..fine. Fine, just fine. You doing ok too?
Want something to eat? No. Ok. I'll be leavng you then.
Nighty night!
bye...... nighty....wait what about breakfast........
nighty night..... but it's morning
Hows this game Elderly..! Is it worth picking up?? Havent had time to look into any games of lately...
no idea till september when it's released here in Ireland, considering the scarcity of decent xbox360 titles so far, this looks brilliant in comparison. Review scores ranging from 80 to 86 so it apparently live up to the hype
Thanks a lot.
(and another's gone, another one's gone, another one bites the dus)
(checks gnomes seal) okay people all done here.......
and another ones gone....... hey you in hallway no singing........
New one on me anonymous, thanks!!
does unlimited health in infinite mode? where can i get the gun?
Apart form the early gift of a gun from Jessica "Jessie" McCarney. guns can be grabbed from zombies
The gun store Huntin' Shack, located in the North Plaza, will provide you with all the guns you'll ever need. An early visit to the Huntin' Shack won't do you much good, as the psychotic owner will shoot at anything that moves, making shopping a little difficult. Later in the game, after roughly the seventh case, the owner will leave his store and you can then help yourself to shotguns or sniper rifles without fear of getting shot in the face.
No sustainable unlimited health mode in infinity, though Combining "Zombait" And "Randomizer" And You Get A Green Drink Called "Energizer" It Gives You Unlimited health For 30 Seconds, which is pretty useless.... survive for 30 days in infinity to get unlimited ammo but thats it!.
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