Despite it's poor review on Metacritic, one thing that shone out amongst the reviewers was the praise heaped on the stunning in-game FMV's, to that end Squenix over on Google Video has released a sub-titled version of the opening movie from the game and I have it right here.
Good news for European gamers, where the game is expected in November. Eurogamer are reporting that even though we won't have an online option, there will be an extra 40 missions included. There’s also a batch of modified weapons, artwork and sound galleries as well as a new character model to unlock by completing the Ex Hard mode. For the full list of extras head to Eurogamer.net
I am still unconvinced if I should spend the money on a game that may not stand up too well with the standards of the FFVII series.
It looks great but how does it handle I wonder. From what I hear, the news is not too good.
you heard right it was savaged by critics, which is a pity. Metacritic averaged it at 58%.
(gnome just reads, while being succesfully sleepy)
(turns on lullably music..... pops a feather pillow beneath gnomes head)
(Gnome sneezes)
(starts sneezing loudly)
(coughing too)
(the swelling begins)
(zombie nurse materializes and administers cortizone)
Just an allergic reaction. Think nothing of it.
(gnome gets back to sleeping)
Sorry bout that....... jeez that nurse could do with a shower.... (escorts Zombie nures to the shower)
How dare you sleep in the presence of FF VII: DOC! If the game is not all that great atleast take into account of the saga and gripping epic that is Tifa..er... I mean Final Fantasy VII!
(elderly nustles into his copy of Tifa.. er Advent Children)
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