"plunging players into a frenzied environment awash with grit, mud and petrol, in a game that leaves the standard rules of racing in the dust".
But then Press releases are supposed to sound like the second coming. This time it appears the hype may live up to it's promise.
Eurogamer have got their gaming little hands on an import copy of Japanese version released on 14th December and reassure us the game "manages to feel incredibly fresh, immediate and exotic"
Set for releases in US on 27th Feb 2007 and TBA for Europe (hmmmfphh!)
Motorstorm hands on Review from Eurogamer
Motorstorm hands on Review from Gamebrink
Screenshots from Eurogamer#
Motorstorm Website (under construction)
Motorstorm Official Japanese Website (concept art, screenshots)

At last! An interesting PS3 game.. We should try rally in real life though, shouldn't we Mr. Elderly?
By the way, blogger is acting all funny...
Seen screenshots and video of this and it looks genuinely fantastic... Just don't tell anyone at the DCJY i said that...
well if a ps3 was to fall from heaven or the back of a very slow moving truck, resistance fall of man and motorstorm would be my first purchases.
Wii on the other hand has been shortlisted for the elderly household.....
FC i dont' think theres any danger any of us will divulge your appreciation of motorstorm..over on DCJY, .... Gnome.... wher'd Gnome go.....
Still here... Just drooling... So, you'll be getting a Wii and not a Dreamcast, is that correct Mr. Elderly?
Tuck and roll everyone.
(tucks and rolls... comes to a untimely stop using his head against the sitting room wall.....)
feckin ouch!......
(rubbing his head elderly continues....)
...i know, I know i shoulda worn the helmet......
...well of course dreamcast is on my hitlist... just a tad down the list.... after wii.... and before ps3 and after i get more electrical sockers and more control over the TV and when my piggybank is a ittle fatter and i've got some free time away from work and no distractions and such.......
...okay im making excuses....but there good excuses..... here let me help you with that....
(drools in perfect symmetry with Gnome.......)
(tucks, rolls, drools, smiles)
...(looks at pool of drool......)
okay thats probably enough for today.... Gnome... Gnome? Gnome it's okay to stop drooling now... Gnome
(waves hands in front of Gnomes eyes........)
damn .... a drool spasm....
(runs off to get a sponge and a pliers......)
(drooools aggresively)
(inserts sponge under Gnomes lower gum, stares at pliers......)
what was i going to do with the pliers...?
okay Gnome..... lets move you over to the sink
(helps the drooling gnome into the kitchen........)
It's nice here. Love the sink...
Thanks Gnome I think stainless steel adds a certain je ne sais quoi to food preparation... now you just keep your head over the sink, I'll be bakc in a second..
(comes back into the kitchen, wheeling a industrial strength hot air blower........switches it on....)
we'll have you dried out in no time.... I'll put on the kettle while were waiting......
Lovely lovely lovelier!
Really nice sink.
(steam rises from Gnomes body....)
won't be long know and we'll have you completely dehydrated....
(adjusts sponge....)
yep the sink, alot of people have told me i have a nice sink.... never really though about it too hard... but now that you mention it.... yep it is pretty attractive......
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