From the Ordon Forest to the Faron Woods, from the Gale Boomerang to Diabola, from collecting poe souls to riding stolen boars, not all plain sailing as you have no doubt learned. When an evil darkness enshrouds the land of Hyrule and the way ahead is unclear..... use a Walkthrough, of which the mighty illustrious Gamefaq has no less than 5, at last count.
Walkthrough from GamefaqCheats and unlockables from Mycheats.comLavish pictorial Walkthrough from Mycheats.comTwilight Princess Official Website (wallpaper)
Clickable inkies Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Wii Walkthrough cheats hints tips secrets
Oh. It's you. The tequila guy. Well, hello again :)
If in doubt use some help. A walkthrough will save you from the darkside of angry in you.
I agree walkthroughs are not cheating. you wouldn't drive somewhwere you've never been before without a map would you?
If you did you might eventually arrive at your destination eventually but you would be pretty pissed off and would have wasted a lot of time on your journey. (Dumb and obvious analogy I know...)
Never would have completed my beloved Shenmue 2 without a walkthrough...
Have just entered the world of zelda for the first time with "Zelda: a link to the past"
on GBA which I'm playing on my DS... apparently 30 hours of Game Play, so at the rate I complete games, I should have it nailed by about 2015...
I want a Wii! I want a Wii! Damn my Next Gen boycott, damn it to hell!!
On the Retro front I scored myself a Sega Game Gear at the weekend... Nip over to the Junkyard and take a look...
BTW Elderly, have you seen whose just popped in? I think he may have rumbled you on the Tequila...
...the tequila guy? you've been missing like a quarter century and all you can say is "oh look it's the tequila guy"..... what!! boiling gallons of hot water to make enumerous cups of tea was immaterial was it.... (kicks empty bottle of Gnomes special blend tequila under the couch...)
Gamer C, most poetic.... and accurate...
FC, im still a Zelda virgin.... though have checked my piggybank recently i may have to forgo a wii till well after christmas... unless Santa......
Hey All!! I've been busy trying to get a Wii for my son over here as well...
I can't believe how hard it still is to get one here...!
Insane! My BestBuy on Sunday had 100 people waiting outside- "forget that"!! I said.
Atleast they are shipping some decent numbers now- Just going to wait till this madness blows over a little bit..!
I will be getting Zelda if my boy and heck even my wife lets me play it...
Showed the wife and she even liked it... (The heavens shine upon DEITRIX with glowing light)..
Yep, the blogs been slow and it will pick up after the holidays... not much before then... :(
Be back soon to check some stuff out-
You are right Elderly. Forgot the tea. Silly me. I'll just go beg people for my Wii. It will be the first console that I buy before it actually fails/stop being produced/starts being sold cheaply as used-stuff.
Now, let's talk porn.
P.S. Fathercrishna... a Link to the Past... was it any good?
A Link To the Past? Any Good? Erm... as of yet undecided, as mentioned earlier at the Yard when I see a retro title fetching a good price it leads to me believe it might be something special... This is a very retro NES looking game, very basic graphics and Gameplay.... Wasn't that impressed, particularly as I paid a tenner for it. Tony hawk Pro Skater 2 for GBA was only a fiver and that is ace! So iguess the verdict is still out!
Deitrix! Good to see you're playing out with the blogging posse again!
(feverishly boiling water and washing tea cups........)
well goodness gracious me, chuffed I am to see everyone sitting comfortably, and all of us having reached consensus in regards to Wii, though i am a tad concerned over the purchase of said console for offspring, when methinks said console and said offspring will spend less time together than the the aforementioned purchasers....
but this is the way of Wii... while myself and Gnome seek to setup an intercontinental carol singing fundraiser to purchase Wii, it gives me pleasure to know that at least two Wii consoles will have a happy home this Christmas...... (tear drop surfaces in elderly's eye).....
...I'm also slightly concerned that Santa still hasn't sent me an acknowledgement to my letter, I'm now racking my brains trying to remember if i've been good all year or not....
ah but you see I've reconsidered it now. deitrix put me off. apart from the rob-a-bility status of having new technology in my vulnerable home... am I being presumptuous about being able to pick one up before the festive season??
just a thought or two...
(feverishly drinking tea, biscuits, tequila and then more tea)
(feverishly visiting the toilet)
(feverishly practising singing and learning carol lyrics)
(now training in the ways of the ninja-thief)
Guess I'll start by stealing a Link to the Past cartridge and moving on to the Wii.
P.S. None here is presumptuous.
P.S.2 Could I please have some more tea dear Elderly?
BTW would anyone know how to add a banner at the header of Gnome's Lair?
No worries please. Fixed it!
(Quickly gulps down a quick cuppa)Right I'll nip over and check it out...
.....here too late... (runs to gnomes.....runs back....)... pant! pant! nice banner! mr.gnome... here have a cup of tea..... another 28 cups and you'll have caught up...
A quickie look round the net this evening and the place is awash with Wii (including the stories where the controller has damaged tv screens and light fittings)
highly rob-able but me reckons with a bit of ingenuity it could disguised as a coal shuttle.... as for getting our hands on one B4xmas.... you once again FC have shown great foresight....
(considers an outstreched Angelina Jolie as a banner........)
An outstreched Angelina. yep, definitely sounds kinky. I like. Nice.
......(lost in reverie.......)....
thank you for this walk through. I am hoping that perhaps it may help being walk through'd (:P) by an "Elderly" person, lol.
I myself am in my 30's and while that's not elderly it IS in the gaming world ;)
So yeah ..thanks :D
LOL!!! thank you anon for you kind comment and especially for taking the time to post, indeed one ages rapidly in the gaming world,
Unfortunately I behave extremely child like when stuck in my favourite game....
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