vid from max4000max
Latest Trailer from IGN, not to be confused with RE4 wii edition, Umbrella Chronicles is a first-person retelling of the first Resident Evil. Developed by Capcom exclusively for Nintendo's Wii. An on-rails shooter, the game features a storyline that finally exposes what happened to the devious Umbrella Corporation. Due late 2007 or early 2008 depending on who you listen to.
Official Website
Screenshots from 1up

Oh yes! Oh yes, yes, YES!
Fan-bloody-tastic! Can't wait for this... I've actually posted about this over at Wii-kly Sermons...
I'm SO excited!
you have... your are.... me too.. and a mighty fine reason to finally buy me a Wii....
Not before you've bought a Saturn... They're far cheaper and you can't do yourself a mischief...
...admitedly the thought of all the physical Wii exercise has me worried..... but it looks so fresh... not saying the Saturn isn't fresh.. but digging a hole aren't I?
The evil is rising...
The terror is spreading...
and no one is immuned....
all I need is A FREAKIN WIII!!!
A Wii Umbrella? What's the bloody point?
(replaces keyboard with pillow, mops up blood and remove the "J" key from Timerunners forehead...)
A Wii Umbrella?, for people of small stature of course....
I've misuderstood again of course haven't I....?
Of course not! Perfectly sensible answer. Thank you, oh Elderly!
im right???... and it's not only a few weeks ago but didn't i got something else right too..... we're on a roll.....
wow... imagine.. me.. .signs of intelligence... who'd a thought...
(grins in two directions....)
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