Just when you thought Morrowind was awaiting a magazine cover give away, along come a group of dedicated Modders with a mod which adds a large chunk of Morrowind's mainland west of Vvardenfell, opposite Hla Oad in the south to Andasreth in the north.
The Silgrad Tower project started in 2002 as an extension for TES3: Morrowind, and over time a living, vibrant world was lovingly crafted.
Sprawling over 225 exterior cells, Silgrad Tower offers over 35 quests, hundreds upon hundreds of fully detailed homes, caves and over 1,000 NPC's. In this new world, most are friendly but others aren't. If you want to see and experience everything in this world, expect to have your hands full for a long, long time.
Silgrad Tower doesn't alter or change anything in the main game and starting the mod with an existing game should work without a hitch.
Thanks to Deitrix for heads up, vid from NRnoremorse
Download from Silgrad Tower Official Website

An excellent find Mr. Elderly. Morrowind lives on! Venceremos!
And -of course- a very happy new year to you! Let the tequila flow...
Happy New Year Elderly!
Hope 2007 brings you all you could wish for!
Maybe a suitably cosplay attired lovely Mrs. Elderly... Like some of the lovelies you've treated us to on this most esteemed of posts...
Happy New Year!
Are you much of a PC gamer Elderly?
Hold on J... I think he's hiding... Hmmm...
Greetings and apologies for my untimely but quite seasonal absence from my blogging duties. More like recuperating than through planned intention I assure you.....
well it appears we've survived another one, and as my cholestrol level rises to World Record levels, may I thank this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, prosperous and not too peaceful a New Year.
FC a suitably attired cosplay female would indeed be a bonus this year. a dream.... but a bonus
J indeed I used to relish my PC games, but as my PC continues to amaze me with it's longevity, Im afraid I rarely venture on any more.
Morrowind is a happy memory and i've long since unistalled it in favour of my mp3 collection. This mod tempted me to re-install it again, but until I get a cosy office recliner instead of this butt bruiser of a chair, i can't see myself venture forth save for the rather exceptional free games Gnome manages to find.....
Dearest Gnome, fearful that I will revert to my seasonal debauchery, a tequila flowing year would at present see me cringe.... I mean you'd think after all these years i d have learnt to moderate my drinking habits..... (cringe....)
but I suppose one drink won't do any harm....
cheers to you all!!!
Good to see you back sir!
If you're thinking of a bit of post seasonal temperance, I'll join you...
Together we will be strong...
Ah welcome back precious little Mr. Elderly. May your liver outlive us all! May you always enjoy your games for free. May the good lord make you his succesor.
United we stand as FK would say... despite being a City fan, that is...
I would love to play this mod... -but, I have so many hours in the 360 already.....
Ooh! Mr. Gnome, or should I call you Gnomey-Womey?
I think you are forgetting that we City types are giving the very Greek Mr. Samaras a run about every Saturday... And as you know the lanky, long haired, Freddy Mercury look a like, gave us to cracking goals on Monday...
When you insult city, you insult the Greek nation... Or something like that!
(rings United Nations crisis desk....)
"no simple argument, started with a discussion about soccer and Manchester... yes... no not at present but FC's faces does look flushed... yes I see... flash point.... got it... thank you.."
Right the UN have declared this comment box a Flash Point, peace keepers have been deployed, please remain in your respective positions while we seek to diffuse the situation...
A nice cup of tea...... (looks at empty liquour cabinet) im afraid i'd offer you something stronger but.. well... as FC points out... new years resolution, demon drink et al.....
My thoughts exactly Deitrix, currently finish my el cheapo copy of enchant arms....
God I've disgraced meself AGAIN in the public arena... erm I'm retiring with a sobering cup of earl grey, a couple of shortbreads and a couple of hail mary's... Work in the morning! Within the confines of Christmas! Tis wrong! Especially with Celebrity Big Brother rattling on in the background....
aye indeed the highlight of my new year so far is celebrity big brother.. such lovelines portrayed in such confined clothi...erm surroundings........ dont like the rocker much.....
disgraced? where? not here... most puppy like you are here..... happy it is I am to read such eloquent and human comment....... Gnomey Womey would agree....
Gnomey Womey agrees... Also states that gnomes aren't necessarily fond of Greeks. Or Greece. Definitely not Samaras.
(a team of UN peacekeepers arrive in elderlies sitting room..... they soon diffuse the situation, placing lifesized pictures of Samaras, Greek Flags, Man utd and Man city scarves all around the elderlies sitting room, they smile and leave)
... what the fuck!.....
Weird UN PR people... Silly as shit really... Where's the panathinaikos flag?
(from the bedroom......) about that panathinaikos flag, ... only i think they've changed my wardrobe
(walks back into the room wearing a green and white shirt with a big shamrock on the chest....)
damn but they do a thorough job, pity they leave so quickly.....
....am well
Okay!!! it appears I've broken the babelfish translation site.....
STAMATO NA TRAGOUDO, totally jammed up the server.......
hope i don't get in trouble.....
still have no idea presuming its a famous footy player.... but clueless
Nope not a player really...
try something else...
(hunched over table with pencil and paper......)
Stammering Tragedy, Stop the tragedy...
(uses calculator....)
tomato trestle......
....(elderly whimpers......)
NAh... Wont stop singing...
Got the hint?
erm.... you might want to use a baseball bat with that hint.....erm
opera reference perchance?
nope, no, nein
.... ? >?<>??>KJI?
animal, vegtable or mineral?
Uhm... none really
play, film, book, game or song?
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