Okay abridged I must admit but complete nonetheless. Follow the development of DOA from Arcade to Sega Saturn to Playstation to Playstation2 to xbox to xbox360. Okay the article from
Hardcore gaming even has pictures, how's that.
elderly tags Dead or Alive arcade Sega Saturn Playstation Ps2 xbox xbox360 history
You missed out the superlative (and arguably the best) Dreamcast version of Dead or Alive 2...but I would say that wouldn't I?!
Class Elderly, pure class...as an owner and player of both the Saturn version and the DC classic... this link was invaluable... I worship at your altar...
wait... I haven't lit the candle yet......
(Father Krishna don his old ill fitting altar boy garb, swings large golden chalice of insense, genuflects, crosses himself then breaks down and sobs with rose coloured spectacle viewed catholic/gaming nostalgia...)
.....ah a familiar scene, i blame it on subliminal messages in the Catechism myself.... hell i weep at the andrex puppy ads......
...still love the smell of incence..... (breaths deep and long....)
here have a tissue.....
Ahh Catholic guilt! They brain wash you from an early age, till you believe it whole heartedly and revel in the comfort of it's all encompassing world view, then you find out about the inquisition, their less than heartening alliance with the Nazis, their suppression of enlightenment during the Renaissance and their reluctance to endorse contraception in the face of the AIDS epedemic... and you know what?
I still yearn for the blind faith and feeling of protection I had as a child... (The good Father sheds a tear, spits into his spitoon and goes into the kitchen to stab a piece of celery TO DEATH!!!)
(Comes back with composure regained)
WTF were we talking about? Oh yes Dead Or Alive... Great game...
.....yep i know that feeling!! a little like getting life instruction from the monkey trainer at the local zoo... and as we stumble forward searhcing for an illusive all encompassing source of humanity..... yes doa is a great game,
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