Saturday, September 15, 2007

Persona 3 Walkthrough

Having difficulty with the day to day grind, only got a handful of Heart Collectibles? or perhaps those grades aren't what they should be? fear not, the following Walkthroughs will soon have you back in line.

Kouli & Jagged Jim guides on Gamefaq
Lord Yuan Shu Walkthough (with piccies)
Game Faq and cheats on Neoseeker
Free 30mb PDF from IGN (worthy!!)
Soundtrack and Lyric Faq (scroll down past search box)

Official Website (English)
Official Website (Japan)

Clickable inkies


NebachadnezzaR said...

Haven't played it yet, but you gotta love a game where your characters shoot themselves in the head with a gun in order to release spirits that help you fight...

The Sports Satirist said...

The PS 2 is still going strong.

Unknown said...

it is a fairly drastic measure indeed nebachadnezzar.. although in Europe it appears we'll have a very long wait indeed no mention of a release date...

the ps2 continues to amaze no doubt Funnyman...

The Sports Satirist said...

It has been 7 years and counting.

Unknown said...

..? jeez it has....!! wow... where did the seven years go?.... (checks under couch....)

NSonic79 said...

Playstation 2



I want it to become the reality...

fatherkrishna said...

I now love my pS2, after regarding it with hostility and suspicion during my Dreamcast exclusive years...

Unknown said...

the ps2 is indeed to be loved FK, cherished and dusted regularily... and the slimline fits into places other consoles wouldn't dream of going....

Timerunner which? the shooting in the head bit or the alternative reality to be found on Ps2...

Conewalker said...

Elderly it is Lord Yuan Shu. Thank you for the link! Keep up the good work, soon Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 will be out.

Anonymous said...

This game is just amazing!