Friday, June 30, 2006

Rinali li Cosplay

From the manga series D.Gray-Man
D.Gray-Man fansite

Cosplay from:

elderly tags


Anonymous said...


...but definitely nice...

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I LOVE cosplay.

Anonymous said...


Who doesn't? even though, as I've already and admittely wisely noted, it's to funny to be kinky or something...


Unknown said...

wisely indeed mr. gnome, hopefully i've turned the "funny" knob down a tad. And yes gamer C, good cosplay is indeed captivating.....

Anonymous said...

Indeed..This one wasn't THAT funny.... Especially the last pic. Totally humorless... Still, a real-life Chun Li in my house would make me laugh. hard.

Unknown said...

no i think id remain fairly stoical in front of a chun li....actually anything with a pulse would raise my body thermometer....too old to be discerning

Anonymous said...

Too old to rock 'n' roll, but to young to die! Aren't we all?

Unknown said...

i might have a slight edge on the dieing bit.....but it dosen't make it any more palatable...

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

sorry for the leftfield comment...
to clarify i may have a slight edge in that i'm no doubt older than you, Im as healthy as 19 year old hippopotamus and i love my rock n'roll, though for some reason the leather trousers dosen't fit anymore

Anonymous said...

Phew... nice to know... It was an almost evening-murdering moment... And even though I might be a bit younger than you, I don't think I'm healthier... Smokes and drinks have started taking their toll on me, or so my mother tells me :)

Unknown said...

listen to your mother.....the drink will rot your liver and the smokes will dry out your elasticity in your skin......but then what would we do for fun?

Anonymous said...

My point exactly... Then again bloody doctors definitely know something... I'm almost sure of that.

Unknown said...

mine smokes about twenty a day, and i'm sure it's not meths i smell of his breath.....still he at least laughs when he says i should give up......or it could be self induced drug delirium....

Anonymous said...

Seems like a decent one... I mean, at least he bloody understands what he's talking about. That's something.

Unknown said...

and he saves me a packet, in answer to my persistent back problems, he sent me off swimming....

Anonymous said...

Swimming can be really tiring ... drinking bear by the beach on the other hand is so much better...

Unknown said...

so much better...... and it's anasthetic properties are legendary when it comes to back pain

Anonymous said...

and beer is so much better than bear, if I may say so...

Unknown said...

much easier to pour into glasses too.....

Anonymous said...

Quite convenient, yes.

Unknown said...

it's probably also whey we like it soooooooo much, the convenience factor

Anonymous said...

Apparently yes. That must be it.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

hooray i won.............shit!

Anonymous said...


not a smiley, mind you, but ok, you won!

Unknown said...

no, very kind of you, but unfortunately my enthusiasm got the better of me and i posted a comment after your smiley......darn this game is tough.....

they closed the airport here this morning because of a suspicious how the hell could a parcel look suspicious i ask myself?

Anonymous said...

It was whistling and smiling without particular reason... Makes one jumpy.



Anonymous said...


Мы с моим другом Эдуардом Лером нашли секретную лазейку к постоянному потоку денег из интернета,

Но не все оказалось так просто нужно было все сделать по человечески что бы было просто и понятно тебе...
И чтобы тебе было еще интереснее - я объявляю временную акцию и дарю тебе "Яндекс.Директ под Ключ" и еще до 8 ценных Подарков и Бонусов.
Забирай быстрее Подарки, пока мы не закрыли Акцию!