Hello Seamus the Leprechaun here!!! how are ye? well the post title says it all, another Movie licensed game heading at full throttle to the bargain bin. How bad?

"The combat is repetitive and clunky, the driving is horrid, and the plot is completely useless"
and Gamespot
"Ghost Rider steals liberally from several major action games, yet somehow avoids stealing the parts that made those games fun."
I shoulda known when I saw the screenshots,
You may wish to visit The Ghost Rider Game Official Website where you can salvage some tasty wallpaper from this ps2 travesty
Thankfully with such horrid reviews I can now concentrate on my Korean Cosplay post, every cloud has a silver lining.

posted by the leprechaun

Until I've played it I won't damn it! Have you never liked a film, song, game or food that everyone else you know has said is shit?
Food for thought people, food for thought...
..well i did date a very ugly female leprechaun once.... strange thing was she always looked beautiful after I had a bit too much to drink... sort of the same thing I suppose....
....now what about this food?
"you made the leprechaun cry".... oh dear jeez can it get any worse.....
He isn't crying he just splashed a bit of Creme De Menth in his eye whilst raising his pint glass...
I knew it! I KNEW IT! YEt another poor movie game.
I should've taken bets.
...Creme de Menthe ... why i oughta..... (breaths deeply)
I'll have you know it was not creme de menthe......
Timerunner, one of the best ideas i've heard in quite a while, i'll organise the paypal account, the debt collectors with the baseball bats.... we don't need a licence do we?.. elderly need never know....
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