Pirate King Online
Fully realised 3D multiplayer online game, free to play with additional content available for purchase, hell it's got pirates!!!!

Arcade Pod
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Helicopter Game
Just you, your helicopter and a 5cm drop to your doom

I don't care how free or good a PC game is. How can you even consider playing it with a keyboard and that there is a good chance you don't have the driver for some PC gamepad.
For shame!
This is an absolutely great game...
Weirdly its an example of an online game which emulates old arcade games which I played back in the day...
I can't even remember the name of the game but it had something to do with landing a lunar module and controlling it's gravity... the controls were essentially the same...
My 15 year old son flagged this up to me as a great game he played in school when he should have been studying...
But if I ask him to play a Dreamcast game he won't 'cos it's "too retro"...
Kids! Who'd have 'em? Bloody ingrates...
Timerunner forsooth!..I got through my first half life with only a keyboard and mouse, and boy did it become intuitive, two handies are better that one......
Lander was the name of game you were think about FK, thrust button and that beautiful burner sound sample.... ahh those were the days....(sniff)
and your son probably awakened more synaptic paths in that helicopter session than he ever will in year of geography lessons....
Slingo... Having a game called Swedish Bingo deserves a thumbs up in it's own right!
(gives thumbs up, misjudges... sticks thumb in shirt, dislocates it......)
Then you are indeed a rare breed. I can't game that way, just not fun at all. and no longer fun for you I see given how your thumb is at an odd angle...
(gnome whispers:PC games have reached a sophistication undreamt of in the console scene)
Amazing finds elderly. One button gaming.. now that's something.
(embarrassed and hiding the pain the elderly hides his flopping thumb....) ... well until recently keyboard and (ouch!) mouse were second nature to me.... though I guess I should move with the times....
...so we're talking laser sensors here.....? surely not a joystick....
one button gaming though is definitely the way to go, I could see it becoming very popular down the local retirement home...
LOL, me and my friend used to play this and work and try to beat each other's high scores... good times!
...see my point exactly, easy to pick up, no complicated rules and utterly devasting, bloody thirsty competition
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