Trying to find a exclusive Xbox360 or Ps3 review is well nigh impossible these days. The majority of Game websites appear to write one review to cover both Xbox 360 and Ps3 formats, and "POC At Worlds End Review" is another victim of this trend. Scoring 59% for both Xbox360 and Ps3 versions on Metacritic.com
Reviews summary
Much like the movies, At World’s End is at best a popcorn game
Characters and scenery look absolutely gorgeous
No challenge other than overcompensating for the occasionally stupid AI
It isn't a bad game, but its dull, repetitive combat and uninspired mission structure prevent it from being much fun
Simple? Yes. Fun? Well, only if repetition is your thing.
Save your hard-earned cash for a barrel of rum and consider a rental.
Official Game Website

I'm not a massive fan of movie/game crossovers but I must admit, this one appeals! I remember watching elements of POTC 2 at the cinema, and thinking it was MADE for a movie/game crossover...
The TV commercial for this game makes it look like a winner, but I guess the folks over at metacritic are the voice of the people...
not necessarily, metacritic are merely the aggregators of paid reviewers...
The game was on display in local game shop, the graphics are to die for and the controls look fluid....
no not that sort of flui.... oops well if you insist.....
gulp!... oh har me matey......
(elderlies leg falls off...)
HA! HA! Your leg is wasted..!! He passed the feck out!!!
It looks sooo good, but I've heard it's a fairly repetetive hack and slash affair... How's the leg?
(on his hands and knees....) if i could find the bloody thing with this eyepatch... pirating isn't all it's cracked up to be...... but that rum.... (sips some more rum...)
...phew!.. warms me old hook claw hand....
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