To herald the release of Tomb Raider Anniversary, and inspired by the extraordinary Gametap Documentary available in the limited edition. Eidos through the years, has chosen one young lady to be Lara Croft, for your delectation the faces behind the ten years of Lara Croft.
top to bottom L to R
Nell McAndrew 1998-1999 / Lara Weller 1999-2000
Lucy Clarkson 2000-2002 / Jill De Jong 2002-2004
Karima Adebibe current
Models Anniversary Shoot

Left out (for reasons best known to themselves) they forgot about Rhona Mitra (whom I had forgotten about were it not for Shannon, Thank you Shannon!)

WOWzers! That last pic is hawwwwwwt. *fans face*
Sterling work as usual Elderly!
I have a raging sensation in my pants.
J, pretty sensational alright, only found out about the photoshoot from the Gametap documentary... some interesting pre-shoot footage...
Thank you FK, Gametaps idea.. remarkable I thought...
Ross I used to get that problem all the time, then I changed my washing powder... haven't had a raging sensation for months....
... though now i think of it, I changed my medication at the same time.....
That last one didn't look all that great. Lara never looked THAT scantly clad before. there shall only be one true Lara Croft and that's Angelina Jolie =D
Lots of faces, all of them nice. Shockingly I also (slightly) blogged you dear...
Angelina.......... gulp!.... blabber.... sigh!....
snaps out of it.... yes i agree Timerunner.....
Gnome, thank you wonderful gnome you...... (Hugs Gnome really tightly.....)....
Coming up next:
"The five faces of an overhugged gnome", a social thriller in three acts
(filled with penthouse pet, too)
...sorry.... I over reacted.. please... forgive me... Jeezz what have i done....
..I'll phone my plastic surgeon immediately, he's brilliant with facial disfigurements.....
...damn.. i've overdone it this time.....
just get naked ladies and be done with it!!
The face gets priority me thinks...
The face.. indoubtedly the face gets priority... though whether the surgeons can replicate the ruggedness of old is unsure.....
Deitrix, hopefully getting naked wouldn't be the end of it....
well it depends if Gnomes getting naked too..? Wether its the end of it or not..?
..good point....
..not that i've seen gnome naked or anything.. just well .. we don't want to scare them away, seeing as they may never have seen a Gnome before... in their lives... naked or not....
Actually, I'm always naked. Just paint meself...
gulp! always naked....but what if it rains.... like it's raining now... oh my God!!!!............
Narrator: due to erm.... technical difficulties.. normal commenting will resume.. once the rain has stopped. nothing to see here.. move along please.....
They forgot about Rhona Mitra ><
Post amended and credit given, Thank you Shannon I'd forgotten her myself, Im now going for a ten mile jog as penance for such an unforgiveable ommission.
thank you
Wow this is amazing. Im a Tomb Raider fan and a Ada Wong fan and they're wonderful. Thanks for uploading these photos and you're not serious about that ten mile jog are you?? xD .....Thx for making this website
(out of breath.....)
hi anon... well I had the intention of penalising myself for such an omission... but once i'd made it to my front gate.... i thought killing myself wasn't too much of an atonement....
Wow, Lara was the reason I bought the first PS1 a million years ago!
At least 3 of these girls if not more (or less) are so much more (verily so) better than Angelina Jolie... She was just the wrong choice for the role...
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