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Wallpaper displayed culled from the bloodrayne, A3 and Land of Infinity sections of a most admirable collection of game wallpapers on Best Game Wallpapers

Quite impressive ladies... Killers they are, killers...
(Runs, screaming into the night)
Killers? no Gnome surely doing what it takes to survive in a such an adverse patriarchal media..... okay maybe a hint of paying our forefathers back for treating them as second class citizens, but killers, no i can't imagine these lovely ladies would ever willing engage in blood lust....
....such a pity timerunner didn't wait around..... i'd a beautiful night elf cosplay model i wanted him to meet...
more gorgeosity... Yum, yum... the images are now bouncing around my screensaver and testing Mrs. K's patience... fortunately I bought her a Johnny Depp calendar this year, so I'm allowed...LOL!
one johnny Depp calendar may not be enough to save you, tread carefully dear father of krishna..... for strange are the inner whirlygigs of female patience......
I'm convinced they are killers. Even timerunner didn't attempt his petting maneuver. Coincidence? Hah!
Our forfathers? Cant really say, but I do have a feeling you might be right...
Female patience? Hah! Hah! (that's two Hahs). Only valium can do such things...
Gotta love the BloodRayne one.
(comes back)
Did I hear BloodRayne again...
(Runs yet again screaming into the night, remembering the horror that was the movie.)
Ross i tend to agree with you, such beauty surely could never be deadly... but Gnome has a point, which apparently has lost its impact given that timerunner ran away from the memory of the abysmal film and not any approaching journey to hades.
But gnome you are again quite insightful, valium does blur the edges......
Right. Quite a shame,really. there goes drama...
(looks out window......)
where? i missed it again didn't I?
No, not there. There!
..ah there (pointing....) nope can't see it.....
Ok. Wear these... See it now?
...jeez...... thats opened my eyes....... (elderly cries, laughs, sings, dances....)
you can't beat a good pair of opera glasses......
can i keep em?
Sure. The soprano too...
(stares at 26 stone soprano, notices the caked on makeup, the missing and rotting teeth, the faint smell of BO......)
Gnome how can i ever repay you?
Does anyone know who the artist is for pic number two -the Phoebe Cates in a scarlet killer motif? that is the stuff!
sorry it took so long to say thanks.
thanks for the info!
Thanks for coming back
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