Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Tekken ps3

Well according to the title is set for release on 1st October this year, but the scarcity of information suggests the opposite. An extensive trawl of the treble dubble u has revealed a lousy two screenshots and one showcase video. The Elderly Gamer, growing a Ps3 games list and stifling a yawn.

IGN screenshots and video

Yahoo's review of the E3 2005 video ( yep I'm really stretching here)

elderly tags


fatherkrishna said...

Disappointing indeed. Flushed with a reborn enthusiasm for Tekken via Tekken 3 on Bleemcast and Dark Resurrection I was looking forward to seeing any new Tekken info. Who knws it could have even pulled me into investing in one... Not any more...

Unknown said...

down as a TBA 2007, still the same ol screenshots around the net... pity.. indeed.... any of that pumpkin (hic! ) wine left?

fatherkrishna said...

Certainly my good man (pours out pint pot of orange bubbling liquid oozing steam...)

Unknown said...

...oh my goodness.... warming and intoxicating.... and just what the doctor ordered after a long hard day.... golden Gloriousness hmmmmmm!
