LeToya Nicole Luckett (born in March 11, 1981), is an American R&B singer, songwriter a founding member of Destiny's Child. LeToya's self-titled debut album, was released on July 2006. "She Don't" is her second single from the album The single received moderate success, reaching number seventeen on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop chart, and is currently an airplay gainer worthy of note on Youtube.
Official Website

Can't say I'm an R&B fan, though I did just recently pick up the new Prince album.
She don't? Oh dear... Still, good voice...
She was never a member of Destiny's Child?
hi ross R&b and urban nut here... hadn't heard this, so it came as a suprise to see it on the most played vids despite it's release in 2006....
no Gnome she do!, but she say she dont' issa female thingy...
Funnyman imdb and wikipedia have her tagged as a founder of the original Destiny's Child line up, they could be wrong?
Sorry but not my thing. All R&B sounds the same to me.
Wow Elderly! Never expected you to post something like this here. :D
And LeToya was an original member of Destiny's Child funnyman. Just YouTube "No, no, no", "Get on the bus", "Bills, bills, bills" or "Bug-a-boo" and you'll see her. She never used to sing any lead parts though. I always used to think it was because she couldn't sing, so I was shocked when she launched a solo career to hear that she actually has a nice voice!
I'm not that keen on "She don't" though. It's not her best song.
No issa female thingy? Oh.
"Wow Elderly! Never expected you to post something like this here. :D"
I agree. That is a good point. Just out of curiosity, The Elderly why did you post that on this blog?
well that went down like a lead balloon... oh well you win some you lose some. The reason I posted it? well both sides of the blog have a rolling stock of videos, so it didn't seem out of place, and I was surprised to have seen a single that didn't do very well in 2006 rise to the top of the youtube playlist, so i listened to it again and kinda liked it, thought i'd share it, well it was either that or a lingerie Model photoshoot... and I thought that wouldn't be as popular.....
..erm ....and im on medication
I didn't think the post was out of place Elderly. I just didn't expect the post was all and for it to be on LeToya Luckett at that! And for the record I've noticed your little vids on the sides of your blog. A very nice touch! :P
Also you don't have to justify shit to us. It's your blog. You can do what'cha like! :)
I love this song as well as her debut solo Album, LeToya is not only beautiful with a nice voice, but she's also an entrepreneur.
Besides she's got a nice bum.
Elderly, the new Prince album has several R&B tracks but I am not digging the album very much. I would rate it about 2 stars out of 5.
I'm more of a hip-hop fan. I actually own 18 albums by Too $hort!
J I appreciate that support, I feel chuffed when people take the time to comment and visit the blog, I kinda feel they deserve an explanation if something rankles or seems odd, well apart from the cringe worthy leprechaun posts...
Your own place has been a great source of some magical music moments in my winamp playlist and I think both of us understand our unique hobby/passion enough to know we would never purposely give or take offence.... like a big band of blogging brothers we are... (looks at gnome...) hell we even embrace other species in our camraderie.
Thank you J for your much appreciated encouragement...
Indeed Gnome a particularily nice bum....
HI Ross i knew Prince had an album out, but as a former fan he had lost me completely when he went all symbolic... so i hadn't checked it out... pity it's not up to scratch he had such talent, I'll check out too short.. 18 albums though thats some dedication....
Ross! I love it that your a hip hop fan! Me too and even three!
J are you loving the fact that so many of us dig your place? Its an inspiration to me too!
Gnome! I love you!
...and finally Elderly! You're place is just constantly amazing! The blend of rendered beauty, gaming, film and music hits the spot every time! Your place is blogging perfection in every sense! So you put whatever the feck you like on it!
Elderly... YOU ROCK!
(loves Father back)
(loves te music tits Elderly 's posting)
(a tearful elderly makes a large cup of tea for FK....gives him a big hug a leaves the room to compose himself....)
thank you FK...
...and you Gnome thank you.. (elderly eyes moisten up again....) ...
tits? what tits? whadda mean tits.. I don't post.. where did you see t....
you've been holding out on us elderly.. so a topless video game blog.... great idea....
no it's not a ... Gnome now look what you started....
....no worries mr.elderly i've just affiliated the elderly gamer to top 100 topless blogs..... no need to thank me... Gnome suggested it would be a nice surprise....
Amazing what some tequila and a shoddy keyboard can do.. Topless blogging it is then!
Oh dear. Think I saw a white hair on me chest. Feck.
pleas please desist!!! if this gets out i'll be ruined ..ruined... ruined i tell you... the shame would be too much to tole.... (elderly heads off to pack his bags....)
...(whispers to Gnome...) you'd kinda fell sorry for him.... not!!!
But boys, it's my white bit... Innit?
...white bit blogging..
dosen't have the same ring to it... carries connotations.... no we'll stick with topless...
oh great ye two just rabbit on, while my life and my dreams of owning IGN crumbles into dust...
Why's that? Wher's the rabbit? Seamus you got white hair too!!!
have not... (hides grecian 2000 bottle..) why thats a damn lie... me hair is red.. red i tell you .. here look pull it ..
(elderly looks up to the heavesn...)
why me lord? why me?
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