Luckily a brand new website entitled "Wii have a problem" is documenting such horrendous accidents. See the carnage first hand on
Wii have a Problem
And if that doesn't keep chill the very marrow in your bones take a look at,
the top ten Wii complaints from 1up
Still not flabbering a gaster, then perhaps you'll want to check out a graphics comparison between the xbox360 and the much lauded graphical superiority of the Ps3. It will leave you a bit puzzled as to what type of medication Ken Kutaragi was on when he said:
"With the PS3, our intentions have been to create a machine with supercomputer calculation capabilities for home entertainment...You can experience the 4D world."
1up What the Cell is Going on
The elderly gamer, bringing you the latest console news as it happens..... only a month later!!

God critics! Samuel Beckett held them in the lowest of esteem... is yer glass of Wii (geddit?) -it's a bit like wee (phnarr, phnarr!) - half full or half empty???
Anyway Elderly my esteemed colleague, could you nip over to my place and leave your opinion on my latest epistle...I'd be much obliged...(hic!)it's the usual rambling nonsense...
oui i will nip overe.... avec le grand plaisir... et merci beaucoup pour la ...erm.... commente.....
Ooh! Is that a bit of a Beckett/French writing reference there?
God Elderly, my Irish heritage is slightly tenuous... I just use words like 'feck' and 'Jayzus' to score points with yer...
Still the Early family name is pure Irish, and my Nan used to buy 'Ireland's Own' every Christmas... Good (Very Bad) Catholic Boy me...
Feck it! As Welsh as I am I'll always be a Fenian!
Now so drunk I'm rambling... I honestly have no idea what i started off writing!!!
Hic! I fecking love you... etc.
For some reason 1UP has completely stopped working for me. I just can't access the site from this PC at all!
I should check it on the other PC first, before delving into my router :-(
(throws a duvet cover over Fatherkrishna...... leaves a glass of water and two anadin beside the couch....leaves a "i feckin love you too card" next to the glass)
Hiya Tom!....1up has slowed down significantly for me, though i normally access the site with firefox..... it may just be heavy traffic on that particular article...
my hair stands on end (no mean feat) when i hear talk of a router......
I mean the whole site though, on either Firefox or IE.
It hasn't worked in months :-(
my routers set for maximum privacy, but i do have java and cookies problem acessing 1up, now that's a glitch.....
wakes up blearry eyd on Elderly's couch... Coughs violently, waits for room to stop spinning then catches sight of Elderly's note...
Feels warm glow of acceptance and love. Lights fag, begins to feel nauseous then gets up, stumbles towards the bathroom to throw up and soils himself... Oh well, just another day... LOL! happy days!
....ah the morning after you can't beat it....
4d world my arse!!!
I've seen nothing better than the 360 as of yet....
See what happens in about a year..??
thoroughly Agree maestro Deitrix.... bows to the wisdom of Youth.....
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