With Amazon selling out of Wii consoles within 2 minutes of offer, accusations of the media ignoring the Wii launch (not enough violence), to Wii-mote and nun-chuk shortages, and the unlucky gamer who didn't use the handy strap provided and shot his remote through his TV screen, one thing remains constant. Wii games are now amongst us. So if your confused by the hype? can't tell your "Happy Feet" or "Avatar Airbender" from your "Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy" and is Red steel really any good at all? Dpad have compiled the ultimate Wii launch guide, with their pick of the Top Twenty games for your beautiful console.
Top 20 Wii Launch Games from dpad.gotfrag.com

I'm very excited about having a Wii... but cannot fully comment until you've answered my SOS! help me oh Yoda like blogging guru...
i await your response...
hi, i've sent an email since being in and having a look round, the last one concerned removing your last post... please tell me you got it........
words cannot express my gratitude for your time and patience this evening... and wouldn't you know Blogger just rectified the whole scenario whilst I was shaving my noggin... (so I can approximate the look of my avatar)
thankyou for looking after me this evening... Tis an awesome burdon keeping the 'yard open whilst Tom is away and sometimes I wish the gagaman(n) would help me out a bit more. Just a technophobe fan-boy in awe of the legendary blogging status of yourself, Gnome and deitrix...
get away out of that, your a super blogger..... happy to be of some service, or at the very least a person to borrow scalp polish from!!
I honestly wish there was something about the Wii that interested me besides the new Zelda and Madden Wii. It's not Nintendo's fault; the Wii is fairly innovative and it will provide a good choice for people who simply want to "play games" and nothing else, but I guess I've grown comfortable with PC gaming (or I'm becoming a curmudgeon).
Great post as always, EG. I think the Wii will become the new "social function party game", just because it's so immersive.
P.S. I just recieved a ten-letter word verification. Is that normal? lol
...couldn't agree more..... Zelda and red steel will only tide me over a little while... the downloadable retro content has my interest, but even that will only last so long... it hasn't got it's killer app yet...
ten letter word verifications are rare, blogger obviously has a problem with your retinal scan... a ten letter verification code, would have me clicking for the next webpage.... now just show me your retina again... must be a paint fleck.....
Phew! Now I can talk without issues...
The Wii has got me so intrigued... Until I saw my respected colleagues so excited about Gears Of War I didn't even give the 360 a secind thought.
But the Wii's price alone makes it look like a console for 'the people' watch the promotional video including Zelda and Red Steel and its got me drooling...
I can't believe I'm so in favour of Nintendo these days... I'm all about innovation, all about gameplay, all about putting one over on Sony and Microsoft, and (dare I say it... a Nintendo fanboy since my DS ownership)
If the Wii is coming out at £180, the PS3 at £350, on the basis of teasers and gameplay I know which one I'll fork out for...
Any estimates on price drop on either console over the next eighteen months? the Dreamcast ended up making a £6.50 loss on every console in a desparate attempt to promote the console and more importantly sell the hardware so they could sell the soft ware...
Will PS3 360 0r the Wii follow a similar path?
(puts crystal ball on table, pourse fresh cup of tea for FC)...
now let's see..... (slurp!!!!)
Wii is under no threat to it's price point.... so the price should remain the same for the next 18 months, till it suffers a natural fall off in sales.
The two pretentious price points for xbox360 and Ps3, are outside of the comfort zone for most families
Unless theres a change in marketing strategy ps3 and 360 will continue to be sold as "executive" toys. The 360's sitting happy, waiting for Ps3 to make the first move.
Personally i won't be purchasing a ps3 primarily because of the price, i dont' want blu-ray and im not willing to pay for a gizmo i wont be using.
I expect in the run up to Xmas 2007, the Ps3 will have cheaper parts and launch the first punch at 360, or attempt to confuse the consumer offering an unresuable "package deal", microsoft will equal the console price drop and the ps3 will remain the most expensive console....
At this rate I expect to pick up my ps3 in Summer 2008....
now i best put this crysal ball away, i've revealed too much already..... and look your teas gone cold....
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