Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Monster Hunter 2 Walkthrough

Probably as useful as a Jim Reeves record at a deep house party, but for those of you lucky enough (grrrrrrrrrr!) to own an import version, let us give thanks to the "where would i send people if it werent' for them" GameFaQ

elderly tags


Anonymous said...


A sneaky late night post... On an oriental game, featured on a totally incomprehensible official website. Along with a walkthrough...

How devious, oh master of disguise...

Unknown said...

Hee Heee i didn't want to wake you up..... you needed to recouperate after the prison island. What can i say i liked the colours...

Anonymous said...

I see... Thanks for being so thoughfull my friend.. back to sleep it is then...

Unknown said...

sleep well my friend, I will stand guard.........

Anonymous said...

No... no need to just stand there... You'll get bored. Really. And we wouldn't want that, would we, oh dear friend?

No. Better prepare breakfast. I'll need it...

Unknown said...

no worry I'll stand guard..I won't get bored because..... voila! ..... (A tall blonde haired woman enters the room.....)
May i present Sylvia the blogger babe...... despite her obvious assets.. her cv says (takes out Sylvia's CV)

Sylvia can cook a storm up......
Breakfast will never be the same again

gnome said...

Sylvia? What Sylvia? A storm summoning blogging breakfast cookng babe?


Unknown said...

too late you left, and then she left, i guess she couldn't take the monotony of having nothing to do all day....... pity she made a great hot toddy

gnome said...

Aha... right.. I see... but, what's a toddy? Is it a good thing? A naughty one? Something edible?

Unknown said...

a hot whisky in scotland, as opposed to a hot totty which is something else entirely different.

gnome said...

I see...


Unknown said...

hmmmm time for some adrenalin..... (injects gnome with yak adrenalin) how you feeling now?

gnome said...

In a definite smling mood


Unknown said...
