Japan: 27th November to 3rd December
Ps3 sells 187,836 units (opposed to xbox360's lifetime best of 178,070)
but the gutsy little Wii tops a whopping 350,358 in its first two days on sale
story from Spong.net
and on a even happier note, it appears Nintendo have responded to the design fault in the Wii-mote strap, GoNintendo are reporting new shipments of Wii are coming with a much thicker tether. Just in time to save some European TV screens. Or was it really a fault at all?

AAHH!! The Wii... Constant mainstream advertising, plus the fact that the Nintendo DS has somehow got under my Sega alligned skin, made me a Nintendo fan boy, and has made me desparate for this particular console. My next gen boycott might crumble before the New Year. I'm off to bed to say two 'Our Fathers', one 'Hail Mary' and three 'I love you Dreamcasts' before I rest my weary eyes...
have made a current console post on GGOTG
Hope to here from you soon!
(Hangs about nervously awaiting response from blogging hero...)
Oh, and my beloved nymph got me on... A Wii that is. Bloody fantastic, really...
nymph? where? Heading over to GGOTG as we speak (in a time morphing day late sort of a thingy......) and Wii's virutal console retro downloads are coming thick and fast....
Ah... yes... nymph indeed. Havent connected the Wii to the net yet though... By the Way Wii Sports is immensly enjoyable and don't get me started on Zelda...
...you've got wii..... ?
(mouth falls open.... a million questions rise to this tongue..... elderly refrains mindful of overburdening the woodland creature.....)
pray tell how fares it?, about Zelda.. ooops im sorry I haven't even offered you a cup of tea yet...... maybe we could have the tea over in your house, then you can tell me all about it...
(elderly hands gnome his coat, pushes the now helpless creature out the door in front of him.....)
(gnome fumbles wth keys, drops them, retrives them, drops 'em again, finally opens door)
Now... Let me get the tea and we begin.
Oh, yes I do have a Wii. See, you started fiddling with it... And it is feckinf fantasticaly fabulous...
really lovely
(a tear rises in elderlies eyes......) you do love yourself... I always knew it, despite the quite horrendous time you put yourself through with all that study..... I coudln't imagine anyone in the world more deserving of such a beautiful machine... a hearfelt congratulations
erm can we turn it on now?
Sure, sure...
Care for some Zelda? Got some nice porny pics to display on the photo channel too...
Study. Right. People will have to start paying me, sooner or later...
payment.....lets hope its in direct proportion to the work you've put in.....
porny pics on photo channel? okay well if you insist....
(grabs two cans of beer, sends one flying in Gnome direction, orders pizza..........)
okay im ready....
Should we start by studying or porns?
BTW, as mentioned the money I get is plain ridiculous...
Porns... erm well let me see yes porns... we'll leave the study till later....
what your heading off to work...? Now! you've just switched theh wii on .... oh well if you must....
I'll be back later.....
Why.. stay... I wont be long.... Just down break anything... The Wiimotes are highly volatile...
(elderly considers his affinity with electronic equipment.....)
no it's probably best i wait in the hall... but thank you for display such blind trust........
(elderly considers his inability to leave things alone......)
better chain me to the radiator while your at it.....
I'm happy to hear that the Wii could come on to this generation. But with that said, you don't let go of a bat/tennis racket/golf club/baseball bat during a game. Why would you do that with your Wiimote. and if you fear such is the case, why not STRAP THE STRAP ONTO YOUR WRIST.
If lawsuits ensure on any continent over this I'm going to have to re-evaluate my theory on humanities collective intelligence.
apparently it's all too easy to get caught up in the games, the strap even strapped to the unfortunate gamer came lose from it's housing and the Wii-mote displaying remarkably aerondynamic properties set sail for the TV screen.....
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