scoring 58% from 10 reviews on Metacritic.com
Reviews summary
Lair may well be the single most powerful experience that a man can share with his $5,000 home theatre system. (???)
Massive amounts of enemies will make the game a slideshow and will ultimately lead to you breaking something.
Many fans will be disappointed thanks to all of the hype that's built up around the game
Complaints about the control scheme will be warranted
The ultimate example of how gameplay suffers when all the work goes into making everything look pretty. There is nothing fun about it.
Falls well short of anything you should be playing.
Repetitive missions, cheesy voice acting and choppy animation
Official Website Warning!!!! Downloading wallpaper from the official website will allow Sony to "retrieve information about a user's hardware and software"
Hence, I've only got the warning message for eyecandy.

Pah! No wonder it only got a 50something%. I'd have thoguh the PS3 could cope with more than a windows like box with letters...
Yes, I see now.
This game was dreadful, but you already knew that from looking at my blog. LOL. I do not know what the hell transpired with the gameplay.
No Gnome it's not a Ps3 limitation it's a .. OH right! yes.. I see.. you see... good.
well.. glad that's cleared up..
Indeed Funnyman and quite an excellent review, if i may say so...
I'm not first-generation British, but I believe that EULA qualifies as "bollocks".
Come on guys! Is it really that bad??? Talk about great expectations...I'm gonna play it anyway, I'm just too curious.
If throwing up is a hobby, then I would suggest playing Lair. You can't say I didn't warn you spooky.
brackynews my sentiments exactly
I salute your tenacity spooky, but for me i've got a forfeit of games I need to get to grips with, too many games too little time...
love the new blogger pic funnyman..
Thanks. He would make the perfect bodyguard.
now that he would..Funnyman, though he might not be the greatest conversationalist....
Gnome your smiling again.... i owe you money don't I?
I do not know how the hell the creators of the amazing Star Wars Rogue Squadron trilogy could make such a dismal game in Lair.
you haven't played two worlds... believe me they could have done worse... though I take your point, I see Sony sent out a Lair "Reviewers" guide beseeching reviewers to look again at the game... even down to a dvd showing how they should hold a controller... lol
A DVD? Sony has to coerce the Red Faction 5 to mollify the flaws with Lair. A guide will do nothing. Gamers do not have the patience for that.
from what i've read and what you've written on your review, Lair is repairable, so is Two Worlds... but at present i'm too full of ire to give TW a chance.. In the long run a game that bombs can't be of any benefit to devlopers/backers... it just dosen't make sense releasing unfinished builds.....
(takes breath.. calms down..)
That is true about my review, but the gameplay was not the only mistake with Lair. I doubt that I mentioned this in my review; however, Lair has so many frame rate glitches. There are countless pointless cut scenes in Lair that are distracting.
(swallows pride...) I may have been a tad too over critical of Two Worlds.. the initial problems i had were down to a well concealed user option, which when selected resolved initial difficulties...
it as one reviewer said, is comparable to diablo.. rough, unpolished. .but theres a unique rpg in there just waiting to come out... i hope i have the patience to find it.... so I won't be returning it....but it is hardly what i'd expect from a next gen title...
Luckily we have independent reviewers like yourself to paint a true picture and when i do get a Ps3 I will avoid Lair....
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