Bringing together all five TV series in one gaming experience, the PC version was slated for it's clunky controls, luckily the 360 version has undergone a rehaul and in the nick of time to manage a not too shoddy 72% from 7 reviews on Metacritic.com
Reviews Summary
This is a must-own title for anyone who claims to be a Trekkie.
Graphically things are just too bland overall
Interesting achievements to unlock if you stick with it
Wears thin when forced to replay a mission because your objectives weren't very clear.
Some nagging flaws, Legacy isn't a title that will appeal to everyone.
This game excels at staging space battles on an epic scale
Captures the grandeur and feel of epic starship battles
A fantastic action-strategy title
Star Trek Legacy Official Website

Trekkie fans will be proud :D
Yes they might... and certain other types might be expecting an explanation of your good self at other 'staff' do's...
Or should that be an explanation of your absence at certain anniversary shindigs....
Explain! (and I want it in writing..)
This whole scenario is getting stranger by the minute as I've just realised that the Toy Related saturn gane providing my background ambience in the other room has got a penchant for "show tune type background muzak..." Bizzarre!
How rude I can be at times...
The Star trek community must be veritably thrilled with this addition to the franchise...
Whilst games of films or TV shows often disappoint (X Men for example), I would be very tempted to check this out.
However, the only way this can possibly happen is if the crew of the Enterprise nip back in time and persuade the developers to produce a version on the Dreamcast...
How likely do you think this is?
I await your response on this matter oh wise one...
Thanks for the roundup. I was really excited by Legacy, but the general response appears to be middling at best. Hopefully the fact that this one didn't turn out as well as it should won't prevent Bethesda from producing more (and perhaps more daring) ST single-player titles in the future.
Happy Holidays, EG! :)
(on phone to Star Trek crew re time warp.....)
Trekkie fans indeed may be happy Gamer C, but as B&G possum says the game reviews didn't do enough to tempt me to fork out...... I had high hopes for this.....
(....hello... helloo... hangs up)
Sorry FC looks like they've broken up for the holidays, ill get right on it in the New Year.....
And a firm New Year to us all then...
Enjoy your holidays Elderly... Live long and prosper... May all mortals tremble and cower before you... May your porns be healthy...
...Merry xmas too
Cheers everyone! Look out for a huge Enterprise dearest Father...
thank you master Gnome.... heres to a blogginlyfastic new year.... perhaps you'd help me out with the mulled wine surplus... (pushes big basin into the middle of the room.....fishes out dead cat.....hands gnome a beaker....) tuck in .....
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