Hello dere, Seamus the Leprechaun here yadda yadda, as guest blogger and a Leprechaun with a strong sense of artistic integrity, it can be quite difficult, dealing with an old person and still having the freedom to post exactly what I believe today's gamer is looking for.
Thankfully my local pharmacy have been in a position to supply me with enough. . . erm. . . medicine to keep the old eejit quiet for a few hours.
So without further ado may I present the lovely ladies from Stardolls, each celebrity coming with a quite substantial wardrobe to choose from, for your dressing up pleasure.
If anyone finds a link to the lingerie section please let us know in the comment box provided below. Thanks
Ashanti Doll
Nicole Ritchie Doll
Paris Hilton Doll
posted by the Leprechaun

Knock ya'self out Elderly. Dress her, go on! Give her a pair of them New Look heels that you like. *chuckles*
Couldn't find the lingerie bit dear Seamus, but did stumble (100% accidentaly) on some rather similar Japanese games. They were rather entertaining yoy know...
Gnome your a star, unfortunately im in hot water with the elderly at the moment, disappearing for a few days, please save the links for me, thanks for the support guys
(runs out of room.......)
I can't beleive it, what was he thinking, i'll malafooster him when i get my hands on him....
dress up! pah on a gaming blog, he's lost it this time..... J beleive this is one elderly gamer that will deleting that post the minute i find the unblocking code the little green vermin put on it......
Gnome your heart is in the right place (well figuratively speaking...) but really that Leprechaun is pushing the boundaries of guest blogging.
FK I'm sorry if the entry caused any offence,
God the shame of it....
Nay my brother not at all!!!
You can hardly be held responsible for a leprechaun of Seamus's calibre... He didn't know and you didn't know!!!
I love Seamus although I know he's high maintenance at times... (did you know he's been spiking your cocoa???)
Stardolls is not in anyway problematical...
Stupid and naieve youngsters are at times though...
Anyway! the Littl'un has done no wrong so show leniency... perhaps I should detatch professional life and blogger life a bit more...
If I knew how to withdraw my sanctimonious preachings I would...
Elderly... You are great, the site is great, your posts are great, and Seamus is now one of the family.
Don't change a thing!
(hides head under duvet cover, awaiting email reply from FK.......)
You're to kind Elder buddy :D
err. no!
open statement re Leprechaun
..fraid i was a bit harsh on the little green slimeball, if anyones sees him tell him all is forgiven and i've turned on his electric blanket for him.
Seamus would be delighted with your enthusiasm Gamer C, I thank you on his behalf...
now timerunner.. wheres timerunner? timerunner!!!
Gnome I thought i saw timerunner here a second ago..... must have been in a rush..... pity i thought he was going to pet the three ladies... oh well..!!!
Well he did, actually, but in such a blindingly fast way way even I -a bloody ganinja- had trouble noticing...
Off to fetch Seamus!
..what you know where seamus is? bloody brilliant I was getting quite worried about the little broccolli head..
(rushes off to prepare Seamus room.... and fix dinner for him..)
(elderly's fax machine faxes him)
"Seamus back in 5 min"
....wow that is utterly stupendous.... god i really missed the little green string bean........
and look at the effort he made, never knew he could reach the buttons on a fax machine.. he really is intent of resolving this unfortunate set of events...
(a tear wells in the old man's eye...)
(gives Elderly an unedible hanky)
Yes, quite a leprechaun he is...
thanks Gnome ol buddy ol pal
bites into hankie.. chips tooth....)
feck recycled........
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