You've seen the concept art, read the preview and seen the trailer (above), so the q&a with Denby Grace of 2k Games on Gamespot, should round off the meal nicely. The Darkness is based on a comic series from Top Cow and mixes first-person shooting with supernatural powers. Due for xbox360 and Ps3 in Q2 2007.
First Vid upped by essdub
Second gameplay vid upped by tbyte2 (thanks to Deitrix)
The Darkness Official Website
Screenshots from Gamespot

Excellent, excellent. Now, let's have 'em port it to the Wii...
Oh yes please! We like this one... A decent looking comic cross over... nice trailer!
do you think we should email em? like collectively? ask em to consider Wii....
(looks quizzically at FK and Gnome.....)
no, no. Better molotov-bomb them, just to make sure.
? but if we molotov them, they wont' be able to translate the game to Wii.... surely we shouldn't molotov them....
(gnome fills another bottle.....)
gnome? FK? guys surely this is wrong?
Elderly- I have a nice add to this ... I will give you the link under "what did I miss"...
Check out the stuff you can do in this game ... Looks crazy!
Hiks? What's wrong?
Molotov'em to hell. Then they'll ...tshhhh.... do aour biddingsss!
thanks Deitrix.....!
...(places hand on Gnomes shoulder..)
but if we killshhh em, they'll be deadss and not able to do our biddingshhhss. unless of course your contemplating....! ! !
oh no Gnome...... please tell me you don't plan on ...
! ! ! ! ! ! !
The nurse way!
...(runs out of the room screaming and waving his hands in the air......)
(runs back into the room screaming and waving his hands in the air.....)
(runs back out.....)
(runs back in....)
hello i like to speak to my employment trade union representative please..... no it's just this job... well it's not the normal narration..... i want an immediate increase in my pay and conditions.....
(the workers control the means of communication, apparently)
..working to rule the narrator
refuses to be drawn into direct conversation with the stories characters... meanwhile the hyperventillating old man is surrounded by a team of paramedics who are attempting to place an oxygen mask over his face....
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