So your wondering what the old guys wittering on about now. Well this thread from xboxscene's online forum
"put your face in Oblivion"Your ahead of me already aren't you, okay so I downloaded the
facegen modeller didn't I? (check your computer specs before downloading). Nifty piece of software there is no doubt as you can see from my amateurish first effort, an essential piece of kit for the budding 3d modellers and professional modellers alike.
So whose face would I like to see in Oblivion, oh say just of the top of my head we'll pick Angelina Jolie. So scanned in two photos (a profile and the shot above) and volia facegen behaved admirably after about 10 minutes I had the result above. Now what?
So I fervently copied the slider positions (from facegen to Oblivion character sliders) remarkably nearly all the settings were similar. Tried the slider on both imperial and nord characters, and the result? A human face no doubt, attractive in a 3 dimensional sense, better than I had managed previously myself. But alas no Angelina.
Oh well I tried, maybe I should have exaggerated the slider positions, maybe I should have upgraded my PC to run Oblivion, maybe just maybe the kind folk at Bethesda will allow us to upload some character headpacks on our 360 such as
Ravenheart above from floydian1
elderly tags xbox360 oblivion characters headpacks facegen plugins angelina jolie