The Battle of Bull Run prides itself on minute details and accurate representation of battles. The weapons should represent the true rates of fire, range, and even how often they would successfully fire. The Bull Run battlefield is modeled from historical maps and different terrain affects the stats and bonuses given to each attacking party.
Players take on the role of a commander that has specific traits changing the way they approach the battlefield. The Civil War plays out with thousands of troops, generals, infantry, cavalry, artillery, and supply wagons. Someone might want to think of a catchier title.
Screenshots from Xboxyde
The History Channel can be quite the Cretins Channel at times. Oh, and enough with America's civil war... Wish there had been one in England too really..
indeed the history channel at times appears to be designed for alzheimers suffers, but i'm so sick of ultra realistice contemporary warfare, this affords a welcome change...... we had a civil war in Ireland which is close to England if that helps any?
Muzzle loading in video games gotta' suck...
darn there's always a catch...... so i guess theres no historical bfg unless we count the Gatlin...... which might not have been invented by then....
The Gatling gun the first firearm to combine reliability, high firing rate and ease of loading into a single device. It was designed by the American inventor Richard J. Gatling, in 1861 and patented on May 9, 1862. In modern usage it typically refers to guns with a similar rotating barrel design.
........ oh! it's you again.....
Thought we'd lost him. Thought Richard just left off with the google/blogger thug guy...
me too!!!!...... seems it was only a temporary abatement,
mind you i have stopped bathing...... maybe they're attracted to smell......
I'd have a bath then... It's hygienc too...
okay that should work, hopefully richie baby will never darken our comment box again.... (washes hands....dries them on tea towel)
there have been a few civil wars in England
Indeed your right anonymous, and what about the peasant revolt! indeed England has had quite a turbolent past.... mind you Royalists or Cavaliers, and the Parliamentary faction, the Roundheads, would make for some intense gameplay, not alone the graphics, pity no ones taken up on it...
umm... its a first person shooter not a real-time strategy game. there is a HUGE difference...
ginormous even....
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