Monday, July 10, 2006

Alan Wake Preview

Unable to sleep following the mysterious disapearance of his fiance, the principal character, Alan Wake attends a sleep clinic (as you do), near the small town of Bright Falls.

At the clinic, he meets a mysterious woman, who uncannily, is the very image of his missing fiancée. A writer, Wake begins to ply his art again, but (luckily for us) something is horribly, horribly wrong. The town of Bright Falls starts to change to something awful that bears a close resemblance to Wake’s new book.

Wake ends up fighting for his life with a gun and a flashlight in his hands, trying to understand what’s happening. Well you playing as Alan Wake end up fighting for.....

Despite only a trailer on show at E3 2006, the game is down for a January 2007 release in US, no confirmation as yet for Europe.

Official Website
(including the discussion forum )
Wikipedia reference (quite detailed)
4 new screenshots on gaming horizons
Gamepspot E3 2006 trailer impressions
IGN E3 2005 preview
Downloadable trailers

Fansites (yes already)
German fan site

elderly tags


Anonymous said...

At last, a new game from the Max Payne team.. And a horror one at that too...

Great trailer.

Unknown said...

Yeah the gun and the flashlight sorta give it away, makes me want to dig out my sillent hill again...... Europe an afterthought again......did Dreamwfall longest journey (xbox)make it over to Greece, it was cancelled here at the last minute?

Anonymous said...

Great coverage elderly! I cannot wait to play this one. Since I first saw it at E3 2005 I was hooked!

Anonymous said...

Dreamfall PC is easy to find, but the Xbox version.. Hmmm.. I'm not so sure...

But, look, there's free pr0n aplenty!

Unknown said...

Hiya Tacohead, welcome and thanks for your kind words, indeed i've played the trailer a few times now and if the ingame visuals are as good as those, im hooked.

Thanks Gnome, at least i don't feel we lost out here, the xboxy dreamfall is proving a conundrum......still theres always Yuri and his free pron, quite difficult to find without some help.

Anonymous said...

That's Yuri for you... A nice, giving person. Perhaps you should ask him for Dreamfall Xbox (mind you it's not that good a game; more of an interesting / interactive story)

Unknown said...

hiya gnome!

indeed yuri's generosity knows no restraints (judging from the images)and if he stays long enough the next time I will indeed ask him, for some assistance.

Just to check if we'er singing from teh same hymn sheet, theres the PC version "longest journey" and then theres a follow up "dreamfall longest journey", the first was popular, the second it appears drew more acclaim....confused yet?

Anonymous said...

No, not really... I've actually played both. The first Longest Journey was definitely longer and better as an adventure. Dreamfall (TLJ 2) has a briliant story, better visuals but sorely lacks length and gameplay...

Here's to Yuriy (raises cup)

Unknown said...

darn, i thought TLJ2 was an relatively undiscoverd classic.....(gets eraser and must play book)

(fills gnomes cup, with tequila happiness, cup overflows......)

dont' worry sponge carpet........

Anonymous said...

The abundance of drinks in your place exceeds legenadry status dear Mr. Elderly...

I tink TLJ is quite easy to find at zero cost... I got mine with a magazine...

Unknown said...

bloody hell free?....... i must check this out.....

my virtual larder is always full this time of year. Pours gnome another virtual tequila, pure stuff with none of the side effects of the real stuff....which is indeed just as well....

Anonymous said...

Well not 100% as well, but I guess it's something. Did have quite a few non-virtual tequillas yesterday. It had been quite some time. Seems as if people only drink beer and wine during summer.

As for TLJ... I did have to pay for the mag though.

Unknown said...

you are indeed once again quite astute, in your ascertion that virtual tequila dosen't come close to the real thing...... and in addition also spot on in your observation of humakind during the summer months....

TLJ? ah but the game was freeeeeeee , though one would question would the mag have been the same price without the game....... enigmas....

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...the mag would have definitely not been worth it... Still... There are other ways...

Which reminds me, I have to translate one of the reviews of my favorite (and long defunct -praise the Lord for that! Oh, Khorne we praise you) greek video gaming mag. It was indeed atrocius. Unbelievably so... Hilarious.

Unknown said...

other ways....... similar to borrowing tesco crisps?

Now a translation of a greek video gaming mag i will indeed look forward to.... reasons to be cheerful..... you busy busy creature...

Anonymous said...

Similar but more justified I'd say...
As for the translation... I 'll try to be as fast as my short gnome's legs allowe me to...

Unknown said...

indeed if i catch your undercurrent, games should be released, instead of being shamefully held hostage and cellotaped to magazine covers....release the games I say

(elderly mentally overlooks the incongrous translation methods of a certain Gnome)

all things are possible

Unknown said...

(elderly catches the ! before it becomes a ?)

no its just that using your admitedly robust but short legs to translate greek is unusual..... as in

(bows bebore repeating the words of the gnome:)

"I 'll try to be as fast as my short gnome's legs allowe me to..."

(bows after the quotation)

Anonymous said...

I see.

Or, at least, I think so...

I'll just smile it up:


Unknown said...

(elderly gathers up the threads of the lost conversation)

no problem i'll just put these away for safe keeping.....


Anonymous said...

you do that...


Unknown said...

no i insist (gathering the scattered threads from the carpet) i'll smile it up your always smiling it up, i can't have you smiling it up again, your smiler upper champ, give me some chance to catch up....please i implore you....


Anonymous said...

very well then



Unknown said...

no you've got to close both eyes.....

no peeking.....


hey! no peeking.......


Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

hey!!!!! no fair your using the ganinja stare.....thats......thats not fair...

(types a special invisible ink smiley)


Anonymous said...


An invissible smley!

(runs away; galantly of course)

Anonymous said...

Think I saw something...


(swiftly wears ninja gogles)


Unknown said...

damn......i shoulda known the invisible paint was way too cheap....

(cleans smiley down with some paint remover, stares in amazement at gnomes goggles)

they've even got anti-glare filters


Anonymous said...

Shit.Can't see shit.

(removes goggles)

(searches for 4 AA batteries)

A. Better.

That's a :)
isn't it?

Unknown said...

(elderly re-enters the room with some nice hot tea)

who were you talking to.....?

Anonymous said...

Errmm... no one?

(sips some tea)

Unknown said...

why are your goggles humming like that?

(eats a chocolate bourbon....)


Anonymous said...

They are not!

(whistle, whistle)

Unknown said...

they are! there humming

(walks over to gnome, listens....)

yep definitely humming, like hum hum hum
what you can't hear them?

Anonymous said...

Not really... And -anyway- as long as theyr are not ticking all is quite fine...

If you hear a ttcking noise, just throw them out of the window.

(we're not in a basement, are we?)

Unknown said...

no, remember i went to throw you out the window?

would there be a problem with clicking and phantom humming if we were in a basement?

Anonymous said...



Unknown said... that is a turn up for the books.... I had promised myself an upgraded pc when this came arrived.. guess i'll stick with my 360... windows vista give me the heebee jeebees....