The game is set on a dark, mysterious planet in the near future. Players take on the role of Joseph Turok, a former Black Ops commando, now part of an elite Special Forces squad on a mission to take down a war criminal on a genetically-altered planet. The game is being developed by propaganda games, who have recently being taken over by buenavistagames, (who have yet to include a 360 category on their website).
Billed as a 2006 release by IGN, me doubts it.....
Turok character profile and the story so far on answers.com
E3 preview from gamespot
screenshots IGN
I've still got the first Turok installed on my PC. Amazing!
it was quite an okayish game.
Just unnstalled it...
Oh, dear.
Turok was a good game but Turok 2 is what got me hooked to the series. After playing (And eventually selling) Turok 3, I was dissappointed on how things were going and Turok Evolution just killed my interested all together.
However, I do hope this one returns my attention to the series.
i also hope it will be steered back on course, Turok 2 was quite enjoyable and the concept (elderly switches to the vernacular) rocks.....!!
and thanks to gnome i now have a new slogan.
"Wipe your hardrive,
visit the elderly"
It would definitely a step towards the right direction... Very pop!
thank you it has a trepidation to it....in line with "download your very own virus"
Another market waiting to be exploited, there... Now, should I buy Panathinaikos or simply fund Barcelona. Perhaps buy AS Roma and have my very own Toti and Tomassi...
Another brilliant idea......do you know I've spent my entire life without any hint of entrepreuneship and since you arrived its been one sure fire money making scheme after another.....
I think funding Barcelona is a capital idea......
Simply because Barcelona isn't a capitalist team (or at least not THAT much)... Oh, and money making schemes are quite a favorite of mine... The fact that I barely make 1000e/6 months is all the proof one will ever need on said schemes quality...
(ponders on the teachings of Gnome, as elderly attempts to grab the pebble from Gnomes hand) so to be succesful, one would pick a scheme guranteed not to reap rewards in cash, but in quality of life......
(gnome hides tube of superglue)
Exactement, as the french would probably say, even though definitely not spell it like this.
Avoid money. Grasp life, and then sell it back, since money can't buy you love but can rent quite a bit. Or was that happiness?
(picks up guitar and sings Garth Brooks' Standing outside the fire.......)
"live is not lived it just barely survived if your standing outside the fire"
(sings along, then unsceatheas double ultra 80s electric guitar)
"Take me down to the Paradise City, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty"
(the two guitarists, stand backlit from......amm backlit thingies, their fingers dance across the strings, releasing a perfectly measured mashup)
is anyone recording this?
Ony those damn bootleg producing kids.
Still, quite a show!
(elderly whispers off mike) bootleggers! we'll be all over the net by the morning...Country rock.......ROCKS
(elderly breaks into the "devil went down to georgia",.....gnome jumps onto the Woofer.......the floodlight follows Gnome as he dextrous finger belt out the riff for "Ganinja rock")
And they want more.. Another encore!
exhausted already
(this woofer isn't very stable now, is it?)
bloody roadies!
(stares over at the all female roadie crew hovering underneath Gnome, who is balancing precariously on the edge of the edge of the subwoofer)
which part of secure the woofer did ye not understand?
(a tiny blonde roadie shouts back)
"we put Gnomes dog in his trailer"
Gnome!.........get down off that...its not safe........
Oh dear... things aren't loking up.
Silly roadie-bimbo-zombies from hell!!
You will be crushed
(unsceathes Katana and readis 57 shurikens)
(the crowd chant)
Ga nin Ja
Ga nin Ja
Ga nin Ja
Thank you, thank you...
Ga nin ja
Ga nin ja
Ga nin ja
they want more Gnome.....(checks the set list) theres nothing we have left that will keep them appeased....unless of course you try.....
no forget i said, i know how difficult a maneouvre that is....look we'll just do a reprise of ganinja rock......
But, but, we love our audience, don't we?
But gnome that maneouvre has only been attempted once in the modern era....and we all know what happened that poor guy....
gnome think of the risk.....if not yourself think of your poor mother.....she's already lost her favourite lamp.....
i can't let you do it even if our love for our audience does exceed health and safety concerns..
Ga nin ja
Ga nin Ja
Ga nin Ja
They can consider the rest of the night as an encore. Cheap bastard kids...
phew! you had me worried...... thank heavens you found sense, besides they can download all this at home.
(the elderly deplores the loss to the music industry from illegally shared mp3...)
(switches off winamp.....)
And as we say here, in gnomeland:
"WARNING! Multinationals kill music"
George michael being a case in point..
(tunes into radio gnomeland)
Isn't it better here?
George Michael Jacskon Ntalaras
deciphers Da Gnome Code.
its a frequency, made up of binary numbers and what looks like the legs of a very pissed off spider......
am i close......
Nope... It's just a failed ultra-smiley attempt...
Dissappointing, I know.
a tad.......
(bursts into tears)
a failed smiley....sniff....how distressing can it get......sniffle...
sniff too
all those years at smiler academy....sniff
wasted (snuffle)
doomed for life as a t-shirt logo...sniff
blubber!!! its probably the most depressing news i've had in years.
pauvre pauvre smiley....
at least t didn't hurt...
...the puvre thing...
how would we know? I mean thats even worse thinking of the pain endured by a failed smiley.......
full of potential and then having it's hopes dashed by the inability of (pointing at gnome) its designer to fully realise the concept.
it's tragic actually......
maybe you could try it again, that might cheer it up, it'd certainly cheer me up......
Tragicaly, I cannot attempt it again.
Another failure would crush me.
indeed forgive me I wasn't thinking straight...... indeed i didn't sleep well last night i was so upset, and as for food.... my appetites completely gone.
Oh dear...
but as posted elsewhere, smiley never had a chance....... the formating was rigged, which measn im sleeping and eating properly again. Gee who'd have thought commenting and failed smiley could affect me so strongly....
anyway hows about a nice cup of tea?
Just perfect!
I dunno Turok 1 was awesome for the time,2 was near perfect 3 had a lot of bugs and needed a lot and needed some polish ,EVO needed a TON of polish I could barely play it because of no analog swap (note to devs put in simple stick swapping and button mapping and you wont have to make 3 crappy cookie cutter layouts or extra preconfig layouts ever again).
Turok "360" has the making of in name only crap, the whole space marines on dino planet theme,the realistic themed weapons (yes I saw the preview vid I was not impressed) now the knife play was nice it was almost impressive,same for the arrow luring of raptors ,they have a chance to merge this with the Turok Legends from the other media (comis games and such,note:Turok is the name given to the warrior who fights to save the lost land)in the end its 50/50 to be a good game.
I really wish this and the Darkness would come to the PC I dislike the 360 on many grounds and refuse to get one till they get the heating issues that have caused the 30% fail rates dealt with.Hell I'd rather put 300 in my computer than get a flawed console....and yes that includes the PS3 :P
The 360 has some serioue reliability issues from day one, and how that situation has been allowed to continue suggest there are fundamental desin issues with the 360. for luck i've had no difficulty with my own, but some people are on they're 5th and 6th reissue.. incredible.
being old the idea of space marines on an alien planet appeals to me, but then i drink hot cocoa before bed time too...
thanks anonymous your comment is much appreciated...
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