Well apparently the Jury is still out as to whether your mobile phone radio frequency can or might damage your health. Yet not knowing whether mobile phones will eventually kill us or cause generational mutations in our brain structure, dosent' prohibit hundreds of mobile phone companies hawking their wares. While terribly irresponsible of these companies to take such a risk with our brain cells, their is some hope for us.
The sensible people over on Cnet.com have produced a list of the top 10 mobile phones with the highest RF readings. Because your brain's kinda important, see if your phone is listed
Cell Phone Radiation Levels from Cnet.com
See! boredom dosen't always give rise to the devils work.
Thankfully I'm still using a half-working handsfree-thingy, so I don't need to decipher those weird tables.
Quite a life-saving post I guess..
well i've done my bit for humanity, never let it be said, I warned them good and proper. Don't have a mobile phone myself, did, lasted 6 months, drowned it in a WC one day... it happens.... never looked back.
well some of the not looking back is due to arthritis....
I'm probable the only person in the world without a mobile.... well in my house then....
I salute your refusal to carry this devil of a tracking device with you... It can come in handy (especially in a crisis) but a mobile phone usually acts like a chain to an iron ball.
That's why most places I vacation at don't have dcent mobile networks.
now thats a clever move..... and a holiday brochure idea, can't remember the last emergency i was in..... Just hit my Why didn't they have no mobile phones in Lost the TV show?
Fair point.
Guess we'll find out after another 50 episodes.. (Couldn't bother watching beyond the first 10 or so)
no they hooked me, afraid to miss an episode, just in case something happens in it... theres been one or two that absoulutely nothing new happened.......
Has the fecking Polar Bear or the huge Monster that was heard in the first episodes been explained?
nope.... nor the black fog... nor.... Still as wise as when i started..
but there better be good reasons...
There are... Cash milking... cant believe these haven't been explain. really. too far...
last i saw them they were on their knees having been captured by the "others" .... whowever they are...
And don't get me started on the (rather touchy) Others issue... really. Lost should have had a 10 hour plot; tops.
Indeed it was only to run for two seasons, but it was so popular they went with three.... cash grabbing, story delaying.... people
Or are they?
oh god no...... maybe i'm not really watching the series at all, and in real life i'm just a microbe.. ....(pinches himself) i think... therefore...
no i got that wrong (pinches himself again) I feel therefore.... no
(pinches himself) i am in real pain therefore i'm...
looks to Gnome for help!!
"I think therefore I am, thus I'm scratching my back"
Follow this wise way of thinking and you too will see your existence stand up and dance in front of you...
i'm writing it down...... wow who'd a thought an halucinogenic chant.....
Yes... one, indeed. Only to be chanted when in the sky... with Lucy...
darn theres always a catch..... well shouldn't take me too long to get up there..... (checks medication....)
The medication should do it...
that and the giant elastic catapult...
of course
I am really amazing to know this i can suggest this site for you to know more abot
Cell Phone Radiation and the Increase in Brain Cancer
people appear to have an almost pathological emotional attachment to their cell phones and
there is a fascinating suggestion that cell radiation pulses might actually be addictive to
the human brain
for more information visit this site
couldn't have said it better myself.... thank you hesh
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